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English Proficiency in Conversation EPiC Online Special Program Series SP238 – Interviews

English Proficiency in Conversation EPiC Online Special Program Series SP238 – Interviews. | Background | The Program | The Result |. Background.

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English Proficiency in Conversation EPiC Online Special Program Series SP238 – Interviews

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  1. English Proficiency in Conversation EPiC Online Special Program Series SP238 –Interviews

  2. | Background| The Program| The Result| Background English is the international standard for business language. Hence anyone aspiring to have a business career should be fluent in the English language. This is particularly if one wants to work in a multinational company. Most countries have recognized this, as in almost all education systems where English is not the medium of instruction, it is a compulsory subject. Examples are Japan, China, most European countries. However in such environments, even if the students graduate with distinctions for English, they struggle to converse in the language. This compromises their opportunities to be employed by companies of their choice, and can retard their career growth. EPiC Online (English Proficiency in Conversation Online) is the premium English Online product, chosen by large multinational companies like McDonalds, Asea Brown Boveri, and Regent Hotels and premium education institutions like Kaplan University and Taylors University.

  3. | Background| The Program| The Result| The Program SP238 is a special program for college graduates who studied in a non-English medium institution, to improve their chances at job interviews. It is a series of 28 EPiC Online sessions, to be taken over not longer than a 3 month period. Each session is 50 minutes long. The program is divided up into 5 modules.

  4. | Background| The Program| The Result| The program is divided up into 5 modules:

  5. | Background| The Program| The Result| Module 1-General English, approximately 5 sessions This will cover general conversation, and will cover topics which are of interest to the student. It is important that the student quickly develops the confidence to use the language.

  6. | Background| The Program| The Result| Module 2-Learning about interviews, approximately 5 sessions Student will watch videos and listen of different job interviews, after which the coach will discuss these interviews with the student. The coach will also guide the student in best practices in interviews, and how the student should prepare himself/herself. An example of such a video is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDFljsZWcqA&feature=related

  7. | Background| The Program| The Result| Module 3-Mock interviews,generic content, approximately 5 sessions This will be a role play where the coach will be the interviewer, and the student, the interviewee. The questions which the coach will ask will be generic to any interview. Examples of such questions are: ——Tell me about yourself ——Why did you chose your course of study? ——What do you consider your 3 greatest strengths? ——What do you consider your 3 weaknesses? ——Tell me about your greatest achievement ——What role do you think you will excel in an organization, and why ——Where do you see yourself in 5 years? In 10 years?

  8. | Background| The Program| The Result| Module 4-Mock interviews, industry specific, approximately 6 sessions • The coach will ask the student specific questions on the students choice of industry, for example: • ——Banking and finance • ——Fast moving consumer goods • ——Pharmaceutical industry • ——Semiconductor industry • ——Car industry • ——IT industry

  9. | Background| The Program| The Result| Module 5-Mock interviews, company specific, approximately 7 sessions The student will pick 2 to 3 specific companies, and the coach will play the role of the interviewer and ask specific questions related to the company. If say Nestle is chosen, the questions could be: ——Why do you want to work for us? ——What do you think of the organizational structure of Nestle in your country? ——Please read the latest news item on our website, and let’s discuss about it ——How do you think Nestle can grow in your country faster than our competitors? ——Which of Nestle’s products do you think have the greatest future in your country, and why? ——If you were in-charge of Nestle in your country, what would you do differently? ——Why should we hire you? The mock interviews will be recorded and these recordings will be made available to the students for them to review.

  10. | Background| The Program| The Result| The Result The objective of this program is when these graduates attend interviews in English, they will be able to understand the interviewer, and will have confidence and capability to engage the interviewer in an impressive discussion. This will improve their chances of being offered the job.

  11. Thank you!

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