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B4L1 The Yanshuei Beehive Rockets Festival -- voc

B4L1 The Yanshuei Beehive Rockets Festival -- voc. Vocabulary, Idioms and Phrases. I. Words for Production. 1. mention vt. 提到, 談到. ◆ John mentioned that he had a new job, but he didn’t say much else about it. John 提到他有份新的工作,但他沒有說太多 其他 關於新工作的事。.

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B4L1 The Yanshuei Beehive Rockets Festival -- voc

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  1. B4L1 The Yanshuei Beehive Rockets Festival -- voc

  2. Vocabulary, Idioms and Phrases I. Words for Production 1. mentionvt.提到, 談到 ◆ John mentioned that he had a new job, but he didn’t say much else about it. John提到他有份新的工作,但他沒有說太多其他關於新工作的事。 2. essentialadj.必要的, 不可或缺的(= necessary; important) ◆ Water, air, and sunlight are essential (for living things) here (on Earth). 水、空氣和陽光對在地球上的生物來說是不可或缺的。 3. thickadj. 厚的 ( thin) ◆ It is quite cold outside. You will need to put on a thick coat if you want to stay warm. 外面蠻冷的。如果你想保暖的話,你必須穿件厚外套。

  3. 4. fascinate vt.使迷住, 吸引(= attract) fascinatingadj.有極大吸引力的 (=attractive) ◆ Paris is a fascinating citywith lots of museums and beautiful parks. 巴黎是個極富吸引力的城市,它有許多博物館和美麗的公園。 ◆ The magic show fascinated all the children (in the theater); their eyes were wide openas they watched the performance. 這場魔術表演吸引了劇院裡所有的小孩;當他們在看表演時, 眼睛都睜得大大的。 5. origin n. [C]由來, 起源 originaladj.原先的, 最初的 ◆ If you want to understand the origin of this festival, then you have to study how and where it first started. 如果你想了解這個節慶的起源,你必須研究它如何開始且從何而 來。

  4. ◆ The original price of this computer was NT$35,000, but now it is (at half price). 這臺電腦的原價是新臺幣三萬五千元,但它現在只要半價。 6. strike vt. 突然侵襲; 撞擊 (strike-struck-struck/stricken) ◆ A terrible earthquake struck Taichung (at midnight) and killed many people while they were sleeping. 可怕的地震在午夜突然侵襲臺中,造成許多人在睡夢中死亡。 ◆ Mr. Wang’s car was struckbya falling rockas he drove (in the mountains). 當王先生在山區開車時,他的車被一顆落石擊中。 7. fireworkn. [C] (usu. pl.)煙火 ◆ People (in Taiwan) enjoy watching fireworks every year (on Double Tenth Day). 在臺灣的人們都喜歡在每年雙十節觀看煙火。

  5. 8. despairvi. / n. [U] 絕望 despairingadj. 感到絕望的 (= hopeless) despairedadj. 令人感到絕望的 We tried to comfortthe despairing people who had lost their loved ones (in the storm). ◆ 我們試著安慰那些在暴風雨中喪失摯愛絶望的人。 ◆ “Don’t despair!” my teacher told me after I had failed the test. “There is always hope.” 我的老師在我考試不及格後跟我說:「不要絕望!永遠都有 希望的。」 ◆ Mr. Brown has been living (in despair) after he lost his son (in a big fire). Brown先生在一場大火中喪失愛子後就活在絕望中。 in (the depths of) despair(極度)絕望地

  6. 9. gratituden. [U] 感激 ◆ The Lins invited Joe to dinner to show their gratitude for his kind help. 林家人邀請Joe吃晚餐以表達對他好心幫忙的感激。 10. particularlyadv. (= especially) 特別, 尤其 particular adj.特別的; 特定的 n. [U][C] 細節,詳情 ◆ You look particularly beautiful in that pink dress. 妳穿那件粉紅色的洋裝看起來特別美麗。 ◆ Please pay particular attention tobasic rules of grammar because there were many mistakes (in your report). 請特別注意基本的文法規則,因為你的報告裡有很多錯誤。 in particular = particularly 尤其,特別

  7. ◆ Each group has to choose one particular topic(for discussion) (during the next class). 每個小組都必須選一個特定的主題在下節課討論。 11. woodenadj. 木製的 woodn. [U] 木頭 woods n. [C] (the ~) 樹林,森林 ◆ Wooden furniture feels more comfortable than plastic one. 木製家具感覺比塑膠家具舒適。 ◆ They put some more pieces of wood (on the fire), and the room soon became warmer. 他們將幾塊木頭放入火堆裡,而房間很快就變得更溫暖了。

