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Improving semantic interoperability for various wheat data types through leveraging RDF format, common vocabularies, and existing data practices to facilitate data exchange and automation. Workshop summary and possible interactions with related working groups.
Wheat Data Interoperability • Endorsed in March 2014 • Focus: • Improve/reach semantic interoperability of Wheat data • The WG will focus first on the following data types: Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs), Genomic annotations, Phenotypes, Genetic Maps, Physical Maps, Germplasm, expression data.
Achieving semantic interoperability • « The ability of computers systems to exchange data with unambiguous, shared meaning .» (Wikipedia) • Make everyone speak the same language (common data formats and vocabularies) • Based on the Wheat research community practices • Leverage existing data formats and vocabularies • Translation mecanisms • Leverage existing translations rules • Promote RDF as common information representation format
Why RDF • RDF is self describing • RDF iseasy to mapfromother data representations • RDF captures information, not syntax • Multiple data models and vocabulariescanbeeasilycombined and interrelated • RDF enablessmarter data use and automated data translation Quoted from « Why RDF as a Universal Helathcare Exchange Language » by David Booth, Ph.D., Hawaï Resource Group: http://dbooth.org/2014/why-rdf
The survey: participants Source : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wheat
Possible interactions with other WGs • Biosharingregistriesworking group • Register the Wheat Data Interoperability WG outputs: guidelines, standards • Data types registriesworking group • Register the definitions for each data format used within/by the Wheat research community plus, where useful, references to tools that can operate on them. • Metadata interest group • Specific advices: • what requirementsshouldweconsiderwhenthinking of a minimal metadata set in general? • what standard could we base on to build a specific minimal metadata set (for example to contextualize the provenance of SNPs files)?