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A few tricks to take you beyond the basics of Microsoft Office 2010. GCPS Tech Tips. Microsoft Excel 2010 : Centering text without merging cells. Excel 2010 : Centering text without merging cells .
A few tricks to take you beyond the basics of Microsoft Office 2010 GCPS Tech Tips Microsoft Excel 2010 : Centering text without merging cells
Excel 2010 : Centering text without merging cells. Gwinnett County Public Schools is committed to providing information related to student technology use in a manner that is clear, concise, organized, accessible, and current. To that end, GCPS has provided articles and handouts on its website. The following resource is provided for information only and is NOT an official policy or procedure of Gwinnett County Public Schools. This resource may be used by schools and the school communities to share information and ideas around student technology use. Should a conflict between the information on this site and the existing policy, regulation or rule occur, then the official or approved policy, rule or regulation supersedes the resources in this document.
Excel 2010 : Centering text without merging cells. When you are working in Excel and you want to center the words of a title across two or three cells, your first thought might be to merge those cells together... which you accomplish by selecting the cells you want to merge...
Excel 2010 : Centering text without merging cells. and clicking on the “Merge and Center”icon in the “Alignment” box at the top of your screen.
Excel 2010 : Centering text without merging cells. When you type in your text, you see one large cell containing your title text. However, that approach could cause you a problem later on since it has put one cell there instead of the original two or three cells.
Excel 2010 : Centering text without merging cells. For instance, if you need to sort some rows or columns that intersect with that merged cell, Excel is not going to allow you to do so.
Excel 2010 : Centering text without merging cells. ... Excel will refuse to do it.
Excel 2010 : Centering text without merging cells. To keep your cells intact and still center your text, try this. Type your title text in the left most cell of the cells you want to center across.
Excel 2010 : Centering text without merging cells. Select that cell and hold down the left mouse across the selection of remaining cells that you want to center the title.
Excel 2010 : Centering text without merging cells. With your cursor on the selected cells, press the right button on your mouse.
Excel 2010 : Centering text without merging cells. In the dialog box that appears, click on “Format Cells.”
Excel 2010 : Centering text without merging cells. That will bring up the “Format Cells” dialog box. It has six tabs across the top. Click the “Alignment” tab.
Excel 2010 : Centering text without merging cells. On the Alignment screen, drop down the list of possible “Horizontal Alignments.” Near the bottom of the choices, click on “Center Across Selection.”
Excel 2010 : Centering text without merging cells. Click “OK”
Excel 2010 : Centering text without merging cells. And Excel centers the text across the cells you selected... without changing the number of cells in your worksheet.
Excel 2010 : Centering text without merging cells. Then, when you go to sort your data... Excel will allow the sort to happen.
Excel 2010 : Centering text without merging cells. That’s all there is to it. Now, if you would like a copy of the step-by-step directions for centering Excel text without merging cells in Excel 2010, just print this last page. Have fun centering!
GCPS Tech Tips We hope you found this technology tip useful. Feel free to share this tip with colleagues and students. More technology tips can be found on the IMD website here. For questions or comments about the technology tips, send email to IMD_Connection_Newsletter@gwinnett.k12.ga.us Gwinnett County Public Schools | 437 Old Peachtree Road NW | Suwanee | GA | 30024-2978 | 678-301-6000