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Explore the consequences of Columbus' arrival and the Columbian Exchange on the Americas, including cultural, economic, and demographic shifts. Discover the effects of disease, slavery, and colonialism in this transformative period.
AP Practice • The first Europeans arriving in North America found: • A few dominant native societies and a common Native American language • No areas densely settled by Indians • A homogeneous native society • Hundreds of native societies speaking nearly as many languages
Practice 2. Civilizations in the Americas before the arrival of Columbus a. were only small bands of hunters and gatherers b. were substantial cultures with superior technology compared to Europe c. included elaborate and sophisticated cultures that rivaled those of Europe d. were nomadic tribes that used horses for hunting e. had no written language, public buildings, or agriculture
Period 1: 1491 - 1607 Concept 1.2Contact and Exchange
The New Curriculum and The Columbian Exchange • Key Concept 1.2 “European overseas expansion resulted in the Columbian Exchange, a series of interactions and adaptations among societies across the Atlantic.” • Big Ideas: • What were reasons that led to European exploration? • What were positives and negatives of the Columbian Exchange on both hemispheres?
Discovery of the New World: Why Now?? • 1. The Renaissance Spirit • 2. Competition among European monarchs • 3. Riches in Spices, Silk and Porcelain • Taste for these came from the Crusades and the Silk Route, yet too expensive • 4. Direct route to Asia & India • 5. New Navigation Technology
Better Maps • The compass • The astrolabe measured latitude • Sextant – could be used to find exact position on earth Caravel • Triangle-shaped sails allowed you to sail against wind • Multiple masts increased speed
Ultimate Reason to Explore • The Three G’s • GOLD • GOD • GLORY Columbus Video
Portugal: 1st Navigators; explore Africa • Set up trading posts for purchase of Gold and Slaves • Sent slaves to Atlantic island sugar plantations • Pushed SOUTH and EAST
Spain Unites • Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile • 1492, finance Columbus’ expedition
DO NOT WRITE DOWN! • THE JOURNEY • Three Ships: Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria • Columbus underestimated the size of the planet • Frequently threats of mutiny! • Lands Oct. 12, 1492 (in Bermuda) • Believes they have arrived in the Indies • Names Indigenous people “Indians” (geographic error) • After more trips, Europe realizes value of Goods in the ‘New World’ • Fierce competition begins in settlement of New World
Impact of Contact -Colombus’ impression??: see letter -colonization by force -effects of disease: isolated Natives had no immune system - smallpox, yellow fever, malaria -importation of Africans; to work on sugar plantations in Caribbean
DISEASES FROM EUROPE DO NOT WRITE DOWN! • Some of the diseases introduced to the Native populations as a result of contact with Europeans included: • Typhus • Influenza • Diptheria • Measles • Mumps • Bubonic plague • Smallpox
The Columbian Exchange: Graph pg. 13 • What was it? • The exchange of plants, animals, culture, humans, diseases, etc. between the Americas, Europe, and Africa • Examples of goods: • Americas to Europe and Africa: potatoes, maize (corn), tomatoes • Europe to the Americas: wheat, rice, horses, chickens, oxen
When Ecosystems Collide… • Impact of exchange? • In Europe and Asia: massive population growth due to new food • In Africa: Spanish used Africans from West Africa to be slaves in the Americas • “Sugar revolution” in Caribbean fueled expansion of slavery • In the Americas: spread of diseases (smallpox), social classes (Mestizos), horse transformed Native life (made hunting easier), Encomienda system
Encomienda: Spanish crown to “commend” or give Indians as workers and land to colonists in exchange to promise to Christianize them
DEPOPULATION OF THE AMERICAS DO NOT WRITE DOWN! • After the arrival of Columbus and the Europeans the population of the Aboriginals in the Americas decreased because of war, slavery, and disease. • Dobyns (1966) estimated that 95% of Natives died in the first 130 years post-Columbus.
