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Bayesian Photometric Redshifts (BPZ). Narciso Ben ítez 1,2 (2000) Narciso Ben ítez 1,2 et al. (2004) Dan Coe 1,2,3 et al. (2006). Johns Hopkins University 1 Instituto de Astrof ísica de Andalucía 2 JPL/Caltech 3. Science Team. Photo-z Methods.
Bayesian Photometric Redshifts (BPZ) Narciso Benítez1,2 (2000) Narciso Benítez1,2 et al. (2004) Dan Coe1,2,3 et al. (2006) Johns Hopkins University1 Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía2 JPL/Caltech3 Science Team
Photo-z Methods • Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) Template Fitting • Empirical Training Set (Neural Networks)
BPZ v1.99b Bruzual & Charlot ‘03 Benítez ‘00, ‘04 Kinney ‘96 Coe ‘06 Coleman, Wu, Weedman ‘80 Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) templates Normally interpolate 2 between adjacent templates http://adcam.pha.jhu.edu/~txitxo/ recalibrated with real photometry
SED template fit Flux Wavelength
Bayesian use of priors without prior prior: I = 26 Probability with prior with prior Output: Redshift Benítez00
Poorness of Fit Poorest fits yield most accurate redshifts! Benítez00 Redshift Inaccuracy (photo-z vs. spec-z)
2mod = 0.03 2 = 0.11 2mod = 0.19 2 = 4.27 Flux Wavelength
PHAT GOODS BPZ results (training set) Important to plot error bars and goodness-of-fit
PHAT GOODS BPZ results (training set) Single-peaked P(z) [ODDS 0.95] no error bars plotted
Most GOODS objects have good photometry ACS ground IRAC
…but some are bad ACS ground IRAC
…some are ugly ACS ground IRAC
Robust photo-z’s require Robust photometry One of the best methods(even if Peter doesn’t like it ;)
PSF-corrected aperture-matched photometry What is the best method?
PHOTEST • Photometry Testing • PSF Degradation vs. Model Fitting • Magnitude Uncertainties • Zeropoint Calibration • Object Detection & Deblending • … • Sounds like a job for a new group • Let’s meet in Greece 2009
Objects w/ spec-z NICMOS flux recalibration
Comprehensive Segmentation Map Forced into SExtractor
Wish List(Goals for PHAT?) • Improve SED library • more galaxy types • broader wavelength coverage • SED uncertainties • derived from population synthesis models?? • Improve Priors • using UDF, surveys
Optimal Filter Choicefor a given amount of observing timeBenítez et al. (2008) A&A submitted • 4 - 5 filters is sub-optimal ! • addition of near-IR helps somewhat • > 8 filters performs much better
Filters tested contiguous overlapping = const
Photo-z completeness Best is > 8 overlapping filters Depth to which 80% of objects have ODDS ≥ 0.99
Photo-z accuracy for ODDS ≥ 0.99 objects Best is many non-overlapping (contiguous) filters
ALHAMBRA Survey (Moles08)20 medium-band (310Å wide) filters3500 - 9700Å, supplemented by JHKs lab including CCD, atmosphere, mirror reflectivity
ALHAMBRA Survey1.5’ x 1.5’14-filter color imageto cover4+ sq deg
8,000 - 10,000 sq deg • z < 0.9 - 1.0 • 4 - 5 years • 6 sq deg camera • new 2-3m telescope to be built in Aragon, Spain
PAU Survey: z/(1+z) < 0.0015 for z < 0.4, L > L*, I < 23 LRGs