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Khelvigyan A Project Developed by Children Toy Foundation. UNO’s article 31 : “The Child shall have full opportunity for play and recreation,which should be directed to the same purposes as education; Society and public authorities shall endeavour to promote the enjoyment of this right”.
KhelvigyanA Project Developed by Children Toy Foundation UNO’s article 31 : “The Child shall have full opportunity for play and recreation,which should be directed to the same purposes as education; Society and public authorities shall endeavour to promote the enjoyment of this right”
Toy Library – Khelvigyan background The Foundation has been instrumental in helping and guiding to set up 240 toy libraries in 11States and 2 Union territories of the country as shown below where 240 x 100 = 24000 children benefit by way of play. M.P. A.P. Gujarat Maharashtra West Bengal Andaman Nicobar Karnataka. Pondicherry Kerala Rajasthan Orissa Bihar Delhi Khel Vigyan is an extension of the Toy Library Project conceived from the need to cater to more number of children and in a more effective manner. Now 1500 children benefit 4 times a month at just one place.
Objectives Project Objectives: a.To impart all round learning to underprivileged children through alternate development tools such as Educational Toys, Games and Play activities. b.To establish a model play learning center that acts as a complement to formal primary education and that, which is effective, economical & replicable in nature. c. Specific development objectives include: 1. Motor and cognitive skills development 2. Behavioral and Social Skills development 3. Enhancement of Cerebral/Mental Faculties 4. Emotional, Confidence and Dignity/ Self-Esteem development d. To Create an effective Avenue for Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Professionals to impart their skills. e. To provide an environment that fosters love and care that often eludes children hailing from impoverished backgrounds.
Methodology • Target group – Underprivileged children 2 to 12 years • 2 to 5 years to acquire knowledge and 5 to 12 years to • to put the acquired knowledge to effective use. • Why Matunga – City Of Los Angeles Municipal School ? • - It is near the largest slum in Asia – Dharavi • - The school has a science museum. • Integral Programme of the school.
Project Implementation • Permission from BMC, Education department. • Forming of the core committee. The following people were inducted in the panel. • Dr. Ravikala Kamat – Principal, *S.N.D.T. Women’s Univ. • Dr. Reeta Sonawat- Reader SNDT University • Ms. Swati Popat- Director,* TASHA • Dr. Rautela- Director, Nehru Science Center • Ms. Neelaben Chapatwala – Director, Hello Nursery School • Mrs. Geeta More- Co-ordinator-Edu. Dept. Municipal Schools • Dr. Manilal Gada – Psychiatrist Mr. Puneet Gupta – A executive of a leading private bank in India. • Interior design of toy library. • Selection and procurement of toys, development of curriculum based activities and other programs by the committee. • The Project was inaugarated by the then Municipal Commissioner Mr. Karun Srivastava and a chile prodigy – Junior Pan Patil, a snake charmer.
How Khelvigyan works • In the City of Los Angeles Municipal School, classes from Balwadi to Std IV • are taken from 10 am to 5 pm according to time table fixed in coordination with • school authorities. Perhaps this is the first time in any school such a facility • is made available by us.5 classes a day with an average of 50 children means • 250 children a day and 1400-1500 children benefit in a week. • Activities taken are indoor games where decision making is • important. Also there are corners for reading,maths and language. • Teacher facilitates the activities and children groups rotate according • to interest • Age appropriate activities are undertaken and child-centered approach is • stressed upon • Outdoor fun games are a must part. • Modern gadgets like computers and video games are also provided. • Teachers are presently being trained to organise chess coaching keeping in • mind that in Moscow, game of chess is a compulsory subject in schools.