  8. 12. constructvt.建造 constructionn. [C] 建造物, 建築物; [U] 建造 constructive adj. 建設性的;積極的 ◆ A bridge will be constructed(across the river) in order to link the two villages. 一座(橫跨這條河)的橋樑將建來連接這兩個村莊。 be constructed of / out of / from sth 以…建造 ◆ This ancient castle is a construction made of wood and stone. 這座古堡是由木頭和石頭所建的建築物。 ◆ The new road is closed to traffic since it is still under construction. 這條新道路交通封閉因為它還在施工中。

  9. 13. containvt.放有, 含有 container n. [C] 容器 ◆ The box contains cookies; it also has some chocolate inside, too. 這盒子裡放有餅乾;也有一些巧克力在裡面。 14. duskn. [U] 黃昏 ◆ Drivers are required to use their headlights(from dusk to dawn). 駕駛們被要求從黃昏到清晨的這段時間裡要開車子的大燈。 at dusk 在黃昏時分 at dawn 在黎明時分,清晨 15. dawnn. [U] 黎明 ; vi. 天開始亮;漸露端倪 ◆ People arrived (at the top of the mountain) (at dawn), waiting for the sunrise. 人們在黎明時分到達山頂等待日出。

  10. 16. explodevi. 爆炸 explosionn. [C] 爆炸 ◆ When the man opened the package, it exploded. 當那男人打開包裹時,它就爆炸了。 ◆ Last night, a loud gas explosionblew the factory to pieces. 昨晚,一場響亮的瓦斯爆炸將那工廠炸成了碎片。 17. resident n. [C] 居民 residential adj. 住宅的 residence n. [U] 居住;[C] 住所 ◆ Most of the residents (on Lanyu Island)make a living (by fishing). 大多數在蘭嶼上的居民以捕魚為生。

  11. 18. terrifyvt.使害怕 terrifyingadj. (= scary;frightening) 令人害怕的 terrified adj. 感到害怕的 ◆ The girl’s shriek terrified a little boy passing by, so he began to cry. 那女孩的尖叫聲讓路過的小男孩很害怕,因此他便哭了起來。 ◆ The ghost on TV was so terrifying that the children began to cry loudly. 在電視上的鬼是如此地令人害怕,以致於孩子們開始大哭了 起來。

  12. 19. guarantee vt. (= promise) 保證 ◆ Sam met with his teacher and guaranteed that he would never be late for school again. Sam與老師面談並且保證他上學再也不會遲到了。 20. incredible adj. (= wonderful) 絕妙的 ◆ The performance was so incredible that all the people stood up and clapped their hands. 這表演如此的棒以致於所有人都起立鼓掌。 II. Words for Recognition 1. beehiven. [C] 蜂窩 2. rocket n. [C] 火箭式煙火 3. helmetn. [C] 安全帽

  13. 4. gogglesn. pl. 護目鏡 5. plaguen. [C] 瘟疫 6. giganticadj. 巨大的 7. bombard vt.轟炸 III. Idioms and Phrases 1. drive out驅除, 驅趕 ◆ The farmer keeps some cats(in his barn) to drive out the mice. 農夫養了幾隻貓在(穀倉裡)驅除老鼠。 2. set off (= let off) 施放 (煙火等) ◆ In the old days, people used to set off fireworks to drive away evil spirits. 古時候,人們一向以施放煙火來驅逐邪靈。

  14. 3. scare off (= scare away) 嚇跑 ◆ The bad service (in the restaurant) scared off most of its customers. (這餐廳)糟糕的服務嚇跑了它大部分的顧客。 4. up to達到…的程度 ◆ You can drive up to ninety kilometers an hour (on this road). 在這條路上你開車可以開到時速九十公里。 5. at once (= right away, right off, immediately )立刻, 馬上 ◆ This is a very important matter. The boss wants to see you at once. 這件事很重要。老闆要立刻見你。 6. hear from 收到…的信或消息 hear of 聽說…,得知… ◆ I haven’t heard from Uncle Bill for a long time. Do you know how he is doing? 我好久沒有聽到Bill叔叔的消息了。你知道他的近況嗎?

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