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Taking Standards 2, 7, and 14 from Draft to Implementation…. By when? It can be done!

Taking Standards 2, 7, and 14 from Draft to Implementation…. By when? It can be done!. Learning Objectives. Identify and utilize existing resources to overcome obstacles; Identify ways to empower and engage an apprehensive faculty and staff;

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Taking Standards 2, 7, and 14 from Draft to Implementation…. By when? It can be done!

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  1. Taking Standards 2, 7, and 14 from Draft to Implementation….By when? It can be done!

  2. Learning Objectives • Identify and utilize existing resources to overcome obstacles; • Identify ways to empower and engage an apprehensive faculty and staff; • Gain an understanding of how evidence can be used to cultivate a culture of assessment that shifts from an attitude of accountability to an attitude of continuous improvement.

  3. Background • 2008 MSCHE Self-Study completed • 2009 MSCHE Team Findings • Outdated Strategic Plan • Lacking an Institutional Assessment process • Insufficient documentation of Learning Outcomes Assessment

  4. Board of Trustee ResolutionMarch 19, 2009 The Herkimer County Community College Board of Trustees declared its commitment to: “…support the college’s efforts to create a culture of assessment...”

  5. MSCHE WARNING issued May 2009 DUE September 1, 2010 (REALITY = May 2010): • Develop a culture of assessment • Develop & implement: • Strategic Plan • Institutional Assessment Plan • Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Plan

  6. Administrative Response DIVIDE & CONQUER • Standard 2 – Asst. to the President • Standard 7 – Asst. Dean of AA • Standard 14 – Assessment Committee 14 7 2

  7. Concurrent Activities Dec. 2009 Spring 2010

  8. Create Culture of Assessment Rewrite College Mission & Vision Statements 2 14 7

  9. Standard 2 MSA Requirement: In order to be in compliance with this standard, the College must develop a new multi-year Strategic Plan to address the future direction of the College. It is expected that this Plan should be completed within the next 24 months.


  11. Standard 2: Mapping Our FutureDeveloping & Maintaining a Strategic PlanCHALLENGES WE FACED Apprehension Limited financial resources Capturing what we are doing

  12. Standard 2: Mapping Our FutureDeveloping & Maintaining a Strategic PlanOUR GUIDING PRINCIPLES 1. Get EVERYONE involved!! KEEP everyone involved!! 2. Start with the basics 3. Do it in-house

  13. Standard 2: Mapping Our FutureDeveloping & Maintaining a Strategic PlanTHE PROCESS – WHO? Stakeholders Internal FOCUS GROUPS External Strategic Goal Task Forces Strategic Planning Committee

  14. Focus Group Results Focus Group Results Focus Group Results Strategic Task Force 1 Strategic Task Force 2 Strategic Planning Committee

  15. Standard 2: Mapping Our FutureDeveloping & Maintaining a Strategic PlanTHE PROCESS – WHAT? Rule of Six Three conceptual levels: GOAL:Big picture concept; overarching idea OBJECTIVE:Mid-level concept; what’s needed to realize the Goal ACTION STEP: Specific, concrete steps for achieving Objectives

  16. Using Existing Technology toCapture/Archive Evidence Web-Based Reporting System: Developed entirely in-house Convenient/User-Friendly Includes “Other” category for each Objective Links activities to Action Steps and MSCHE Standards Archived by academic year Encourages effective intradepartmental communication

  17. Standard 7 MSA Requirement: Develop and implement a comprehensive institutional assessment plan that demonstrates its compliance with Standard 7 and its overall effectiveness in achieving its mission, goals, and values.

  18. Standard 7 Develop & Implement an Institutional Assessment Plan Challenges & Strategies Develop & Implementing the IA Plan Guiding Principals – Units & IE Comm Cultivating a Culture

  19. REALITY CHECK – August 2009 What is the difference between an outcome and an objective? UNDOCUMENTED UNIT ASSESSMENTS OLD MISSION STATEMENT = WAITING FOR A NEW MISSION STATEMENT ACADEMIC FREEDOM!!! Can’t I just use the final course grades as student learning assessment? Four Core Values NEW Academic Senate Occasional Academic Program Review Outdated Strategic Plan = NO Strategic GOALS What is a direct measure?