Innovative Features • Features of ‘Khel Vigyan: • Provides easy access to toys and games to the children from underprivileged sections of society • Complements formal education streams and helps develop the child’s interest in pursuing further education • Student – Teacher ratio is about 10:1, which facilitates genuine attention and care • Stimulating environment. Even use of floor as stimulating medium. • Provides a constructive avenue for the channelization of a child’s energies • Group work and Group activities. Curriculum based quizzes,games and worksheets are made. • School provides a platform that helps for interaction with a variety of visitors. • Attractive/retention power of toys and games increases attendance levels, thereby offering promising potential to reduce primary school drop out levels. • Economically viable and sustainable model
Scholastic Achievement of Children in 5 Disciplines Before & After 8 week intervention: Interpretation: Experimental group children clearly indicate an improvement in scholastic aptitude After intervention in 3 of the 4/5 disciplines. Further they results are higher than control group children. Experimental group children showed a decline in History/Geography perhaps due to the lack of exposure to Toys that enhance knowledge in the same. Control group children showed marginal declines in post intervention results.
Distribution of Toys and game preference among children [sample study] Interpretation: Wide variance by children for Toy and Game preference, indicating that a variety of Toys And games are required to capture the imagination and interest of children. In this particular study Action Toys and games & Outdoor Games lead the percentages.
Experimental Group teacher Perception Towards Toy Library as additional mode of education Complements classroom environment Improved Expression of speech Attendance Increases TOY LIBRARY Dull / Slow Children helped Math / language Concepts Improved Children Showing greater Interest in school
Reading & Writing Skillsat the end of 8 weeks E = Experimental Group C = Control Group
Maths Skills(after 8 weeks) E = Experimental Group C = Control Group Maths Excellent V.Good Average Poor V.Poor Tasks E C E C E C E C E C
Perception of Co-relationof Developmental Areas Phy. Social Emo. Cognitive Language Devpt. Devpt. Devpt Devpt Devpt ** . Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level ( 1- tailed) *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (1 – tailed)
Sustainability • The Program is popular and interest of children is for sure. • The project can be replicated in any school by curtailing • 5 minutes of every period and thus saving 5 x 7 x 5 days = • 175 minutes for a toy library period. • Posha Nakhava Municipal School,Versova - cost of Rs.50000 • and monthly expense Rs.4500/- (2 teachers). • Khelvigyan Centre,Matunga Rs. 13500/- per month. • (5 teachers) • Educationalists,Donors and others concerned should be • made aware of this concept.
The Lessons • Toys, Games and Play activities are a powerful tool to develop underprivileged children. • The implementation of ‘Khel Vigyan’ has the promising potential to reduce the primary • school drop out rates across the country. • The greater the training imparted to teachers greater would be the effectiveness of the program. • Teachers are the backbone of the programs: their attention and care dictates the effectiveness of • ‘Khel Vigyan’. Consequently providing the right incentives to them is a key factor. • Variety and replenishment of Toys are required to sustain the interest and development • of the child. • Innovative education kits developed by ECCE students could be introduced in our Play centers • ‘Khel Vigyan’ (*ECCE – Early Child Care Education). • Expressiveness of children exposed to “Khel Vigyan’s” is a visible improvement. • There is a scope to improve monitoring methods by introducing more creative qualitative and • quantitative measures. This further helps attract more donors/sponsors.
The Lessons contd.. • Teachers often have to walk a fine balance between discipline and care. • Introducing more vocational play elements such as carpentry, clay modeling and puppetry etc. • that can make them better professionals in the future. • Harnessing the diverse & collective strengths of our implementation committee is a challenging • proposition.
CLASS(IC) JUMP…. • ‘HAPPY CHILD NATION’S PRIDE’ (SLOGAN-1979 CHILDREN YEAR) • Children at KHELVIGYAN HAVE A CLASS(IC) JUMP. Compiled for Mr. Devendra Desai with help from Arjun Balakrishnan & Priyesh Desai Special thanks to Mrs. Meeta Goyal, Ms Rajas Sardesai and Mrs. Reeta Sonawat PowerPoint Presentation: Padmesh Prabhune, Dhruv Communications, Mumbai.