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Status of test builds Status of packages Other stuff. gcc Compliance for L3 update A. Bellavance February 19, 2003.
Status of test builds Status of packages Other stuff gcc Compliance for L3updateA. BellavanceFebruary 19, 2003
Main build machine has had a Red Hat upgrade. Caused new problems to show up as of last week. Fixes for these new “bugs” are needed for affected packages and may have to come from other sources. Packages with this problem will be underlined. test Build Status
Previous Status - ok, code err, ctest err, itest err l3fCalCalibTool l3fCalMEt l3fJetMEt l3fMcTool l3fMuonTools l3fTauTools l3fTestClasses l3fanalyze l3fbtag_ip l3fcalcluster l3fcalib_cal l3fcalib_cft l3fcalib_config l3fcalib_smt l3fcalibmanager l3fcft_vertex l3fcftunpack l3fchunk l3fcoor l3fcps l3fcpsunp l3femtools l3ffpd_si l3fhough_vertex l3filterbase l3filters l3filters_mc l3fjettools l3fmuo_calmatch l3fmuo_caltrack l3fmuo_centralmatch l3fmuo_hitcoinc l3fmuo_local l3fmuo_test l3fmuo_unpack l3foffline_util l3fparser l3fpropagator l3frawdata l3fregistry l3fresults l3fsec_vtx l3fsmtanalyze l3fsmtcluster l3fsmtunptool l3fstatmanager l3fstats_devel l3ftoolbase l3ftrack_base l3ftrack_cft l3ftrack_fpd l3ftrack_global l3ftrack_mc l3ftrack_phys l3ftrack_smt l3ftrack_util l3fvertex l3fvertex_analyze l3fvertex_base l3fxy_vertex l3geometry_management l3monitor_utils l3node l3run_config l3streaming l3tCalUnpTool l3utilities run_config_mgr ScriptRunner trigdb_scripts tsim_l3 versioncollectors versiontables
Current Status - ok, code err, ctest err, itest err, ? l3fCalCalibTool l3fCalMEt l3fJetMEt l3fMcTool l3fMuonTools l3fTauTools l3fTestClasses l3fanalyze l3fbtag_ip l3fcalcluster l3fcalib_cal l3fcalib_cft l3fcalib_config l3fcalib_smt l3fcalibmanager l3fcft_vertex l3fcftunpack l3fchunk l3fcoor l3fcps l3fcpsunp l3femtools l3ffpd_si l3fhough_vertex l3filterbase l3filters l3filters_mc l3fjettools l3fmuo_calmatch l3fmuo_caltrack l3fmuo_centralmatch l3fmuo_hitcoinc l3fmuo_local l3fmuo_test l3fmuo_unpack l3foffline_util l3fparser l3fpropagator l3frawdata l3fregistry l3fresults l3fsec_vtx l3fsmtanalyze l3fsmtcluster l3fsmtunptool l3fstatmanager l3fstats_devel l3ftoolbase l3ftrack_base l3ftrack_cft l3ftrack_fpd l3ftrack_global l3ftrack_mc l3ftrack_phys l3ftrack_smt l3ftrack_util l3fvertex l3fvertex_analyze l3fvertex_base l3fxy_vertex l3geometry_management l3monitor_utils l3node l3run_config l3streaming l3tCalUnpTool l3utilities run_config_mgr ScriptRunner trigdb_scripts tsim_l3 versioncollectors versiontables
Error details l3filters one remaining failure (was ~20) l3fsmtunptool cannot open input file l3ffpd_si ITestL3TFpdSi aborts
Other stuff(TrigSim) corrections to geom. management coming next week hope to split off “analyze” part from “simulation” part to aid debugging