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HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH. Torah Foundational Truth. Part 6. Verses used by Christians to Resist YHWH’s Torah…. follow Torah, where truth is simple…. Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;. HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH. Torah Foundational Truth. Introduction
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 6 Verses used by Christians to Resist YHWH’s Torah… follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Introduction Short Introduction as per Previous Teachings We Inform, You Choose (We do not push doctrine, we push truth) follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth • Note to our Beloved Christian Friends • This teaching is not written to: • Disrupt the Church or Belittle Church Leaders. • Cause any form of Chaos or Rebellion, or • To convince Believers to Tithe in this Ministry. follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth • Note to our Beloved Christian Friends • This teaching however is written: • Because I passionately love you and do not want to see you being led astray. • Because I desire that the "Truth" in the Scripture be revealed to you, and • That Y’shua be glorified and YHWH’s Kingdom be expanded. follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth • Short introduction as per previous teachings • The word "Law", also generally known as • Commandments, • Moses, Moses’ writings, Law of Moses, • Ordinances, etc., • is the Hebrew word "Torah". follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Short introduction as per previous teachings The word "Torah" is derived from the Hebrew root-YARAH. follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Short introduction as per previous teachings When the Hebrew concept Torah was translated into the Greek, they could not find one single word to describe the full meaning of the concept of Torah. The word "Law" unfortunately was selected, which is not accurate at all and holds a negative connotation, a strategy from satan himself! follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Short introduction as per previous teachings The word YHWH’s "Teachings" should have been used. With that as background lets now look at another verse used by the masterly deceived Christians to motivate that the Law has been done away with. follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth John 5:46-47 – Y’shua defines here "if you believe Him" "For if you believed Moshe , you would have believed Me, since he wrote in the Torah about Me. But if you do not believe his writings of My Torah, how can you ever believe and trust My words then? If you do not believe in doing the Torah, then I am a liar to you…" Y’shua your Messiah follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Verse used by Anti-Torah Christians follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Verse used by Christians – Rom 6:14-15 "For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace. What then? shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid. follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth • Christians’ Arguments and Reasoning • Sin cannot have dominion over you, because you are not under the Law anymore. • If you were under the Law then sin will have dominion over you, which means the Law is no good. • Christians are now under grace, period. • You cannot loose your salvation because you are under grace and saved (and because you are baptised into covenant as many also believed). follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Questions which makes you really Think: follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth • Questions which makes you really Think: • Rom 6:14 says, "for ye are not under the law, but under grace". • Does it follow that since one is under grace, that there is NO Torah that one need to obey? • If there is NO Law then how do you identify sin, as YHWH’s only definition for sin is as follow:"sin is the transgression of the Law" ? (1 John 3:4). • Well Sha’ulshout the answer out in Rom 6:15,"God forbid"! follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth • The Midrash (homiletic outline) • To Sha’ul it would be unthinkable to live a life without full obedience to the Torah of YHWH. • The aspects of the Believer’s life that Sha’ul addresses in Chapter 6 are inter alia: • grace, • immersion, • sin, and • righteousness. follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Question Does grace nullifythe requirement to obey YHWH’s Torah? follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Question Does grace nullifythe requirement to obey YHWH’s Torah? Certainly not. Sha’ul distinctly says that "I had not known sin, but by the law"(Rom 7:7). Think of your own country, take all the laws away; now how would your country be in a couple of weeks time? You would locked yourself inside your house and your "freedom" would have been taken from you. In other words the Law gives you freedom because it protects you by identifying "sin" (crime). The Law therefore guards you, likewise with YHWH’s! follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Fundamental Principle No 1 The evil of sin would not be known to mankind, had YHWH not revealed His law(s), and instructed man to keep it diligently. "For without the law sin was dead (not known)".(Rom 7:8) There cannot be sin if there is no law. Contravention of a law is subject to punishment by the Lawgiver who is also the ultimate authority and interpreter of such law. follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Fundamental Principle No 2 Grace does not mean that there is no law. Grace means exactly the opposite; namely, that for the contravention of a law one needs a Saviour who will graciously and freely forgive any such unlawful action. Y’shua is such a Saviour who says of Himself that He is "merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth, Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty" (Exod 34:6 & 7 – Y’shua says the Torah speak of Him and He is absolutely correct, please read: John 5:46-47). follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth The "Y’shua approach" to Scripture You need to look at Sha’ul’s letter to the Romans with your Hebrew glasses on, and from a historical literal contexts, to understand what verses 14 and 15 is all about. Doing it from a modern-day western-theological-school’s perspective will only lead you to dogmatic confusion. The Bible is a Jewish Book and you need to approach Scripture from Y’shua the Jew’s perspective, or you will find yourself in the chaotic sea of 41 000 various Christian