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AST3-NIR Camera for KISS Management and Planning

Management and planning details for the AST3-3 telescope's Kunlun Infrared Sky Survey project, including budget status, uncertainties, and resource requirements. Project schedules and risks are also outlined.

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AST3-NIR Camera for KISS Management and Planning

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  1. AST3-NIR camera for the AST3-3 telescope for the Kunlun Infrared Sky Survey (KISS) Management and planning Julia Tims, Jon Lawrence 20 August 2015

  2. Project Available Budget • ARC underfunded by $346k • AAO additional contribution of $350k from Department capital grant • Uni Syd increase contribution by $20k • TAMU contribution NOT contingent on work being conducted at TAMU • Swinburne contribution potentially >$0 (though problematic - for discussion)

  3. Project Budget Status • NB: Budget estimate includes: • Pumping Station for Dome A • Option B Detector $ estimated • Glass optics $ estimated • Mech. BOM included • Descope (to 1k x 1k) is likely required: • USD (and GBP) exchange rate • Enhanced complexity of optics (cold stop) • Removal of Swinburne contribution ($175k) Uncertainties: • Optics procurement (through NIAOT?) • Cost of Selex (1 unit) and mosaic • Detector mount plate

  4. Expenditure to date • No sign off on project plan • Currently no contract • Both issues need resolution asap

  5. Schedule

  6. SUBSYSTEM TASK RESPONSIBLE RESOURCE EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS controller assembly of instrument controller unit electronics technician UNSW electronics lab kit install software and test of instrument controller unit electronics + software engineer UNSW cryostat vacuum and cooler ultrasonic cleaning components mechanical technician NP ultrasonic bath and clean room assembly cryostat and cooler mechanical technician NP clean room, tools wiring of cooling system electronics technician SM clean room, electronics lab kit leak test of cryostat mechanical technician NP clean room, vacuum pump, Helium leak detector cold test of cryostat mechanical technician NP clean room modifications as required mechanical engineer + technician NP + VC mechanical workshop interface cryostat controller to instrument controller electronics + software engineer UNSW + MV cryostat focus mechanisms assembly focus mechanisms mechanical technician NP clean room wiring of focus mechanisms electronics technician SM/RM clean room test of focus mechanisms mechanical technician NP clean room cold test of focus mechanisms (in cryostat) mechanical technician NP clean room, vacuum pump modify as required mechanical technician NP mechanical workshop interface mechanism controller to instrument controller electronics + software engineer UNSW + MV optics lens verification optical engineer RZ TBD installation lens to lens cell optical engineer RZ clean room, lens alignment station installation lens assemblies into barrel optical engineer RZ clean room assembly of lens system optical engineer RZ clean room, point source microscope cold test of lens system optical engineer RZ clean room, vacuum pump detector integrate detector with detector assembly mechanical engineer + detectior engineer VC+ DM clean room integrate filter into detector assembly mechanical engineer + detectior engineer VC+ DM clean room integrated detector asssembly into cryostat mechanical engineer + detectior engineer VC+ DM clean room internal wiring of detector system electronics engineer SM clean room electrical interface to detector controller electronics technician SM/RM clean room software interface to detector controller electronics + software engineer SM/RM cool down cryostat electronics + software engineer VC+ DM clean room, vacuum pump temperature test cryostat mechanical engineer + detector engineer VC+ DM detector test detector engineer DM adjust conductivity of cold strap and retest mechanical engineer + detector engineer VC+ DM clean room, vacuum pump, workshop interface detector controller to instrument controller electronics + software engineer UNSW + MV initial detector read tests electronics + software engineer UNSW + MV controller configuration detector engineer DM system tests optical and alignment tests instrument scientist JZ full detector characterisation instrument scientist JZ dark room controller optimisation detector engineer DM environmental tests mechanical engineer VC environmental chamber telescope telescope set-up telescope engineer NIAOT automated dome install instrument on telescope instrument scientist JZ automated dome interface telescope and instrument electronics/software engineer UNSW automated dome on-sky tests instrument + telescope scientist JZ + NIAOT automated dome

  7. Outside Scope

  8. Risks - programmatic • US export license for Dome A denied  move project to South Pole; • Australian export license for Dome A denied  move project to South Pole; • US export license for South Pole denied  re-evaluate; • Australian export license for South Pole denied  re-evaluate; • US export license for China denied  integration in Australia; • Deployment (South Pole) not approved by US NSF  project delayed. • No funds sourced to fill funding shortfall  de-scope to H1RG or H2RG engineering grade; • Project estimate too low  de-scope to H1RG or H2RG engineering grade; • Partners do not contribute full amount  de-scope to H1RG; • SUT do not obtain funding for laboratory  camera AIT at AAO, SUT instrument scientist to travel to AAO for assembly; • SUT instrument scientist position not filled  camera AIT at AAO using AAO personnel; • SUT instrument scientist does not overlap with detector delivery  SUT to extend position; • Detectors (long lead item) are delayed  project is delayed; • Scope creep  de-scope to H1RG; • Power module not funded  replace AST3-1 and AST3-2 or deploy to South Pole; • Deployment (Dome A) not approved by PRIC  project delayed;

  9. Risks - technical • Vacuum hold time  design, analysis, and testing • Detector damaged during travel  mount design, packaging (vibration isolation) design • Optics misaligned during travel  mount design, packaging (vibration isolation) design • Selex detector performance  comprehensive system tests and detailed specification • Leach controller noise performance  comprehensive system tests and detailed specification • Controller or acquisition unit thermal issues  design of enclosure

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