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Holland ECC School Improvement Update 2012. If only you had asked…. ECC is home to 3 different programs, each with its own requirements for admission and quality assessment: Early Childhood Special Education ( ECSE ) : classroom programs and/or services for students ages 3,4 and 5 yrs.
Holland ECC School Improvement Update 2012
If only you had asked… • ECC is home to 3 different programs, each with its own requirements for admission and quality assessment: • Early Childhood Special Education ( ECSE ) : classroom programs and/or services for students ages 3,4 and 5 yrs. • We also have a preschool classroom for students with autism spectrum. 4 classrooms: 68 students • 2. Great Start Readiness Program ( GSRP ) Preschool classroom for 4 yr old students. Must qualify based on income and other risk factors. 3 classrooms: 96 students • 3. Young 5’s - classroom program for students who are younger and can benefit from another year of readiness before Kindergarten. 3 classrooms: 50 students
Staff and Parent Involvement in the SIP Our Team consisted of both Young 5’s teachers, Heidi Draft and Janet Jasker; and Director, Ellen Westveer. The Plan was written during a 2-day “blitz”. Pam Van Faasen , our school psychologist, is chair of our RtI Team, and very involved with the data collection, behavior supports, etc. The Plan was shared with our parent reps at a weekly Parent Coffee. Parent Input was gathered on Parent Surveys prior to the Planning process.
Parent Survey Comments: • “ my son has grown remarkably” • “ECC is the best thing that could have happened to me and my son” • “ I couldn’t have asked for better” • “ my son is finally getting the help that he needs” • “ I think ____ has improved in speech” • “el programa instrucional es de la mejor calida, mi nino esta aprendiendo mucho. “ • “ I am so glad I found this school for my daughter…..she has learned things beyond my expectations.” • “ he needed this for sure before kindergarten”
Key Data Discoveries • new Kindergarteners take DIBELS assessment in the Fall • HPS district average for “Core/ Benchmark”: 52% • Students who were in Young 5’s at Core: 87% • Oct. Brigance Screener - 63 % below cutoff. • Feb. Brigance - 16 % below cutoff. • ** 60 % of students received RtI support
Data continued: Subgroups: - Males: 53% of our Y5 students are males. - EDD : 56% of our Y5 students are free/ reduced lunch eligible - ELL: 20% of our students come from homes where Spanish is primary language spoken. - Special Educ: 18 % of our Y5 students receive spec ed classroom/ teacher support; and an additional 10% receive speech therapy. - Building wide - 45 % of our students receive special educ program or services. There were no differences within subgroups on the Brigance Screener results.
Points of Pride/Bright Spots • Implementation of RtI in Young 5’s - our students have made wonderful growth. • Positive Behavior Support, building wide: Our 4 positive behavior expectations are: • 1. Kind Words • 2. Gentle Hands and Feet • 3. Look, Listen, and Do • 4. Care for our things • We work with our parents on implementing these positive behavior supports at home. • our Partnership with JCI - give their employees (paid) time to come and work with our students.
Unique Uses of Title Funds RtI Interventionists: Bev and Cynthia Reading Eggs – a web based, individualized reading program that focuses on phonics. Students can use it at home and throughout the summer. We are hoping to purchase some i-pads for next year.
Next Steps and Next Focus Areas Full day Young 5’s Fall 2012 Math curriculum/ training Science curriculum/ training with Outdoor Discovery Center Ensure maximum Tilte 1 $$ for 2012 We need to explore how to service our GSRP/ 4’s students with Title 1 $$/ interventionists; not currently allowed under State guidelines.