Who’s Land was it? • In 1494 Treaty of Tordesillas Division of “New World” • Spain to control west territories; Portugal to control east territories (Brazil)
Practice: 3. The Treaty of Tordesilas contained a provision to • Give Spain all rights to settle the Americas • End Aztec domination in Mexico • End the rebellion of the Pueblos in New Mexico • Divide the Americas between Spain and Portugal to colonize • Allow England to colonize N. America and Spain to colonize Central and S. America
4. Which of the following was the MOST important reason for the population decline in native populations in the wake of Spanish conquest? • A. starvation • B. declining birth rates • C. disease • D. warfare
5. Most slaves were brought by the Spanish to the New World to harvest which cash crop? • A. tobacco • B. banana • C. cotton • D. sugar • E. coffee
6. All of the following were results of the “Columbian Exchange” EXCEPT: • 1. People in Europe ate corn, tomatoes, and potatoes for the first time • 2. Diseases previously unknown in the Americas devastated populations • 3. The blending of cultures from Europe, Africa, and the Americas • 4. Through trade, Native Americans acquired gold and silver from Europe
Period 1: 1491 - 1607 Concept 1.3European Colonization
European Colonization • Key Concept 1.3 “Contact among American Indians, Africans, and Europeans challenged the worldviews of each group.” • Big idea: • How did Europeans view the Natives and justify their treatment of them? • How did Africans adapt to life in the Western Hemisphere while still preserving their own cultures?
European Settlements -Spanish– SW, Florida, Texas; spread of Catholic missions St. Augustine, Florida 1565 Santa Fe- 1610 -French–Quebec settled 1608 by Champlain -Dutch—1609 New Amsterdam (NY) by Hudson -English—1607 Jamestown, VA 1620, Plymouth, MA
European Views of Natives and Africans • Many Europeans did not understand Natives and their cultures • Natives were viewed as “Savages” by many Europeans • To be exploited for economic gain • To be converted to Christianity • Used as Military allies
Spanish Views of Natives and Africans • Forced Labor (Encomienda) • Explorers intermarried (mestizos) • Rigid social class based on race • Brutal Inhumane treatment (Black Legend)
Spanish Views of Natives and Africans • Juan de Sepulveda VERSUS • Bartolome de Las Casas • The Great Debate at Valladolid • Spain 1550
French and English Views of Natives and Africans • French • Potential allies • Good trade relationship • Intermarried • English • Intermarriage less common • Peaceful coexistence turned to open warfare • Expelled them from land rather than subjugating them
Backlash to Colonization • Key Concept 1.3, II “Native peoples and Africans in the Americas strove to maintain their political and cultural autonomy in the face of European challenges to their independence and core beliefs” • Pope’s Rebellion in 1680 • Maroon Communities
Pueblo Revolt (Pope’s Rebellion) • 1680 • Santa Fe • Pueblo Indians revolted against Spanish colonization and Christianity • Drove out Spaniards • 12 years later Spanish recolonized the area
Many Africans preserved their culture and autonomy in the New World • Maroon Communities: • Consisted of runaway slaves, many were located in the Caribbean • Many Africans would combine elements of Christianity with their native African religions and customs
Legacy of European Colonization • Disease, death and suppression of Indigenous culture • Crops, animals, language, laws, customs, religion exchanged • Launched major competition to see WHO would control the NEW WORLD
Short Answer Question (SAQ) • Answer a, b, and c: • Briefly explain ONE common trait in the policies of two of these European nations toward Native Americans: • England • France • Spain • Briefly explain ONE difference between the policies of two European nations toward Native Americans. • Briefly explain ONE reaction of Native Americans to European policies.
Test Tips • Multiple-Choice Questions and Short Answer: • Be familiar with the impacts of the Columbian Exchange – not just food • Increase in world trade, permanently connecting two hemispheres • Identify specific goods and their impacts – horse and potato • Impact on Africans – drastic growth in slavery • Essay Questions: • Not likely since it is from period 1