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Vocabulary Lesson Four . Assimilate. To absorb one of a group into a large culture. "We want to assimilate you into our group and teach you about our culture"; the friendly girls said. . Cognizant. adj .Aware of or informed about something.
Assimilate To absorb one of a group into a large culture
"We want to assimilate you into our group and teach you about our culture"; the friendly girls said.
Cognizant adj .Aware of or informed about something
Although my English teacher gave hard time, I was cognizant that she was doing that for my own good.
Discursive Adj .Wandering, or shifting, not straight.
When Alex called me after the accident, I couldn't understand a word of what she said due to her discursive speech.
Ennui N .Discontent and listlessness from lack of interests
Ennui is the main motive behind resorting to videogames. Most teenagers try to escape boredom through the virtual world the games create.
Farcical Adj .ridiculous; exaggeratedly comical
The farcical clown my mother got for my birthday was so silly yet made everyone laugh.
fortuitous Adj. Occurring by chance; accidental.
Our arrival at Thailand instead of Malaysia was fortuitous. It wasn't meant to be but it seems that we have boarded the wrong flight.
hyperbole N .An obvious exaggeration
When my friend complained saying that she waited me for ages, I simply laughed at her obvious hyperbole.
Incognito N, Adj One who is in disguise, disguised
When the new teacher said that his name was John Smith, I thought that he must be incognito for that didn't sound like a real name.
mesmerism Hypnotism; hypnotic appeal; intense fascination
The fortune teller soon started exerting a strange mesmerism over all of us. We were hypnotised and I don't know what kind of secrets we actually revealed.
omniscient Knowing every thing; having complete or infinite knowledge
Our Math teacher is very omniscient. There isn't a question that we can ask without him answering it very easily.