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CWAG U.S.-Mexico Alliance Partnership Alianza Estatal M xico-EE.UU. de la CWAG

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CWAG U.S.-Mexico Alliance Partnership Alianza Estatal M xico-EE.UU. de la CWAG

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Presentation Transcript

    1. CWAG U.S.-Mexico Alliance Partnership Alianza Estatal Mxico-EE.UU. de la CWAG

    2. QU ES UNA OBJECIN? UNA PROTESTA SOBRE: LA FORMA DE UNA PREGUNTA, ASPECTOS MATERIALES DE LA PREGUNTA, O LA PRESENTACIN DE UNA PRUEBA LAS NORMAS TIENEN EL PROPSITO DE ASEGURAR QUE LA EVIDENCIA ADMITIDA SEA CLARA, RELEVANTE Y CREBLE What is an Objection? A protest about: The form of a question Material aspects of a question Or the presentation of an exhibit The rules exist for the purpose of assuring that the evidence admitted is clear, relevant, and credible.What is an Objection? A protest about: The form of a question Material aspects of a question Or the presentation of an exhibit The rules exist for the purpose of assuring that the evidence admitted is clear, relevant, and credible.

    3. PROPSITO DE UNA OBJECIN IMPEDIR LA PRESENTACIN DE TESTIMONIO O PRUEBAS o de no ser exitosa . . . . Purpose of an Objection Impede the presentation of testimony or exhibits Or if unsuccessful That the objection be on the record for the purpose of review during an appeal.Purpose of an Objection Impede the presentation of testimony or exhibits Or if unsuccessful That the objection be on the record for the purpose of review during an appeal.

    4. OBJECIONES COMUNES A LA FORMA DE UNA PREGUNTA PREGUNTA SUGESTIVA: Sugiere la Respuesta A usted le gust el curso, no es cierto? PREGUNTA COMPUESTA: Pide Ms De Un Solo Hecho - Usted fue a la reunin y habl hasta que se quedaron dormidos los participantes? Common Objections to the Form of the Question Suggestive Question suggests the response: You liked the course, didnt you? Compound Question calls for more than one fact You went to the meeting and talked until the audience fell asleep?Common Objections to the Form of the Question Suggestive Question suggests the response: You liked the course, didnt you? Compound Question calls for more than one fact You went to the meeting and talked until the audience fell asleep?

    5. OBJECIONES COMUNES A LA FORMA DE UNA PREGUNTA PRESUME HECHOS QUE NO ESTN EN EVIDENCIA Despus de or el grito de la vctima, cunto tiempo pas antes de que Ud. respondi? ENGAOSO Cundo dej de tomar tequila? Common Objections to the Form of the Question Assumes Facts not in Evidence After hearing the victims scream, how long was it before you responded? Trick Question When did you stop drinking tequila?Common Objections to the Form of the Question Assumes Facts not in Evidence After hearing the victims scream, how long was it before you responded? Trick Question When did you stop drinking tequila?

    6. OBJECIONES COMUNES A LA FORMA DE UNA PREGUNTA AMBIGUA, VAGA O CONFUSA Hoy es un buen da? Es el juicio oral la solucin? PIDE ESPECULACIN Si Ud. fuera presidente del pas, los problemas sociales se solucionaran? Common Objections to the Form of the Question Ambiguous, Vague or Confusing Is today a good day? Are oral trials the solution? Calls for Speculation If you were the president of the country, would all social ills be resolved?Common Objections to the Form of the Question Ambiguous, Vague or Confusing Is today a good day? Are oral trials the solution? Calls for Speculation If you were the president of the country, would all social ills be resolved?

    7. OBJECIONES COMUNES A LA FORMA DE UNA PREGUNTA PIDE UNA NARRATIVA Sr. Gonzlez, cuntenos que hizo durante la segunda semana de julio 2010? ARGUMENTATIVA Sr. Gonzlez, no es cierto que Ud. es un mentiroso? Common Objections to the Form of the Question Calls for a Narrative Mr. Gonzalez, tell us, what did you do during the second week of July, 2010? Argumentative Mr. Gonzalez, you are a liar, arent you?Common Objections to the Form of the Question Calls for a Narrative Mr. Gonzalez, tell us, what did you do during the second week of July, 2010? Argumentative Mr. Gonzalez, you are a liar, arent you?

