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Promoting Student Success via Multi-Campus FOE Initiative

Promoting Student Success via Multi-Campus FOE Initiative. Vernese Edghill-Walden, PhD Cynthia D. Armster , ABD Rosalind Henderson-Mustafa, MBA February 22, 2013. FoE for CCC. College Involvement in FOE. CCC Reinvention Goals. Increase the number of students earning college

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Promoting Student Success via Multi-Campus FOE Initiative

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Promoting Student Success via Multi-Campus FOE Initiative Vernese Edghill-Walden, PhD Cynthia D. Armster, ABD Rosalind Henderson-Mustafa, MBA February 22, 2013

  2. FoE for CCC

  3. College Involvement in FOE

  4. CCC Reinvention Goals Increase the number of students earning college credentials of economic value. Increase the rate of transfer to bachelor’s degree programs following CCC graduation. Drastically improve outcomes for students requiring remediation. Increase the number and share of adult basic education/GED/English as a Second Language (ESL) students who advance to and succeed in college-level courses.


  6. Unifying CCC for FoE Summit

  7. Unifying CCC for FoE Summit

  8. FOE Summit Results

  9. FoE for CCC

  10. FoE Outcomes-District Initiatives

  11. FOE/FYE Lessons Learned • District Level Support • Early Identification of Existing Projects - District-Wide • Avoid Redundancy/Duplication; Silos Do Not Work • Budget appropriately • Faculty Involvement Imperative • Constant and consistent messaging to Faculty and Staff

  12. FOE/FYE Lessons Learned • Provide Administrative support and Resources • Convene regularly to report out • Momentum, momentum, momentum – avoid gaps in the process • Celebrate milestones collectively • Shared process - Input from all colleges to create district level recommendations

  13. Questions? Thank you!

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