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Bear with Me. Tangible Interactive Computing CMSC 838F Final Project Zahra Ashktorab (Masters Student Human Computer Interaction) Allan Fong (PhD Student Computer Science ) December 15, 2012. How Do People Use Technology To Communicate?. Social Networks (Facebook, Twitter..) Telephone
Bear with Me Tangible Interactive Computing CMSC 838F Final Project Zahra Ashktorab (Masters Student Human Computer Interaction) Allan Fong (PhD Student Computer Science) December 15, 2012
How Do People Use Technology To Communicate? • Social Networks (Facebook, Twitter..) • Telephone • Video Call • Text messing • Email • Instant Messaging • Online Forums • Online Blogs
Face-to-face interaction and gestural talk are essential to constructing and maintaining the values and norms of the collective society “Replacing Human Relationships with a Virtual Life”, The Yale Herald
Why Don’t We Always Interact This Way? • Long-distance relationships require technology use • Not enough time to meet • Busy schedules
Motivation and Goals • Enhance interpersonal communication with a tangible medium of exchanging emotions • Create something portable tangible form of communication and real-time sharing of activities • Extend a the teddy bear methaphor • Stuffed animals are often given as a symbol of an emotional or personal connection
Related Works • LumiTouch: An Emotional Communication Device • Chang et. al, CHI ’01, http://people.cs.vt.edu/~wangr06/touch%20review%20origanization/ChaRKWetal01.pdf • HugBot • MIT 2006, http://web.media.mit.edu/~jeevan/furryhugger/ • Like-A-Hug • MIT 2011, http://www.melissakitchow.com/Like-A-Hug • YourGloves, HotHands and HotMitts: Devices to Hold Hands at a Distance • Gooch and Watts, UIST ’12, http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2380138 • sleepyWhispers: Sharing Goodnights Within Distant Relationships • Gooch and Watts, UIST ’12, http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2380322 • Pressages: Augmenting Phone Calls With Non-Verbal Messages • Hoggan et al. UIST ’12, http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2380185
Tweet confirmation The Bear System Pat confirmation
Hug and Pat Interactions Bears connect to Wifi after they get turned on Gold Bear reads Blue Bear’s hug tweet and heart glows Person A hugs Blue Bear Blue Bear tweets hug and tweet confirmation light blinks Person B can Hug or Pat a response HUG Gold Bear heart turns off tweets hug and tweet confirmation light blinks Person B hugs Gold Bear Blue Bear reads Gold Bear’s hug tweet and heart glows Gold Bear heart turns off and tweets pat and tweet confirmation light blinks PAT Person B pats Gold Bear Blue Bear reads Gold Bear’s pat tweet and pat light glows *All interactions can be reciprocated between bears.
Movement Interactions Person A moves Blue Bear Gold Bear reads Blue Bear’s motion tweet and feet glows Blue Bear tweets motion and tweet confirmation light blinks Gold Bear reads Blue Bear’s rest tweet and feet stop glowing Blue Bear tweets rest and tweet confirmation light blinks Blue Bear is still *All interactions can be reciprocated between bears.
Software challenges • Maintaining Wifi connection • Limited memory space • Removed Queue library (used to store movement times) • Time lapse between the time the hug is sent and the time that the hug received • Twitter API rate limit • Setting appropriate thresholds for all interactions (movement and hugs) • Strings of text not all being sent or being jumbled • ex: “you you you have been h” instead of “you have been hugged
Hardwarechallenges OKAY • Hug sensor • Omni-directional and overheating • Walk/running detection • Queue library • Packaging • Conductive thread vs wires • Issues with shorts, overheating, and flexibility FAIL FAIL Resistance too low Not enough sensitivity Actual walking Actual running
Future works • Detection of strength/duration of hug • Walking and running detection • Gamification • Making the bears smaller
How can we leverage existing technologies to simulate physical interactions?
Inspiration and Motivation • Stuffed animals are often given as a symbol of emotion or a personal connection. • These bears are static, often times you wonder if there is only someway I can communicate with the bear to show I am thinking of them • Enhance interpersonal communication • Communicating emotions in tangible form • Enhance communication between loved ones and to develop a personal emotional language • Create a portable tangible form of interpersonal communication • Build on the bear methaphor • Real-time sharing of activity