    8. OBJECIONES A LOS ASPECTOS MATERIALES DE LA PREGUNTA La Informacin Que Pide NO ES RELEVANTE AL CASO EL TESTIGO NO TIENE CONOCIMIENTO PERSONAL DE LOS HECHOS No Estuvo, No Vio, No Sinti. . . Objections to a Material Aspect of the Question The information called for is Not Relevant to the Case The witness lacks personal knowledge of the facts He wasnt present, he didnt see, he didnt feelObjections to a Material Aspect of the Question The information called for is Not Relevant to the Case The witness lacks personal knowledge of the facts He wasnt present, he didnt see, he didnt feel

    9. OBJECIONES A LOS ASPECTOS MATERIALES DE LA PREGUNTA EL PERITO NO HA SIDO RECONOCIDO POR EL TRIBUNAL como idneo para testificar sobre el tema Credenciales no presentadas o aceptadas Objections to a Material Aspect of the Question The expert has not been recognized by the court As an expert to testify about this material Credentials not accepted Call for an opinion or a conclusion From a witness who is not an expert about an area outside of common knowledge. Objections to a Material Aspect of the Question The expert has not been recognized by the court As an expert to testify about this material Credentials not accepted Call for an opinion or a conclusion From a witness who is not an expert about an area outside of common knowledge.

    10. OBJECIONES A LOS ASPECTOS MATERIALES DE LA PREGUNTA DERECHO DE CONFRONTACIN Cuntenos lo que su vecina le dijo sobre lo que vio ese da Objections to a Material Aspect of the Question Calls for a response based on hearsay Invites information obtained from persons who are not testifying Right of Confrontation Tell us what your neighbor told you about what she saw that day.Objections to a Material Aspect of the Question Calls for a response based on hearsay Invites information obtained from persons who are not testifying Right of Confrontation Tell us what your neighbor told you about what she saw that day.

    11. OBJECIONES A LOS ASPECTOS MATERIALES DE LA PREGUNTA Mi vecina dice que vio al acusado entrar a la casa de la vctima Objections to a Material Aspect of the Question My neighbor says that she saw the defendant enter the victims house Asking the court to accept facts in the answer as true violates the right to confront and cross examine witnesses.Objections to a Material Aspect of the Question My neighbor says that she saw the defendant enter the victims house Asking the court to accept facts in the answer as true violates the right to confront and cross examine witnesses.

    12. REPETITIVA EL TESTIGO YA HA CONTESTADO LA PREGUNTA (usualmente ms de una vez) CUMULATIVA Varios testigos repiten el mismo testimonio Objections to a Material Aspect of the Question Repetitive The witness has already answered the question (usually more than once) Cumulative Many witnesses are repeating the same testimonyObjections to a Material Aspect of the Question Repetitive The witness has already answered the question (usually more than once) Cumulative Many witnesses are repeating the same testimony

    13. LA PRUEBA MATERIAL NO HA SIDO AUTENTICADA No se ha demostrado que dicha prueba es la original y verdadera Cadena de Custodia CARECE DE FUNDAMENTO Fotos, croquis tienen que ser representaciones adecuada Objections to a Material Aspect of the Question The exhibit has not been authenticated It hasnt been shown that the proof is true and original Chain of Custody Lack of Foundation Photos, sketches must be accurate representationsObjections to a Material Aspect of the Question The exhibit has not been authenticated It hasnt been shown that the proof is true and original Chain of Custody Lack of Foundation Photos, sketches must be accurate representations

    14. CUNDO SE DEBE HACER LA OBJECIN? ANTES que el testigo responda o que la prueba material sea admitida por el tribunal (Si se trata de la respuesta, inmediatamente despus) When should the objection be made? BEFORE the witness responds, or the exhibit is admitted by the court. (If youre objecting to the answer, immediately afterwards.) Form: Objection + Legal Reason Be brief, but ready to explain in depthWhen should the objection be made? BEFORE the witness responds, or the exhibit is admitted by the court. (If youre objecting to the answer, immediately afterwards.) Form: Objection + Legal Reason Be brief, but ready to explain in depth

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