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Geology 510 Computer Aided Subsurface Interpretation Fall 2013

Geology 510 Computer Aided Subsurface Interpretation Fall 2013. GeoTeric > Processes & workflows. Dip Azi creates Dip and Azimuth volumes. Run Workflow. Extract structurally oriented discontinuities using default contrast. Initial output using default parameters near tensleep top.

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Geology 510 Computer Aided Subsurface Interpretation Fall 2013

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Geology 510Computer Aided Subsurface InterpretationFall 2013 Tom Wilson, Department of Geology and Geography

  2. GeoTeric > Processes & workflows

  3. Dip Azi creates Dip and Azimuth volumes

  4. Run Workflow

  5. Extract structurally oriented discontinuities using default contrast

  6. Initial output using default parametersnear tensleep top

  7. Increased filter size to 5 and contrast to 2. Quality seemed to detereorate

  8. Try fault detection workflow

  9. Since SODiscontinuity did not look so we will examine SO Semblance as a potential fault attribute

  10. SO Semblance looks a little better …

  11. Input SO Semblance to Fault Enhancesharpen on

  12. Fault enhance outputs with varying sigma values and sharpening

  13. A different view … but …not really enhanced much

  14. Fault detect

  15. Output from fault detect

  16. Output from fault trend workflow

  17. Trace attributes

  18. The frequency range is not limited by Nyquist

  19. Bring color bar for frequency in quite a bit to span the data

  20. Now we look at the Fractures apps

  21. Again – we compute SO Semblance

  22. Output of SO Semblance

  23. Fault enhance

  24. Fault enhanced output is not enhanced …

  25. This is really a repeat of the workflow under Processes > Faults in this case it’s Fault App>Fractures

  26. Structural App > Detailed

  27. Detailed structure

  28. Noise TD Diffusion as input to StructApp>Detailed>DipAzi These are detailed analysis settings 3x3x5

  29. Structural app workflow

  30. Dip Azi from TD Diffusion (Noise App)

  31. Dip Azi Combine

  32. DipAzi Combine (a composite volume portraying dip and azimuth)

  33. This concludes an examination of the basic workflow outputs in GeoTeric Ant tracks excel in this process

  34. How about the Channel App

  35. Calculate texture on the flattened volume

  36. Channel app texture

  37. Channel App Envelope

  38. General workflow testing concluded

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