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Cyber Bullying Cyber-Bullying Cyberbullying

Cyber Bullying Cyber-Bullying Cyberbullying. No matter how you spell it – it is always wrong. Rosemary W. Skeele 9/21/09. What is Bullying.

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Cyber Bullying Cyber-Bullying Cyberbullying

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Cyber BullyingCyber-BullyingCyberbullying No matter how you spell it – it is always wrong Rosemary W. Skeele 9/21/09

  2. What is Bullying "A person is bullied when he or she is exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more other persons, and he or she has difficulty defending himself or herself."

  3. Types of Bullying 1. Verbal bullying - derogatory comments and bad names 2. Bullying through social exclusion or isolation 3. Physical bullying - hitting, kicking, shoving, and spitting 4. Bullying through lies and false rumors 5. Having money or things taken or damaged by bullies 6. Threatened or being forced to do things by bullies 7. Racial bullying 8. Sexual bullying 9. Cyber bullying (via cell phone or Internet)

  4. Cyberbullying • Harassing emails • Instant messages, • Post obscene, insulting, and slanderous messages to online bulletin boards or social networking sites • Develop web pages to promote and disseminate defamatory content • Malicious text messages via cell phones. • Sexting – posting/cell messaging sexually offensive pictures or videos

  5. What is the Current Medium of Choice for Cyberbullying? Cell Phone

  6. Sexting The act of sending sexually explicit messages or photos electronically, primarily between cell phones.

  7. Sexting: New Legal Issues

  8. PA Legal Case Pennsylvania high school students facing child pornography charges after three teenage girls took nude or semi-nude photos of themselves and shared them with male classmates via their cell phones.

  9. What Can Teachers Do?

  10. How to Stay on Top of Cyber Issues • Learn to use technology • Keep current on issues involving new technologies • Integrate issues into your classes - use cases/news stories to teach your students • Work with school counselors • Educate Parents • Don’t ignore gossip

  11. Online Help

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