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Staccato is a project of the concerto initiative co-funded by the European Commission under the Sixth Framework Programme. International Conference on Energy Efficient Renovation in Residential Building Sector 28-29 June 2010. Analyses and recommendations from CONCERTO refurbishment projects.
Staccato is a project of the concerto initiative co-funded by the European Commission under the Sixth Framework Programme International Conference on Energy Efficient Renovation in Residential Building Sector28-29 June 2010 Analyses and recommendations from CONCERTO refurbishment projects Doris Österreicher Austrian Institute of Technology
Staccato is a project of the concerto initiative co-funded by the European Commission under the Sixth Framework Programme International Conference on Energy Efficient Renovation in Residential Building Sector28-29 June 2010 Index • CONCERTO initiative • Renovation measures in CONCERTO cities • Challenges and solutions • Recommendations • Examples
Polygeneration RenewableEnergy Energy efficiency Staccato is a project of the concerto initiative co-funded by the European Commission under the Sixth Framework Programme INTEGRATIVE APPROACH • Monitoring • Training • Research International Conference on Energy Efficient Renovation in Residential Building Sector28-29 June 2010 CONCERTO initiative (I.)
Staccato is a project of the concerto initiative co-funded by the European Commission under the Sixth Framework Programme International Conference on Energy Efficient Renovation in Residential Building Sector28-29 June 2010 CONCERTO initiative (II.) CONCERTO 58 cities 23 countries
Staccato is a project of the concerto initiative co-funded by the European Commission under the Sixth Framework Programme International Conference on Energy Efficient Renovation in Residential Building Sector28-29 June 2010 Building typedistribution by country
Staccato is a project of the concerto initiative co-funded by the European Commission under the Sixth Framework Programme International Conference on Energy Efficient Renovation in Residential Building Sector28-29 June 2010 Building typedistributionbyoccupancy (I.)
Staccato is a project of the concerto initiative co-funded by the European Commission under the Sixth Framework Programme Building typedistribution by occupancy (II.) Realisation (2009): ~ 190.000 m²GFA renovated (~ 50% of the target) ~ 270.000 m²GFAnew built (~ 20% of the target)
Staccato is a project of the concerto initiative co-funded by the European Commission under the Sixth Framework Programme International Conference on Energy Efficient Renovation in Residential Building Sector28-29 June 2010 Framework for implementation • Urban restoration projects: rehabilitation of the whole area • Miscellaneous developers and architectural typologies • Not only energy-efficient renovation, but also re-planning a new layout for the public space, increase in quality of life for the citizens • The main challenge: integration of all stakeholders • Renovation programmes (municipal housing companies, social/non-commercial housing…) • focus on energy efficiency • other aspects in the background • fewer stakeholders involved • 3 examples of large-scale renovation with vacant possession • Majority of realised renovations have beencarried out in occupied buildings
Staccato is a project of the concerto initiative co-funded by the European Commission under the Sixth Framework Programme Renovation measures • Thermal insulation of outer walls • Thermal insulation of the roof / of the upper storey's ceiling • Thermal insulation of cellar • Change of windows • Thermal bridge handling • Airtightness enhancement • Ventilation system with heat recovery • Heating system replacement (boiler change, solar collectors, DH) • Reduction of distribution losses • Photovoltaic modules • Building automation for further energy savings • Information systems for users • Other measures to increase acceptance of measures Most common measures
Staccato is a project of the concerto initiative co-funded by the European Commission under the Sixth Framework Programme U-values of outer walls CentralEuropean Countries Northern European Countries Passive house standard
Staccato is a project of the concerto initiative co-funded by the European Commission under the Sixth Framework Programme Energy efficiencyand renewable energy
Staccato is a project of the concerto initiative co-funded by the European Commission under the Sixth Framework Programme Financial aspects • Collectionofcostdatais a difficulttask: • The datastructurediffers in everycountryorevenconstructionsite • Genralhesitationtopresentdetailedcost • Exampleofresidentialbuildingrenovation in Hanover in 2006(1 yr. measurement: heating + DHW with HGT-correction):~ 40% ofheatingdemandafter renovationisusedforDHW Residential buildingsHanover yr.1954, ~ 1500 m² ~ 210 €/m² ~ 75 €/m² Data: project act2, monitoring e4-consult
Staccato is a project of the concerto initiative co-funded by the European Commission under the Sixth Framework Programme Technical aspects • Only few examples of comprehensive renovation measures leading to high energy performance standards: • “exceptional” comprehensive renovation measures implemented with vacant possession (high costs, limited replicability) • highest effort made in Central European cities: CONCERTO funding is combined with local and national funding (in Hanover 22% of the total costs are covered) • first experience in Southern European cities: only partial renovation measures are implemented (due to low funding rate) • gaps between measures planned and actually implemented: • partial renovations implemented in many cases (in particular for one-family houses) • ventilation systems: no supply and exhaust ventilation system with heat recovery; mostly exhaust ventilation units, sometimes in combination with exhaust air heat pumps
Staccato is a project of the concerto initiative co-funded by the European Commission under the Sixth Framework Programme Challenges & solutions (I.)
