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Muslims in Portland CI 514 Jenny Kelley

Muslims in Portland CI 514 Jenny Kelley. Muslim Community Center. In1965, 5 members begin Islamic practice praying at each others homes. In 1968 they move to Shaver Blvd. and call it Nation of Islam Temple #62. In 1975 the honorable Elijah Muhammad dies.

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Muslims in Portland CI 514 Jenny Kelley

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  1. Muslims in Portland CI 514 Jenny Kelley

  2. Muslim Community Center In1965, 5 members begin Islamic practice praying at each others homes In 1968 they move to Shaver Blvd. and call it Nation of Islam Temple #62

  3. In 1975 the honorable Elijah Muhammad dies. His son takes over and slowly converts the group to Sunni Islam. In the 1980’s They move to N. Portland, then NE Alberta then back to MLK Jr. Blvd.

  4. Muslim Community Center The majority are African-American http://mccpdx.org/index.html

  5. Rizwan Mosque 1987 First foundation stone placed of the Ahmadiyya movement in Islam

  6. Rizwan Mosque Alislam.org 80 Members are mostly South Asian and African American

  7. Bosnian Cultural and Education Center Following the breakup of Yugoslavia from 1992-1997 about 50 families came to Portland and formed the center

  8. Masjed as-Sabeer Considered the most “Arab” mosque in Portland due to its leadership and predominant influence Mosque began in the 1970’s by students who came to study at PSU. Consider a guest speaker for your classroom.

  9. Masjed as-Sabr They boast nearly 1000 members from forty different countries They often invite non-muslims to join them in the breaking of the fast during the month of Ramadan Their Imam is the only salaried Imam in Portland and is from Somalia

  10. In 1987 - 1991, 8 to 10 families from South Asia and the Middle East moved to Portland in the high-tech sector Founded in 1994, and finally built in 1999, the Bilal Masjid is considered progressive. Their education center welcomes field trips .

  11. Bilal Masjid

  12. http://americanbrother.blogspot.com/2010/05/oregon-muslim-community-condemns.html blogger concerning Muslims http://pluralism.org/directory/index/?state=OR Harvard university religion project Bosnian/croatian http://www.intime.uni.edu/multiculture/Resources/Interviews/bosnian.htm pointers from a student teacher on differences/culture bosnian http://www.europe-cities.com/en/666/bosnia-herzegovina/history/language/ information on Bosnian culture/languages http://www.ielanguages.com/croatian.html Croatian language site (free language tutorials) Saudi Arabian http://www.kwintessential.co.uk/resources/global-etiquette/saudi-arabia-country-profile.html http://www.everyculture.com/Sa-Th/Saudi-Arabia.html Palestinian http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1259454859593416473# video http://pewforum.org/ On Religion and Public life http://www.oregonlive.com/O/index.ssf/2010/07/post_1.html story about Ahmadi muslims http://www.lclark.edu/offices/international/admitted/reslife/muslim/ Lewis and Clark International students resources of Portland Muslim restaurants, mosques http://www.islamicfinder.org/prayerDetail.php?zipcode=97211&country=usa&lang=Islamic Centers and Muslim Owned Businesses http://www.firstschoolyears.com/geography/world/countries youth site for information about countries

  13. Masjed as-SabrThe Islamic Center of Portland10323 SW 43rd AvenuePortland, OregonPhone: 503-293-6554Website: http://www.assaber.comCenter Profile http://www.flickr.com/photos/pluralismproject/3787644412/in/photostream/ photo of Masjed As-Sabr Ahmadiyya Muslim Community9925 SW 35th AvenuePortland, OregonPhone: 503-246-0813Center Profile Bosnian Cultural and Education Center8021 SE Stark StreetPortland, OregonCenter Profile Bilal Masjid4115 SW 160th AvenueBeaverton, OregonPhone: 503-591-7233Website: http://www.bilalmasjid.comCenter Profile http://religion.blogs.cnn.com/2010/05/25/towards-a-younger-hipper-islam/ http://www.masjid-bilal.org/ great site with audio Quran Islamic Center of Portland6940 SW Hall Blvd.Beaverton, OregonPhone: 503-526-9305Website: http://www.icop.orgCenter Profile Muslim Community Center of Portland3801 NE Martin Luther King Blvd.Portland, OregonPhone: 503-281-7691http://mccpdx.org/ Muslim Community Center

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