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Jason Banfelder Kesler Engineering, Inc.

Techniques for Real-Time Equipment and Process Monitoring using PI Data Archive and PI-Process Book. Jason Banfelder Kesler Engineering, Inc. Equipment Performance Monitoring System (People). Operator Process Engineer Manager System Administrator Modeler Initial construction Maintenance

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Jason Banfelder Kesler Engineering, Inc.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Techniques for Real-Time Equipment and Process Monitoring using PI Data Archive and PI-Process Book Jason Banfelder Kesler Engineering, Inc.

  2. Equipment Performance Monitoring System(People) • Operator • Process Engineer • Manager • System Administrator • Modeler • Initial construction • Maintenance How does the performance monitoring system address the needs of each of these roles?

  3. Equipment Performance Monitoring System(Jobs) • Measure and Improve real time equipment performance • Real Time Displays • Equipment documentation (P&IDs, procedures, etc.) • Measure and improve long-term equipment performance • Reporting • Off-line model use • Develop and maintain equipment models • Model explorer • Install and maintain the monitoring system

  4. Model Development • Small and Simple Models: Performance equations • Already a part of PI • Don’t complicate your life if you don’t need to • Large or Complex models: KEI Sentinel engine • Structured models, repeated patterns • Open equation modeling • User interface • Thermodynamics • Data validation / reconciliation

  5. Sample Model:Air Preheater

  6. Structured Models • Large and/or complex models demand structured storage • Tags • Equations • Thermodynamic data • Solution procedure • Use a hierarchical model structure • Tree is easy to visualize • Easier to navigate than a flat list • No need to rely on a naming convention • Reusable parts as templates • PI Module Database is a recognition of this

  7. Constant Value is stored in RDB PI Tag Value from PI tag Field instrumentation, lab, manual input, another model PI tag specification is stored in RDB Internal Calc Value is an intermediate result calculated by the Sentinel engine Calculated PI Tag Value is calculated by the Sentinel Engine and stored in PI Open Equation Models: Parameters

  8. Material Balance Energy Balance Thermodynamics Definitions Efficiency Return on Investment Correlations Open Equation Models:Equations

  9. Analyzes structure of equations, knowns, and unknowns Partitions large system into smaller systems Faster solutions More stable mathematically Determines solution order Solves individual equations and systems Non-linear numerical solver Checks validity inputs, intermediate results, and outputs Deals gracefully with bad inputs or results Does not abandon entire model if some inputs are bad Model Parameters Equations Open Equation Solver Sentinel Solver

  10. Solver Example 12 Pass Fired Heater • 781 parameters • 51 inputs • 574 equations • Partitioned into 528 separate systems • Largest is 47 x 47

  11. Model DevelopmentThermodynamics • Built-in rigorous thermodynamics • enthalpy, entropy, etc. • steam table • three phase flash

  12. Complete UI for model development Use the same UI for viewing on-line results Model structure is different Specialized displays User Interface

  13. Viewing Real Time Performance • Process Book is ideal for P&ID type views • Difficult to use Process Book alone for reusable data views • Requires a model structure • Reusable standard views • Table • Bar chart • Pie chart • Specialized views • Hydrocarbon Assay • Heater Summary • Pass Balancing

  14. Real Time Views Demo

  15. Document Views • Need more than real-time views to improve operation. • Procedures & Guidelines • PFDs and P&IDs • Mechanical drawings • Reports, Studies, etc. • Web pages • Leverage Microsoft ActiveX Document technology to deliver all of this in one window

  16. Document Demo

  17. Reports • Excel based reports • Promotes working with the results • Reports delivered via e-mail • Periodically • By exception • Available on-line

  18. Report Demo

  19. The Sentinel in Practice • First Beta release installed the week after last year’s OSI conference • Ten Sentinel models currently running • Fired heater • Crude distillation unit • Orders for 20+ more

  20. The End Q & A Thank You Kesler Engineering, Inc. http://www.KeslerEngineering.com

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