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Introduction to sound using processing. Minim A sound library which uses javasound library Provide convenient but flexible way to play, , synthesize and recode sound. Loadfile.
Minim • A sound library which uses javasound library • Provide convenient but flexible way to play, , synthesize and recode sound
Loadfile • The loadFile method of Minim class allows you to specify the file you want to load with a String and optionally specify what you want the buffer size of the returned AudioPlayer to be. • Minim is able to play wav files, au files, aif files, snd files, and mp3 files. • Parameter • Filename • When you call loadFile, if you just specify the filename it will try to load the file from the data folder of your sketch. • However, you can also specify an absolute path (such as "C:\foo\bar\thing.wav") • You can also specify a URL (such as "http://www.mysite.com/mp3/song.mp3") • Buffer size • Size of a buffer which will be used by minim • Default: 1024
AudioPlayer • AudioPlayer • A class which can control audio play • Returened by loadFile • play() • Play the sound • stop() • Stop playing the sound • left, right • Represent sound buffer of left and right speaker • get(int position) • Reurn the sound value at position • Returned value is between -1, 1
import ddf.minim.*; AudioPlayer player; Minim minim; void setup() { size(1024, 200, P2D); minim = new Minim(this); // load a file, give the AudioPlayer buffers that are 1024 samples long // player = minim.loadFile("groove.mp3"); // load a file, give the AudioPlayer buffers that are 2048 samples long player = minim.loadFile("groove.mp3", 1024); // play the file player.play(); } void draw() { background(0); stroke(255); // draw the waveforms // the values returned by left.get() and right.get() will be between -1 and 1, // so we need to scale them up to see the waveform // note that if the file is MONO, left.get() and right.get() will return the same value for(int i = 0; i < player.left.size()-1; i++) { line(i, 50 + player.left.get(i)*50, i+1, 50 + player.left.get(i+1)*50); line(i, 150 + player.right.get(i)*50, i+1, 150 + player.right.get(i+1)*50); } } void stop() { // always close Minim audio classes when you are done with them player.close(); minim.stop(); super.stop(); }