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Cathedral Primary School. Summer 1 2013. Year 1. Science Forces-pushes and pulls In science this term we will learning about forces with a focus on pushing and pulling.
Cathedral Primary School Summer 1 2013 Year 1 Science Forces-pushes and pulls In science this term we will learning about forces with a focus on pushing and pulling. This is a very fun and exciting hands on unit where children will be able to investigate different objects around the school and how an objects require specific forces to move them. We will then be looking at natural forces around the world in particular wind. . Numeracy In Numeracy sessions we will continue to investigate numbers. We will look for patterns in numbers by counting in 2s, 5s etc. and develop our understanding of place value. We will undertake a variety of activities using addition and subtraction. We will investigate 2d and 3d shapes, develop our understanding of measurement and apply our knowledge of mathematics when solving problems. Don’t forget you can access Mathletics at home too. PE Games – Athletics Gym – Rocking and rolling Dance – Handa’s Surprise As we begin summer term remember children will need to wear summer PE uniform, all details can be found on the school website and please make sure your child’s uniform is clearly labelled. Class 1 P.E. times are on Monday and Thursdays afternoons during Summer term. RE Joseph and Noah Stories In R.E. we will be learning about the Joseph and Noah stories. We will start with Joseph and his Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat and be focusing on the themes of family and forgiveness. We will also be learning a song from the musical, so watch out for our assembly. With Noah we will be looking at how God looked after what was good on earth. Literacy In Literacy Class 1 will continue to develop their speaking and listening skills by expressing and explaining their views about a story or information texts. We will continue to have 20 minutes of focused phonics teaching daily. The HFW words will again be assessed during the term so don’t forget to practise reading and writing the words at home. In writing we will continue to build your child’s confidence in sentence and story writing focusing on the use of full stops, capital letters and question marks. PHSE Relationships We will be discussing different types of family relationships, eg Parents, Children, Grandparents and the extended family. We will also be discussing friendships at school and outside and how they can change over time. Art/DT Sea In Art we will be using a variety of materials to create a sea display for our classroom and our own sea mobiles. We will be focusing on using different techniques to create many effects that represent life underwater. Using lots of materials will allow the children to discover and investigate lots of effects and ways that we can create artworks. History Seaside Holidays In history will be learning about how holidays have changed over time. This will be delivered by looking at seaside holidays from the past and now. It would be great if you had some photos from seaside holidays of the past and even maybe you parents photos. Please do not send in originals photos but if you have copies or scanned images it would be great to show the class. ICT We are TV chefs- Filming a recipe This term in ICT we will be creating our very own cooking segments for our class blog. Children will be learning about all the different roles and responsibilities that go in to creating a short TV segment. Children will have the opportunity using different ICT devices to film their cooking segment and then evaluate their own performance.