Staccato is a project of the concerto initiative co-funded by the European Commission under the Sixth Framework Programme Challenges & solutions (II.)
Staccato is a project of the concerto initiative co-funded by the European Commission under the Sixth Framework Programme Recommendations (I.) Large-scalerenovation High-qualityrenovation QUALITY? QUANTITY? • High levelofenergy-performance • Example Delft: Quality assuranceforrenovationworks was contractuallyarrangedbetweendeveloperandconstructioncompanies (based on infraredthermographyandblow-doortest) • Developerplays a decisiverole in qualityassuranceofperformedworks • High numberofrenovatedbuildings • Example Amsterdam Nieuw West: temporaryhousingassociation (Far West) coordinatedtherenovationofseveralbuildingsownedby different housingassociationsandarelocatedwithinonequarter
Staccato is a project of the concerto initiative co-funded by the European Commission under the Sixth Framework Programme Recommendations (II.) • High primary energy saving reached by combining thermal insulation and change to renewable energy technologies (biomas boiler) or district heating • First monitoring data confirm high share of heating energy demand for hot water preparation: ~ 40% total heating energy demand • Renovation without ventilation: cost reduction, however risk of bad air quality / mildewing in case of inadequate thermal bridge handling • Quality assurance should be contractually arranged (construction company). e.g. air quality testing in model flat
Staccato is a project of the concerto initiative co-funded by the European Commission under the Sixth Framework Programme Recommendations (III.) • -Planningandimplementationprocess: Involvementof relevant stakeholders; accompanyingmeasures (indenpendentqualitycontrol, detailedcostinformation, pros & contras) • -Institutionalcontext: Involvementoflocalstakeholders (municipalities); politicalsupportoftheprojectfromthebeginning on (large-scalerenovation) • - Compositionofstakeholders(public/private); wideconsensus in caseof large-scalerenovationprojects indispensable • Choice ofaccompanyingmeasures: socioeconomicmeasures; involvementoftenantsbyinformationcampagins; „soft measures“ • Implementationofinitialdemonstraionproject (e.g. usingspecificfunding) as a driver
Staccato is a project of the concerto initiative co-funded by the European Commission under the Sixth Framework Programme Examples (I.) • Delft/Netherlands • POPTAHOF • Socialhousing • Renovation of multi-storeyresidentialbuildings • New externalinsulation • Change of windows • Districtheatingconnection • Socioeconomicaspects: newplaygrounds, kitchengarden, tenantstakepart in decision-making • Vacantpossession
Staccato is a project of the concerto initiative co-funded by the European Commission under the Sixth Framework Programme Examples (II.) • Hanover/Germany • Change of gas boilerwithdistrictheatingconnection • Thermal insulationofouterwalls • Analyse andhandlingof thermal bridges • Nomechanicalventilationeventhoughhightightnessofthebuildingshell; thereforeregularairqualitytesting in theflats
Staccato is a project of the concerto initiative co-funded by the European Commission under the Sixth Framework Programme International Conference on Energy Efficient Renovation in Residential Building Sector28-29 June 2010 Thank you for your attention ! Doris Österreicher doris.oesterreicher@ait.ac.at