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Financial Aid Money Matters. Part 1. Costs of Attendance. Approximate Costs 2011-2012. Tuition $ 5,682 Fees (Health & Dental next slide) $ 824 Residence costs (double room/meal plan) $ 8,137 Books/equipment and supplies $ 1,500
Part 1 Costs of Attendance
Approximate Costs 2011-2012 • Tuition $ 5,682 • Fees (Health & Dental next slide) $ 824 • Residence costs (double room/meal plan) $ 8,137 • Books/equipment and supplies $ 1,500 • Local travel $ 800 • Return travel $ 1,500 • Miscellaneous (entertainment, etc.) $ 1,200 • Parking Fee $ 81 TOTAL $19,724
Health & Dental Plan at UNB ADMINISTERED BY If you have alternate medical coverage and do not wish to remain on the UNB student plan, you can opt-out by visiting the following website: http://www.unbsu.ca/ You can choose to opt-out of the dental plan without showing proof of coverage, however this must also be indicated online. A verbal indication that the student wishes to opt-out is not sufficient and will not result in a credit to your University account. (COSTS: Health $137 + Dental $112 = $249) OPT-OUT DEADLINE: September 23, 2011
Tuition and Fees~ Minimum Payment Due by September 8th~ All Programs $3,392.50 Exceptions to Minimum Payment: Law $4,888.50 Engineering $3,892.50
Part II Student Funding (Government Loans & Other)
GOVERNMENT STUDENT LOAN FUNDINGHOW TO APPLY • STEP 1 (go to) • www.canlearn.ca • STEP 2 (click on province of residence) • http://www.canlearn.ca/eng/main/help/contact/cao.shtml • STEP 3 (APPLY!—one application covers both federal/provincial resources—have income tax returns)
Canada Student Grants for Students with Permanent Disabilities • $2,000 per year for students who have been assessed as having a permanent disability by their province. • Up to $8,000 per school year to cover exceptional education-related costs such as tutors, note-takers, sign interpreters, braillers or technical aids. A separate application is required for this grant. REVIEW PROGRAM: http://www.canlearn.ca/eng/main/publications/info/csg.shtl
Government of New Brunswick Timely Completion Benefit Eligibility Requirements • Graduate from a publically funded post-secondary institution. • Graduate from the program of study within the established timelines for the program. • Total federal and provincial student loan borrowings in excess of $26,000. • Apply for one-time benefit within seven months of graduation. REVIEW PROGRAM: https://www.studentaid.gnb.ca/pdf/atcb-e.pdf
Government of New Brunswick Tuition Rebate Under the New Brunswick Tuition Rebate, anyone, from anywhere in the world, who on or after January 1, 2005, pays tuition, graduates from an eligible post-secondary institution, lives and works in New Brunswick and pays New Brunswick personal income tax, will be eligible for a non-taxable rebate of 50% of their tuition costs with a maximum lifetime rebate of $20,000. REVIEW PROGRAM: http://www.gnb.ca/0162/tax/nbtr/Application-e.pdf
Government of Nova Scotia Graduate Tax Credit The Nova Scotia Graduate Tax Credit is available to anyone living and working in Nova Scotia who graduated from an eligible post-secondary program on or after January 1, 2006. This credit could reduce your Nova Scotia income taxes by $1,000 in 2006 and 2007 and by $2,000 in 2008 and later years. REVIEW PROGRAM: http://www.gov.ns.ca/snsmr/access/individuals/graduate-tax/default.asp
FEDERAL Government Repayment Assistance Plan The Repayment Assistance Plan (RAP) is available to borrowers who are having difficulty paying back their student loan debt. The Plan makes it easier for student loan borrowers to manage their debt by paying back what they can reasonably afford. REVIEW PROGRAM: http://www.canlearn.ca/eng/after/repaymentassistance/rpp.shtml
National Student Loan Service Centre National Student Loan Service Centre (NSLSC) Public Service Division TEL:1-888-815-4514 WEB SITE: https://nslsc.canlearn.ca/eng/default.aspx
Part III Finding Money and Resources!
UNBF Great Computer Give-Away Program • UNB’s Financial Aid Office, Student Union and IT Department participate in a “computer draw program” annually. In the fall of 2011, reconditioned computers will be provided to this needs-based program by UNB’s IT Department. • Eligibility is restricted to full-time UNBFundergraduate students with demonstrated financial need. Students must also be in good academic standing (GPA of 2.0 and over from the most recent assessment year or 1st year entry to UNB) to be eligible for program consideration.
UNB Work-Study Program • Work-Study is a subsidized employment program designed to assist financially needy students with the high costs associated with post-secondary study. • Students work up to a maximum of 10 hours per week at a standard wage of $10.71 per hour. • Please contact UNB’s Financial Aid Office (453-4796) starting end of August, 2011 to set up an appointment for a “Needs Assessment” and review program eligibility.
UNB Special Bursary Program Students may be eligible for up to $1,000 in bursary assistance if they meet the following criteria: 1. Undergraduate Canadian citizen (or domestic student) 2. Registered at UNBF on a full-time basis 3. Have a demonstrated financial need Please contact Financial Aid 453-4796 for further information. Application deadline: November 15, 2011 Applications will be posted to www.unb.ca/fredericton/studentservices/financial-aid/index.html
Book Advance Program Personal Advances/Book Advance Program Advances (re-payable) are available to full-time students awaiting forthcoming funds. In order to be eligible for this program, students must present proof ( i.e. copy government loan assessment) to the Financial Aid Office verifying dollar amounts. Please call Financial Aid Office to schedule an appointment.
Study Abroad Bursary Program • Bursaries, valued up to$ 1,500, may be available to full-time students completing an international student abroad program as part of their degree requirement at the University of New Brunswick (Fredericton Campus). The award will be contingent on the students’ registration and completion of the student abroad program.
AWARDS Encourage your child to review financial options and resources by applying for scholarships/bursaries through UNB’s Undergraduate Awards Office and UNB’s Financial Aid Office. Scholarships (merit-based) • Merit-based Scholarships look at academic standing or grade point average (g.p.a.). Merit-based bursaries also consider financial need. • WEB SITE: http://www.unb.ca/scholarships/ Bursaries (need-based) • Need-based awards consider financial need first and, in some programs, an academic standing of 2.0 and over. • WEB SITE: www.unb.ca/fredericton/studentservices/financial-aid/index.html
EXTERNAL AWARDS Check out on-line search tools for awards across Canada at the following web sites (this is not an all inclusive list): • http://www.canlearn.ca/eng/postsec/money/grants/gindex.shtml • http://www.scholarshipscanada.com/ • http://www.studentawards.com/ Don’t forget to check out the valuable Job Search and Career Information located on UNBF’s Student Employment Services web site: • http://www.unb.ca/employment/student/index.html
Financial Consent Parents, guardians, spouses & other 3rd parties require consent from the student for whom they wish to access account information to make tuition and fee payments. How to access the eServices screen: 1) Log on to your student eServices 2) Select ‘Financial’ tab located at the top of the screen 3) Select ‘Financial Consent’ on the left hand side of the screen.
FINANCIAL AID OFFICE CONTACTS: Shelley Clayton or Kelly Waugh Director Financial Aid Officer Location: C.C. Jones Student Services Centre, 1st floor , 26 Bailey Drive Tel (506) 453-4796/Fax (506) 453-5020 E-mail: finaid@unb.ca Web site: www.unb.ca/fredericton/studentservices/financial-aid/index.html