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Agenda item 1.12 – Protection of primary services 37–38 GHz. Presenter: Kevin Knights. WRC-12 Agenda Item 1.12.
Agenda item 1.12 – Protection of primary services 37–38 GHz Presenter: Kevin Knights
WRC-12 Agenda Item 1.12 to protect the primary services in the band 37-38 GHz from interference resulting from aeronautical mobile service (AMS) operations, taking into account the results of ITU-R studies, in accordance with Resolution 754 (WRC-07); Current allocations in the band include SRS earth receive stations in support of near-Earth and Deep Space missions, HDFS applications, and is used extensively for a variety of point-to-point links. Several administrations have already deployed thousands of FS links in this band, in particular between cellular mobile base stations. the aviation community wished to investigate the possibility to use the band for applications such as wireless avionic intra-aircraft communications (WAIC) to support data, voice, and video communications between various systems within a single aircraft.
Australian position Australia supported the protection of primary services within the 37–38 GHz band from interference resulting from aeronautical mobile service operations. CPM report to WRC-12 had proposed two methods to satisfy the agenda item: – Method A would exclude the AMS from the MS allocation in the 37-38 GHz band; – Method B would apply, via a footnote to the Table of Frequency Allocations in RR Article 5, a very stringent single pfd limit at the Earth’s surface to emissions from the airborne stations of the MS in the 37-38 GHz band. Australia supported Method A of the CPM Report on the basis that Method B was considered highly impracticable. The APT Common Proposals to WRC-12 on Agenda item 1.12 were consistent with the CPM Method A to satisfy the Agenda item and fully aligned with Australia’s Position.
WRC-12 developments At the 1st meeting of the SWG 5A3 1.12 formed to address this item it was noted that a large majority of input documents (10) supported Method A (exclusion of AMS from the MS allocation) with 2 input documents (from CITEL and the USA) supporting Method B (limit emissions via pfd limits in a footnote). The majority of discussion supported Method A based on the grounds that WAIC systems would be highly impractical at the proposed very low pfd levels required to provide protection to existing services. It was also noted that ITU-R reports (ITU-R SA.2190, ITU-R M.2197 and ITU-R M.2206) had indicated that AMS transmitters would, with high probability, cause harmful interference to earth stations of the SRS and FSS. In addition, the transmissions from high-density fixed service systems would cause interference to the airborne receivers of currently defined AMS systems. The CITEL coordinator agreed to take the matter to the next CITEL meeting. At a number of follow-on meetings (2 SWG meetings and 1 WG5A meeting) CITEL advised that they had not been able to reach a consensus yet and would require more time. At the WG5A meeting on Wed 1st Feb CITEL advised that they had reached a consensus and now had no objection to Method A. The draft text was considered at the next meeting of COM 5 and the text adopted to be sent to plenary for approval.
Summary of WRC-12 outcome Text aligned with CPM Method A was adopted at the plenary session on 10th Feb 2012. The adopted text excludes the AMS from the MS allocation in the 37-38 GHz band. Allocation to services; 37-37.5 FIXED MOBILE except aeronautical mobile SPACE RESEARCH (space-to-Earth) 37.5-38 FIXED FIXED-SATELLITE (space-to-Earth) MOBILE except aeronautical mobile SPACE RESEARCH (space-to-Earth) Earth exploration-satellite (space-to-Earth) Resolution 754 (WRC-07) was suppressed.
Outcome relative to Australian Position The WRC-12 outcome was in complete alignment with both Australia’s position and APT’s Common Proposal to WRC-12.
Conclusion Impact: WRC-12 outcome provides protection from AMS interference for existing and future users of the 37-38 GHz Band including the space research service (SRS), mobile service (MS), fixed service (FS) and fixed satellite service (FSS). Future: New Item (1.17) on the agenda for WRC-15 dealing with frequency allocations for WAIC as follows: - to consider possible spectrum requirements and regulatory actions, including appropriate aeronautical allocations, to support wireless avionics intra-communications (WAIC), in accordance withResolution 423 [COM6/22] (WRC‑12); The 1st session of the Conference Preparatory Meeting for WRC-15 has invited the ITU-R to conduct, in time for WRC‑15, the necessary studies to determine the spectrum requirements needed to support WAIC systems;