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Hayley Cornwell, Caitlin Green, Bryn Hastings, Michael Stroup

Hayley Cornwell, Caitlin Green, Bryn Hastings, Michael Stroup. Annual Short Film Competition AnnA. Tell a story. Top 3 on HBO. Themed. Cash prizes. 15 minutes or less. Top 25 on website. Appealing to a new audience. Situation Analysis: GoPro.

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Hayley Cornwell, Caitlin Green, Bryn Hastings, Michael Stroup

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Hayley Cornwell, Caitlin Green, Bryn Hastings, Michael Stroup

  2. Annual Short FilmCompetitionAnnA Tell a story Top 3 on HBO Themed Cash prizes 15 minutes or less Top 25 on website Appealing to a new audience

  3. Situation Analysis: GoPro • Only associated with sports by most consumers • Emerging markets • New services • New technology • New products • Brand recognition • Unique product • Stable financial position • Reasonable cost • 95% of sports imaging market • Larger companies (Kodak, Sony) could develop similar products at lower prices • Crowded imaging market • Other waterproof cameras

  4. Situation Analysis: HBO • Strong brand recognition • Worldwide reach • Wide target audience (18-65) • Already shows high quality short films and documentaries • Expensive • Make HBOGO available to those without cable subscriptions • Make HBOGO available on phone • Local cable channels • Netflix • Illegal streaming • Showtime and other premium cable networks

  5. Evolution of the Audience

  6. BenefitsofCollaboration GoPro HBO • Free content • Variability in content • Free advertising • Potential new customers • Access to large target audience • Audience has disposable income • Access to families • Overlappingtargetaudiences • Families • Filmenthusiasts Mutual Benefits

  7. Questions?

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