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Benefits of Online Yoga Teacher Training Program

If you are looking to become a yoga teacher and want to learn the best way possible, then an online yoga teacher training program is the way to go. Online yoga teacher training courses offer many benefits over other forms of teacher training.

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Benefits of Online Yoga Teacher Training Program

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Benefits of Online Yoga Teacher Training Program Everyday yoga classes for a peaceful mind www.yogaeducation.org

  2. Highlights Introduction 01 Allows you to stay at home (or work) while training. 02 Online Yoga teacher training programs are more affordable 03 Online courses are always available on-demand from YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, etc. and via written articles, podcasts 04 You can pause and play the video as per your convenience 05 Online yoga teacher training can be affordable, 06 www.yogaeducation.org Presentation Page 02/15

  3. About Us Yoga Education Institute is a Registered Yoga School (RYS) with the Yoga Alliance (since 2007). We are registered to offer both 200 and 300 hour programs, as well as children’s and prenatal yoga teacher training programs. Completion of both our 200 and 300 hour programs leads to 500 hour level registration with Yoga Alliance. In addition to our in-person yoga teacher training programs, we also offer workshops, individual consulting, and online continuing education programs for current and prospective yoga teachers. We are committed to providing the highest quality yoga training in a way that is flexible and adaptable to each student’s unique needs. We are dedicated to helping you realize your unique potential as a yoga teacher or student and are here to support you in any way we can. www.reallygreatsite.com Presentation Page 03/15

  4. Why Yoga? Improve your strength, balance, and flexibility Gain more energy and brighter your mood Help you manage your stress through the relaxation Connect you with a supportive community www.yogaeducation.org Presentation Page 04/15

  5. I would describe myself as a yoga nerd, who loves discussing yoga philosophy, anatomy, and ways to make the yoga community a more accepting space for everyone. My teaching style follows the example of T. Krishnamacharya and his idea of tailoring a yoga practice to each student’s needs and abilities. I work with each student or trainee to help them find their own way of practising or teaching yoga and to believe in themselves in whatever they do. It’s important to me that you feel comfortable and accepted in any class. I want you to come as you are, have some fun, and know that everything you need is right there inside of you. As for my other background, I have a doctorate in education from Columbia University. Along with teaching yoga, I have spent much time teaching and developing health and wellness programs. May you be well, may you be happy, and may you always live with ease. If you have any questions, pleaseemail me at info@yogaeducation.org Yoga Education www.yogaeducation.org Presentation Page 05/15

  6. Introduction If you are looking to become a yoga teacher and want to learn the best way possible, then an online yoga teacher training program is the way to go. Online yoga teacher training courses offer many benefits over other forms of teacher training. They allow you to access your learning anytime, anywhere so that even if you are at work or home, there will always be some form of instruction available for you on whatever device you're using at that moment in time. www.yogaeducation.org Presentation Page 06/15

  7. Allows you to stay at home (or work) while training. One of the most appealing benefits of online yoga teacher training programs is that you can stay at home (or work) while training. This means that instead of having to go into a studio or gym, you can study at your own pace and in your own space. You also won't have to worry about finding parking and paying for classes on top of other costs like transportation and food. An online teacher training program allows you to get exactly what you need out of it: time spent studying with others in an environment where everyone has been through similar experiences before, so they know how much patience they need when teaching new things! While there may be some initial nerves involved with being away from your usual routine, keep in mind that this situation will only last until graduation day—and then it's back into reality again! The important thing here is knowing exactly what type of person(s) are needed within our industry today; whether those requirements include living abroad during certain parts time periods throughout their career path...or simply being able www.reallygreatsite.com Presentation Page 07/15

  8. Online Yoga teacher training programs are more affordable Online yoga teacher training programs are more affordable than in-person programs. This is because they don't require a physical space and equipment, which means that you can save money on rent or buy your own mat for less. Online courses also tend to be less expensive than in-person courses because they don't have any expenses associated with them: no travel costs, no food costs (at least not unless you plan on eating healthy), and so on. www.yogaeducation.org Page 08/15

  9. Online courses are always available on- demand from YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, etc. and via written articles, podcasts Online yoga teacher training programs are available 24/7. You can watch them at your own pace, pause, rewind or fast forward as needed. The videos are usually recorded in HD quality so you can see every movement clearly. They also come with subtitles to help you understand what the instructor is saying better if you're learning English as a second language or have not learned how to read yet in this case! You can access these videos from anywhere—your computer, tablet or smartphone (Android/iOS). If you do happen to miss one class because it's late at night or early morning when classes start then don't worry because there will always be another opportunity for those who want more knowledge about yoga but cannot make it due to work schedules etcetera www.yogaeducation.org Presentation Page 09/15

  10. You can pause and play the video as per your convenience You can pause and play the video as per your convenience. If you are busy, then you can go back to your previous sessions and refresh the learnings. The video is available on demand from YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, etc., so once you start learning something new or need help with a particular concept in yoga instructor training program (YTT), just search for it online and watch it there without having to download any files or software onto your computer. www.yogaeducation.org Page 10/15

  11. Online yoga teacher training can be affordable, helps with your pacing, and allows you to stop and start the videos when you want. Online courses are more affordable than offline courses. The cost of an online course is usually less than half that of an offline one—and sometimes even less! This is because there’s no travel involved and no need for a place to stay overnight (or longer). You simply log on whenever it works for your schedule. Online courses allow students to learn at their own pace without having to pay high fees for studio time or live classes in person with other students from around the world who also want help learning how best practice their favorite asanas (yoga poses). As long as those lessons are recorded so that students can access them anytime they have internet access, then this has several advantages including being able to do things like taking breaks from work during lunch breaks without worrying about missing anything important happening later today! Role Co-Trainer Year 2021 Online yoga teacher training can be affordable, www.yogaeducation.org Presentation Page 11/15

  12. Join Our Classes Yogawork Basic Restorative Pilates Meditation core strength, low impact full body Alignment-base and statistic Pose Relaxing, passive, gentle Calming, breath-focused www.yogaeducation.org Presentation Page 12/15

  13. Benefits of Yoga for Kids Children are natural yogis. Good posture, the ability to breathe deeply and an open attitude toward life are born with. Yoga is a wonderful way to ensure that we don’t forget these healthy ways of moving, breathing and being. Below are just a few of the benefits that yoga offers for kids : Increased Awareness Improved physical fitness (strength, flexibility, endurance) Better posture Improved breathing and lung capacity Stress relief Increased confidence Improved focus and concentration www.yogaeducation.org Presentation Page13/15

  14. Our History www.yogaeducation.org Presentation Page 12/15

  15. Explore More Visit our official website and yoga education for detailed information SECRETARIAT OFFICE 23371 Mulholland Dr, Woodland Hills, CA 91364 PHONE (866) 790-2040 WEBSITE yogaeducation.org EMAIL info@yogaeducationinstitute.com

  16. Thank You YOGA CLASSES 2022

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