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DISCIPLE MAKING Jerry D. Porter. Northwest Nazarene University Nampa, Idaho – October 15, 2010. Disciple Making. Our Highest Goal: To Be Like Jesus. Disciple Making. To Make Christlike Disciples in the Nations. Disciple Making. Always teaching and Always being taught!.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. DISCIPLE MAKINGJerry D. Porter Northwest Nazarene University Nampa, Idaho – October 15, 2010

  2. Disciple Making Our Highest Goal: To Be Like Jesus

  3. Disciple Making To MakeChristlike Disciples in the Nations

  4. Disciple Making Always teaching and Always being taught!

  5. To Make Christlike Disciples In the Nations Take 1 minute to define:What is aChristlike Disciple?

  6. To Make Christlike Disciples In the Nations Take 1 minute to describewhat needs to change in our life to make Christlike disciples in the nations?

  7. Disciple Making “Christianity without discipleship is Christianity without Christ.”Dietrich Bonhoeffer

  8. Disciple Making • Wesley’s System of Interlocking Groups: • “Society” – corporate • “Class” - open group • “Band” - closed group

  9. Disciple Making Wesley told his lay preachers: “Preach in as many places as you can. Start as many classes as you can. Do not preach without starting new classes!”

  10. Disciple Making “My brother Wesley acted wisely – the souls that were awakened under his ministry he joined in classes. This I neglected and my people are a rope of sand.” George Whitfield

  11. Disciple Making Programs do not make disciples. Disciples make disciples!

  12. Disciple Making Jesus said: “I will build my church. . . You make disciples.” Instead, we are all trying to build the church and few of us are making disciples!

  13. Disciple Making • Intentional discipleship • Begin with our family and children • Invest more time in fewer persons • Rich personal relationships

  14. Cali, Colombia House of Prayer Church of the Nazarene

  15. OCT 2009: 30,000 persons present 2,500 persons embraced faith in Christ

  16. Disciple Making Who is discipling you? Who are you discipling?

  17. Disciple Making • 1. Pray for guidance • 2. Ask a fruitful Christlike friend to disciple you • 3. Ask fruitful & faithful Christians to join your discipleship group • 4. Clarify expectations in time and discipling others

  18. Disciple Making • 5.Select the disciple making meeting frequency & agenda: Bible, book, group topics, etc. • 6. How will we pray for each other and hold each other accountable as Christlike disciples making disciples who make disciples?

  19. Paul’s disciples include Achaicus, Ampliatus, Andronicus, Apelles, Apollos, Aquila, Archippus, Aristarchus, Aristobulus, Artemas, Asyncritus, Crescens, Demas, Epaphras, Epenetus, Erastus, Eubulus, Filemon, Fortunatus, Gaius, Hermas, Hermes, Herodion, Jesus (called Justus), Junias, Linus, Luke, Mnason, Barnabas’ cousin Mark, Narcissus, Nereus, Olympas, Onesimus, Onesiphorus, Patrobas, Philemon, Philologus, Phlegon, Pudens, Rufus, Secundus, Silas, Sopater, Stachys, Stephanas, Timothy, Titus, Trophimus, Tychicus, Urbanus, Zenas, and women, including Apphia, Claudia, Julia, Mary, Nympha, Persis, Phoebe, Priscilla, Tryphena, and Tryphosa.

  20. Disciple Making 1.Jesus 2. Jesus discipled Peter. 3. Peter discipled Barnabas. 4. Barnabas discipled Paul. 5. Paul discipled Timothy. 6. Timothy discipled ”reliable persons” 7. Reliable persons qualified to teach others.” (2 Tim 2:2 NIV)

  21. Disciple Making Jesus prayed all night and then began to gather his 12 disciples. He invested 3 years in these disciples who in turn would disciple others. If each disciple gathered 12 in a 3 year period, they would multiply from… 1 to 13 to 150 to 1,800 to 20,000 to A quarter of a million to 3 million in a 21-year period.

  22. Disciple Making • MULTIPLICATION: • During 30 days, would you prefer $10,000/day or ONE PENNEY per day, doubling daily the number of pennies? • $300,000 or $10,000,000? • Fold a piece of paper 50 times

  23. Disciple Making • MULTIPLICATION: • During 30 days, would you prefer $10,000/day or ONE PENNEY per day, doubling daily the number of pennies? • $300,000 or $10,000,000? • Fold a piece of paper 50 times • Stack of paper to the moon & beyond!

  24. Disciple Making Always teaching and Always being taught!

  25. Disciple Making To MakeChristlike Disciples in the Nations

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