  20. Standard 7 Challenges & Strategies

  21. Standard 7 Challenges & Strategies

  22. Standard 7 Challenges & Strategies

  23. Standard 7 Challenges & Strategies

  24. Standard 7 Challenges & Strategies

  25. Standard 7 Challenges & Strategies

  26. Institutional Assessment Plan ANNUAL REPORT CARD

  27. Standard 7 Guiding Principles Units • Assessment Audit • Meet where they are • Model what you want to see • Facilitate/ Follow-up/Open Door • PRAISE & THANK • CTL & Celebrate

  28. Standard 7 Guiding Principles IE Committee • Broad Membership • Don’t Overwhelm • Facilitate/Guide • Bring Examples • Listen • Solicit Suggestions

  29. Cultivating a Culture

  30. Cultivating a Culture

  31. Cultivating a Culture

  32. Cultivating a Culture

  33. Cultivating a Culture

  34. June 2010 Standard 7 Institutional Effectiveness Standard 14 Assessment of Student Learning Standard 2 Assessment of the SP

  35. Standard 14 MSA Requirement: The College must put procedures and practices in place to use direct assessment measures to assess student learning and to close the assessment loop by using the results to make improvements. Document and track: • recommendations from the assessment of all courses and programs; • activities that result from addressing these recommendations, and; • activities that result by documenting curricular improvements resulting from these activities.

  36. Challenges for Assessment Committee: • Organize to establish mission and goals • Move resistant faculty to action • Discover available tools • Establishbudget • Gather data & documentation methods • Create a plan • Schedule and create implementation process • Communicate effectively

  37. Modeled SLO Assessment Practices in building the Assessment program The Work Flow • PLAN • PILOT • REPORT • TEST • ASSESS • IMPLEMENT • ASSESS • CLOSE THE LOOP

  38. Institutional - ILO Assessment Plan for all levels of Student Learning: SLOs Program - PLO Course - CLO

  39. Curriculum Mapping – success gained through use of graphic organizers • Create crosswalks and map outcomes with goals and objectives and timelines for completion • Professional Development sessions and Division Meetings devoted to completing and using maps • Faculty discipline groups, liaisons and leaders • Documentation with common access - Assessment e-Handbook/Intranet

  40. BUILD TRUST • Faculty leaders with faculty • Administrators with faculty • Faculty with administrators • BOT with administrators and faculty • County Legislature with BOT and administrators

  41. USE WHAT YOU HAVE Technology – ANGEL • Shortens the learning curve • Experts are in place to help develop • Reduces costs • Less intimidating for faculty and staff • Available to all faculty

  42. USE WHAT YOU HAVE Funding • Faculty Assessment Co-Chair – course load reduction during heavy work period of process development and training; paid for hours worked during summer writing of Monitoring Report • In-house training sessions • MSCHE Conferences • Books and online resources for committee members/faculty

  43. USE WHAT YOU HAVE People • Use their expertise – they like it. • Identify hidden or underused skills and call upon them. • Show appreciation – “Please” and “Thank You” goes a long way! • Ask specific people to engage, identify in writing and define the expectation. • Keep the tasks reasonable in outcomes and time invested. • Communicate! • LAUGH! Assessment Bytes e-Newsletter “Kiss My Assessment” Awards

  44. BE CONSISTENT Follow through with the plan! Repeat…repeat…repeat… Assess and model the progress: - Committee and faculty evaluation & discussion Use feedback and give feedback!

  45. Reasons we made it… • Self-motivated, skilled committee members (diverse skills & knowledge – good balance between HU, SS, SC, BU and administrators) • Administration – support of time, funding and facilities and us! • BOT • Teachers teaching teachers!  • Teamwork- The right people for the right job!

  46. More reasons… • On-going training for faculty and committee members • Timeline continual updating • Philosophy – rotate faculty involvement and responsibility to get more buy-in • Naysayers would not stop us. 

  47. Success = Recognizing Strengths 14 2 7

  48. http://www.herkimer.edu/plan http://www.herkimer.edu/assessment-handbook Daniel Sargent: strategicplanning@herkimer.edu Jackie Snyder: institutionalassessment@herkimer.edu MaryAnn Carroll: studentlearning@herkimer.edu Thank you!

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