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Engaging Employers The St David’s Hotel & Spa, Cardiff BMAF Annual Conference 2009 28 th – 29 th April Conference 2009. The development of Teaching and Learning strategies for International Students using electronic tools that will enhance their learning experience.
Engaging EmployersThe St David’s Hotel & Spa, Cardiff BMAF Annual Conference 200928th – 29th April Conference 2009 The development of Teaching and Learning strategies for International Students using electronic tools that will enhance their learning experience. Karin Lind Hughes & Nigel F Coates Newcastle Business School
A Project aim: To encourage greater engagement and cooperation by all students from the UK and collaborative venture (CV) partners in the learning process by developing new teaching material and methods using the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), electronic posters, blogs and learning journals. • International students arriving in the UK find the learning environment challenging and often experience a loss of confidence (Carroll and Ryan, 2005) due to the different teaching approaches. Issues apart from the obvious language problem include more student focused learning and the ability to demonstrate greater critical thinking. The students suffer what Warwick (2007;5) describes as a “form of cultural shock”.
Northumbria University International Learning Enhancement Group (NUILE) (2007) identified similar issues in their research • These are being addressed in more depth in this study and are as follows; • greater student engagement with the learning process • internationalize the curriculum • develop critical thinking and independent learning • appreciate different learning styles • learn from other cultures
This project developed a new advanced approach to learning and assessment that deals with the above factors and develops skills needed by students and future employers by using the following tools and methods; • International case studies • Multicultural mixed groups • Group presentations • Electronic Learning Journals; including peer evaluation as part of becoming a reflective practitioner • Electronic Posters • Group/Cohort discussions (Blogs) using the VLE.
MIS Group 1 - Case 3 - Motorola: Xin Ng, Marda Susanto, Ajeng Wiyandari (permalink) -edithistorydeleteCreated on Friday, 11/28/2008 4:05 PM by Marda Susanto Case Study 3 (permalink) MIS Group 1 - Case 3 - Motorola: Xin Ng, Marda Susanto, Ajeng Wiyandari (permalink) -edithistorydeleteCreated on Friday, 11/28/2008 4:05 PM by Marda Susanto
Group E: johnnie udofa, kritkorn S.(BK), Claire Parker, Yunqing Wang (Yolanda) (permalink) -edithistorydeleteCreated on Thursday, 11/27/2008 2:25 PM by Yunqing Wang
Methodology Qualitative research has been undertaken with students; fulltime, postgraduates in Newcastle Business School (NBS) and Management Institute Singapore (MIS) (CV partner) through the individual learning journals. Tutor comments have also been collected from NBS and MIS for this project. Results from the University’s student survey are also noted.
Main Findings • The feedback from students and tutors has been very positive. • Student satisfaction has come mainly from the collaboration with students from other cultures. • This is consistent with other research; Zhao (2003) found that the emphasis on interaction among students and between tutors-students in online teaching is crucial for student satisfaction and have the ability to also develop critical thinking, problem solving and integration among the students. These are positive results that have been raised by students and tutors in this study too.
“Finally, my reflection about this assignment is creatively and interesting. I would like to do it again for the other module, because it improved many skills for postgraduate student and it is a good opportunity to learn and study the subject in the team” “Our time together was a great learning experience. We developed teamwork and communication skills.” “As international students, this group work offers a great chance for us to experience working with those from different culture and languages.” “The module offers great opportunities for everyone, no matter what their cultural or academic background is, to get not only subject knowledge but also get trained in soft skills” “I've made new friends, and I've also learned how to deal with cross-cultural problems. I've actually, and maybe surprisingly, enjoyed this assignment, something which shocked me - assignments aren't meant to be enjoyable. “
Student Questionnaire “Overall, I am satisfied with the quality of this module” Definitely Agree 60% Agree 40% Neither Agree nor Disagree 0% Disagree 0% Definitely Disagree 0%
Student Questionnaire - Comments “This is fun. Academic learning made fun is absolutely motivating and less-stressful than all the other module assignments. It was very realistic and up-to-date. I think this is going to be a very helpful experience”. “ This is a new kind of learning experience. Its beneficial to those who are committed to the programme. However, based on my opinion most students weren’t into serious working and were very dependent to the group…. Thanks, I think everything is fine for this module.”
Discussion of Implications • The use of case studies, electronic posters and learning journals to support international and local students in the learning process. • The value and importance of collaborative learning among students and between university partners through the use of VLE to create a “Global Community of Learners”. • The difference between knowing “that” and knowing “how” as students learn critical thinking and problem solving through a process of social participation (Akeroyd, 2005) to become better equipped as future self-motivated learners and employees.
List of key references/resources: Akeroyd, J. (2005) Information management and e-learning, Aslib Proceedings: New Information Perspectives, Vol. 57, No 2, pp 157-167. Carroll, J. and Ryan, J. (eds) (2005) Teaching International Students – Improving Learning For All, Abington, Routledge. Northumbria University International Learning Enhancement Group (2007) – unpublished report. Warwick, P. (2007) Well Meant But Misguided: A Case Study of an English for Academic Purposes Programme Developed to Support International Learners, International Journal of Management Education 6(2). Zhao, F. (2003) Enhancing the quality of online higher education through measurement, Quality Assurance in Education, Australia, Vol. 11, No 4, pp 214 -221.