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Search Me, O God. TEXT: Edwin Orr, alt. MUSIC: Traditional Maori melody. Page 118. Search me, O God, and know my heart to-day;. Verse 1 of 3. Try me, O Sav-ior , know my thoughts, I pray. Verse 1 of 3. See if there be some wick- ed way in me;. Verse 1 of 3.
Search Me, O God TEXT: Edwin Orr, alt. MUSIC: Traditional Maori melody Page 118
Search me, O God, and know my heart to-day; • Verse 1 of 3
Try me, O Sav-ior, know my thoughts, I pray. • Verse 1 of 3
See if there be some wick-edway in me; • Verse 1 of 3
Cleanse me from ev-’ry sin, and set me free. • Verse 1 of 3
I praise You, Lord, for cleans-ing me from sin; • Verse 2 of 3
Ful-fill Your Word and make me pure with-in. • Verse 2 of 3
Fill me with zeal, where once I lived in shame; • Verse 2 of 3
Grant my de-sire to mag-ni-fyYour name. • Verse 2 of 3
Lord, take my life, and make it whol-lyThine; • Verse 3 of 3
Fill my whole heart with Your great love di-vine. • Verse 3 of 3
Take all my will, my pas-sions, self and pride; • Verse 3 of 3
Lead me, O Lord; I pray in me a-bide. • Verse 3 of 3
We Give Thanks to Our Redeemer Text: W.G. Hopf Music: Psalmodia Sacra, 1715; Arr. Ann Tannert Page 62
We give thanks to our Re-deem-er;With great joy we praise God's name! • Verse 1 of 4
Praise our Sa-vior, and for-get notAll God's mer-cies to pro-claim. • Verse 1 of 4
God for-gives all our trans-gres-sions;All dis-eas-es gent-ly heals. • Verse 2 of 4
God re-deems us from de-struc-tion,And with all so kind-ly deals. • Verse 2 of 4
Far as east from west is dis-tant,God has put a-way our sin. • Verse 3 of 4
Great-er than the love of par-ents,Has the Lord's com-pas-sion been. • Verse 3 of 4
Praise your Mak-er, all you crea-tures!Sing with joy and praise His name. • Verse 4 of 4
He who is our Lord and Shep-herdWill for-ev-er be the same. • Verse 4 of 4
Now Thank We All Our God TEXT Martin Rinkart, 1636; translated by Catherine Winkworth, 1858 MUSIC: Johann Cruger, 1647; from Felix Mendelssohn’s “Hymn of Praise,” 1840 Page 117
Now thank we all our God with hearts and hands and voic-es, • Verse 1 of 3
Who won-drous things hath done, in whom His Church re-joic-es, • Verse 1 of 3
Who from our moth-ers’ arms hath blessed us on our way • Verse 1 of 3
With count-less gifts of love, and still is ours to-day. • Verse 1 of 3
O may this boun-teous God through all our lives be near us, • Verse 2 of 3
With ev-er joy-ful hearts and bless-ed peace to cheer us, • Verse 2 of 3
And keep us in His grace, and guide us when per-plexed, • Verse 2 of 3
And free us from all ills in this world and the next. • Verse 2 of 3
All praise and thanks to God, the Fa-ther, now be giv-en, • Verse 3 of 3
The Son, the One who reigns with Him in high-estheav-en, • Verse 3 of 3
The one E-ter-nal God, whom earth and heav’n a-dore; • Verse 3 of 3
For thus it was, is now, and shall be ev-er-more. • Verse 3 of 3
My Shepherd Will Supply My Need Text: Isaac Watts, 1719, based on Psalm 23 Music: Joseph Funk, 1832; arr. by David E. Hoover, 2003 Page 16
My Shep-herd will sup-ply my need;E-ter-nal is His Name. • Verse 1 of 3
In pas-tures fresh He makes me feed,Be-side the liv-ing stream. • Verse 1 of 3
He brings my wan-d’ring spir-it back,When I for-sake His ways; • Verse 1 of 3
And leads me, for His mer-cy's sake, In paths of truth and grace. • Verse 1 of 3
When I walk through the shades of death Thy pres-ence is my stay; • Verse 2 of 3
One word of Thy sup-port-ing breath Drives all my fears a-way. • Verse 2 of 3
Thy hand, in sight of all my foes,Doth still my ta-ble spread; • Verse 2 of 3
My cup with bless-ings o-ver-flows, Thine oil a-noints my head. • Verse 2 of 3
The sure pro-vi-sions of my GodAt-tend me all my days; • Verse 3 of 3
O may Thy house be my a-bode, And all my work be praise. • Verse 3 of 3
There would I find a set-tled rest,While oth-ers go and come; • Verse 3 of 3
No more a strang-er, nor a guest, But like a child at home. • Verse 3 of 3