denominations ( according to Wikipedia in 2013 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Christian_denominations). follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Understand the Midrash of chapter 6 Bottom-line, obeying Torah is YHWH's desire for His people as He doesn’t want them to sin! This was the central meaning that "God’s commandments" conveyed in 1st century Jewish culture, and it is what it firmly also means today! Sha’ul’steaching on Torah therefore is dead on consistent with that of Y’shua, Yochanan (John) and Yacov’s (James), Y’shua’s brother… follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Consistency in the Brit Chadashah (N.T.) Matt 5:17-19—Not one jot or tittle of the Torah is done away with (and anyone teaching otherwise is condemned). John 14:15—To love Y’shua is to obey Torah. Matt 19:17—keep the Torah’s commandments to enter life. 1 John 2:1-7—to say you know God, but violate Torah, means you are a liar. 1 John 3:4—sin is defined as the violation of Torah. follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Consistency in the Brit Chadashah (N.T.) James 1:22-25, 2:12-26 & 1 John 5:2-3, 2 John 4-6—support the concept that the Torah is the measure of judgement and that obeying the Torah is an integral part of faith. 1 John 2:3 and John 14:15—compare these verses regarding having only "faith," with "keeping the Torah in faith" verses. Again we see that Torah is the only dogmatic truth. (For the detailed teaching on this please get the book "The Rape of the Torah in the New Covenant" ) follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Church Leaders must take serious heed! Whether you like it or not my beloved friend, Torah is going to be restored BEFOREY’shua’s Second Coming. Each and every Church Leader will have to make a quality decision to start teaching Torah or Believers will leave the Church to seek the truth somewhere else. Scripture makes it clear that the New Covenant, which is the Torah, will be restored – Acts 3:21: For he (Y’shua) must remain in heaven until the time for the final restoration of all things(His Torah Teachings), as God promisedlong ago through his prophets. Which is Jer 31:31-36. follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Church Leaders must take serious heed! Jer 31:31-36: 31"See, the days are coming," declares YHWH, "when I shall make a new covenant with the house of Yisra’el and with the house of Yehudah, (you should read the Christian Foundational Teachingsseries on the Website to realize you are part of the "House of Israel") 32 not like the covenant I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Mitsrayim, My covenant which they broke(the House of Israel moved away from the Torah), though I was a husband to them," declares YHWH. follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Church Leaders must take serious heed! 33 "For this is the covenant I shall make with the house of Yisra’el after those days, declares YHWH: I shall put My Torah in their inward parts, and write it on their hearts. And I shall be their Elohim, and they shall be My people. 34 And no longer shall they teach, each one his neighbour, and each one his brother, saying, 'Know YHWH,' for they shall all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them," declares YHWH. (1 John 2:1-7—to say you know YHWH, but violate Torah, means you are a liar. To know YHWH is to do His Torah) follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Church Leaders must take serious heed! "For I shall forgive their crookedness, and remember their sin no more." 35 Thus said YHWH, who gives the sun for a light by day, and the laws of the moon and the stars for a light by night, who stirs up the sea, and its waves roar – YHWH of hosts is His Name: 36 "If these laws vanish from before Me (confirms what Y’shua said in Matt 5:17-19 that the Torah can only end, if Heaven and Earth cease to exist)," declares YHWH, "then the seed of Yisra’el shall also cease from being a nation before Me forever." follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Judgement is surely coming… Judgement IS going to and WILL start in the house of YHWH’s children, the prophets prophesied it and that settles it… Amos 3:2, 7: You only have I chosen of all the families of the earth; therefore I will punish you for all your sins… Surely the Lord YHWHwill do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets. The N.T. confirms it, 1 Peter 4:17: For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begins with us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Conclusion follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth John 5:46-47: Y’shua settles all arguments "For if you believed Moshe, you would have believed Me, since he wrote in the Torah about Me. But if you do not believe his writings of My Torah, how can you ever believe and trust My words then? If you do not believe in doing the Torah, then I am a liar to you…" follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth John 5:46-47: Y’shua settles all arguments "Do not argue with the Presenter, come share your dissatisfactions with me, as I made the rules…" Y’shua follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Contact us at admin@hrti.co.za for the rest of the series, it is freely available. In the next part we continue by explaining the verses Believers use to motivate that we do not have to do the Torah anymore follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Please contact the Hebraic Roots Teaching Institute at admin@hrti.co.za for the rest of this Teaching Series if you are not on our database and received this via a friend. We will gladly email it to you at no cost at all. The teachings to follow explain the verses Christians incorrectly use to motivate that they are not under the Law anymore (Prepared by Prof WA Liebenberg – We Inform, You Choose) follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth • We Offer: • Online Distance Learning Studies, from Cert. to PhD in various Hebraic Root Fields from your home in your own time – www.hrti.co.za • Follow us on Facebook for daily pristine teachings – "Hebraic Roots Teaching Institute". • Open your own or attend a Yeshiva Hebraic Roots School – www.hrti.co.za • Get Ordained as a Messianic Minister or Rabbi – www.hrti.co.za • Visit our Bookshop – www.hrti.co.za • Open or join our HRTI Covenant Community Shabbat Congregations – www.hrti.co.za • Join our Torah-study Bootcamps – contact admin@hrti.co.za • And a host of other activities, contact us now without delay at admin@hrti.co.za and we will gladly email you additional information. follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;