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Leadership. Forum 3 - 2009. LEADERSHIP FORUM 3 - 2009. MY VOICE SURVEY RESULTS – LEADERSHIP. Question1 - What does the My Voice Survey say about Leadership in SI? Debrief. MY VOICE SURVEY RESULTS – LEADERSHIP.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Leadership Forum 3 - 2009

  2. LEADERSHIP FORUM 3 - 2009

  3. MY VOICE SURVEY RESULTS – LEADERSHIP • Question1 - What does the My Voice Survey say about Leadership in SI? • Debrief

  4. MY VOICE SURVEY RESULTS – LEADERSHIP • Question 2 - What would Leadership in SI look like in March 2011, if the My Voice Survey rating were 80% rather than 40%? • Debrief

  5. MY VOICE SURVEY RESULTS – LEADERSHIP • Question 3 - What strategies would be implemented to take us to 80%? • Debrief

  6. SI Market Shifts Project Update Friday 28 August 2009

  7. Leadership Forum Why a Market Segment Approach? • Our students and customers have diverse needs • Our market is highly competitive • We need a more personalised and customer focused approach

  8. Equity Planning Leadership Forum Market segments V E T 1. Vocational 2. Enterprise 3. Tertiary

  9. Equity Planning Leadership Forum What does the research say? • 50% of the current Australian workforce has a post secondary education qualification • 90% of jobs require them • Profile of new jobs changing – higher and technical skills, green skills • NCVER , 2008

  10. Equity Planning Leadership Forum Bradley (2008) – Review of Australian Higher Education: Final Report “The nation will need more well-qualified people if it is to attract and meet the demands of a rapidly moving global economy.” “To increase the numbers participating we must also look to members of groups currently under-represented within the system.” (Executive Summary, p.xi)

  11. Equity Planning Leadership Forum Julia Gillard, Deputy Prime Minister “What TAFE is all about is jobs – preparing people for jobs, preparing them to get life’s opportunities through access to work and preparing them to get better jobs as people go back to TAFE for retraining and re-skilling.” House of Representatives (4 June 2009)

  12. Leadership Forum Apprenticeship market share for Sydney Institute compared to other TAFE NSW Institutes and private providers Source: DET State Training Services Approvals TAFE NON TAFE 2003 – 300609

  13. Leadership Forum Source: DET State Training Services Approvals TAFE NON TAFE 2003 – 300609

  14. Leadership Forum Traineeship market share for Sydney Institute compared to other TAFE NSW Institutes & private providers Source: DET State Training Services Approvals TAFE NON TAFE 2003 – 300609

  15. Leadership Forum Source: DET State Training Services Approvals TAFE NON TAFE 2003 – 300609

  16. INPUT TO ANNUAL PLAN 2010 • This is what we set out to do in 2009 – what should we be doing in 2010? • Q1 – How do you think it’s working? • Q2 – What are the issues? • Q3 – What do we need to do to increase our performance in each segment? • Debrief

  17. DIRECTOR’S UPDATE Pam Christie, Institute Director / Questions

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