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General conclusions and o utcomes from the EIONET Workshop for Marine and Coastal Environment NRCs 14.-15. May 2008 EEA. Indicator improvements. The draft Indicator Scoping Report was well received. There were no objections to the proposed improvements.
General conclusions and outcomes from the EIONET Workshop for Marine and Coastal Environment NRCs14.-15. May 2008EEA
Indicator improvements The draft Indicator Scoping Report was well received. There were no objections to the proposed improvements. For new proposed indicators related to WFD biological elements the following priorities were given: benthic fauna, macro algae, sea grasses, phytoplankton species composition (based on data availability and pan-European methodology). However the appropriate reporting format has to be developed with Ecostat. Conventions assessments are routinely used in EEA assessments, further indicator convergence is ongoing under EMMA. National assessments are welcomed (SERIS system) and the EEA encourages national feedback at the time of the annual indicator country review. The data coverage for the indicators needs further clarification regarding the reporting stream from conventions via ICES to EEA. The biggest data gaps have been identified in the Mediterranean and Black Sea. It is realistic to expect increased data deliveries and discussions have already taken place with regard to EEA 32 (=EEA member countries in these 2 regions).
Improving specifications of CSI040 on hazardous substances There was general agreement on the improved specifications for CSI040. Member countries agreed on continuing providing data to support this indicator development and to make it a core set indicator. Note that when the indicator is forwarded for approval to the NFPs and Management Board, EEA will inform the workshop participants and ask them to brief their NFPs and Management Board Member for support. Member countries considered that having a robust methodology would be more important than more substances to be covered by the indicator. However, inclusion of new substances was recommended: Brominated flame retardants, PAHs, TBT/imposex, according to data availability. Other species can be used as matrix, if the standard species is not available. The development of an indicator on hazardous substances in sediment was supported. However, regional background concentrations for naturally occurring substances should be considered.
Data quality checking and network • EEA will address the question of NRC TCM at the NFP meeting 21./22. May and ask NFPs officially to refresh the nominations of the TCM NRCs. Participants are asked to support this process with direct communication and briefings to the respective contact points which they might know already right now. • Once the Network question is clarified; NRCs will be asked to : • clarify missing data or incomplete time series in further contact with ICES • Provide input on the quality checking questions or forward this questions to the data contact person. • Regarding national reports, SERIS was mentioned as a useful system, but for details clarification of data questions bilateral contacts with the data providers are needed. • Participants found the proposed smiley scoring system useful and agreed to support and communicate it to the NRC and NFP for final approval.
Station mapping • The process of station mapping was agreed to be useful to streamline between the reporting processes of WFD, SOE/EIONET, and conventions. • Countries for which no or obviously wrong data are in the station mapping will investigate this and foster a correction • Further clarification on the stations reported under Art. 8 WFD and their definition in relation to the appropriate set of stations for the SOE WISE/EIONET reporting will be agreed with NRCs when those are confirmed.
Eutrophication draft SoE reporting sheet • The reporting sheet was found useful to further define the data flow for TC • The proposed sheets needs revisions regarding: • Specification of meta data (e.g. Oxygen) • Specification of relevant subsamples throughout the profile and regarding the seasonal desegregation • For some parameters (eg. transparency) there is a discrepancy between WFD and convention reporting and assessment. EEA will consider this parameters in their assessments only if useful and if data can be reasonably made available. • It was supported the data are reported to the EEA data centre (ICES) as detailed as feasible to do the appropriate aggregation for the EU-level assessment. • The details of the data description will be implemented with the Data Dictionary revision
Further reporting procedure in 2008 - 2010 • 2008 reporting • Verify EEA stations mapping in Aug/Oct 2008 • use current DD for data request for all parmeters • For 2009 reporting: the revised reporting sheet will be • Circulated to the experts again in July 2008 • Provided to the WFD WG reporting to supplement the existing set of Reporting Sheets with final possibilities for amendments • And provided for endorsement to SCG and Water Directors in Nov. 2008 • The Data Dictionary will be updated during 1. half 2009 and used in regular request 2. half 2009 • For the other parameter (HS in biota) the 2008 procedure stays. • For 2010 regular reporting is set up with agreed stations and parameters • for new indicators respective reporting sheets and DD could be developed during 2009
Information points • On WISE Marine participants are asked to participate in the ongoing consultation process • The presentation on MFSD and EMMA was well received and no major issues raised. The MFSD is ratified now. • GMES was presented; in the discussion the relevance for the ongoing processes on WISE, SEIS and national monitoring was stressed
Follow up activities – Minutes, revised documents Workshop Report with main actions: Draft Workshop Report prepared by ETC/WTR and sent out to workshop participants for comments by mid June 2 weeks for workshop participants to comment (end June) Final Workshop Report 2nd week July After the summer Revised: Final draft of Indicator Scoping Report Draft CSI040 specification Draft WISE SoE reporting sheet on nutrients and chlorophyll All presentations for workshop, Report and revised documents to be uploaded in CIRCA (EIONET-Water directory)