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Abortion program. College Composition II By: Kathy Simmons. What is an abortion?. By definition, “an abortion is generally used to mean an induced termination of pregnancy (termination intentional)”. (MNT, 2009) Abortion is legal and easy. There are two ways to get an abortion.
Abortion program College Composition II By: Kathy Simmons
What is an abortion? • By definition, “an abortion is generally used to mean an induced termination of pregnancy (termination intentional)”. (MNT, 2009) • Abortion is legal and easy. • There are two ways to get an abortion. • Clinical or medical: in other words the pill (mifeprex) at least 9 weeks after conception, which blocks progesterone in the uterus. A couple of days later, they would take another pill called misprostol (cytotec).The pill is about 97% effective. • Surgical: The manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) and dilatation suction curettage (D&C) . The MVA can be used during the first 10 weeks of a pregnancy. The D&C can only be used before four weeks and the end of 13 weeks. The surgical abortion is 100% effective.
Why women get abortions? • Women get abortions because it could interfere with: • School • Work • Other responsibilities • Some women can’t afford a child because they could a single parent. • Only about 12% of them get one because of a physical health problem. • Rape can also play a role in abortions
How do women feel after an abortion? • The main that women feel after an abortion is alone!! • They go through the grieving process: • Guilt - results from violating one's own sense of right and wrong. • Anxiety - headaches, dizziness, pounding heart, abdominal cramps, muscle tightness, difficulty sleeping, etc. • Avoidance behaviors - anything remindful of pregnancy and children. • Depression- sad mood, sudden and uncontrollable crying episodes, deterioration of self-concept, sleep and appetite disturbances, reduced motivation, loss of normal sources of pleasure, thoughts of suicide. • Anxiety over fertility and childbearing issues – being convinced that God will punish by withholding future pregnancies. • Self-abuse/self-destructive behaviors – eating disorders, alcohol and/or substance abuse, cigarette-smoking, abusive relationships, promiscuity, failure to take care of one's self medically.
How do women feel after an abortion? (Cont.) • The Tasks of Healing • When a woman comes to a point in her life where she recognizes the need to finally deal with a past abortion, there are several tasks to be accomplished. • 1) Remembering the Pain • Keeping everything bottled inside is not a good, you must remember so you can move on. • The simplest way to access these old feelings is environment in which the woman can tell about her abortion experience. • 2) Spiritual Issues: Guilt and Forgiveness • Reconnecting with God is something that can help deal with everything. Asking Him for forgiveness will help you from stop denying the pain and anger. • 3) Identifying and Releasing the Anger • Many post-abortive women have a serious resistance to verbalizing their anger. They think, “If I go to that bleak, unlit place inside me, I may get in touch with a rage that will lead to a total loss of control.” And control is everything to a person who is barely hanging on to normal functioning in the wake of unresolved trauma. (Reisser, 2005) • 4) Grieving the Loss • Most women deal with the loss and work through the grief, when they actually think of the baby as someone real, naming them, writing out feelings, and maybe even having a quiet, private memorial service
Youtube video • This video really can show you how a person really thinks about pro-life. • Pro-Life? What is it? • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgDcihrotIA
How can the program help? • This program can give women someone that they can talk to face to face without being judged. • This program has support for those that wants counseling through their grieving and depression. • This program can show women how to get back on their feet.
References PersonhoodUSA June 3, 2011 Pro-life? What is it? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgDcihrotIA Reisser, Teri MA, MFT 2005 Healing after Abortion http://www.heartlink.org/directors/abortion/a000000100.cfm http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/releases/145870.php