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Review for Spanish I Chapters 4-6. Please make sure to study the geography of the Americas. IT WILL BE ON YOUR FINAL!!!.
Review for Spanish I Chapters 4-6 Please make sure to study the geography of the Americas. IT WILL BE ON YOUR FINAL!!!
Antonio is talking about what he needs for school. Choose the most logical ending for each of his statements below. Circle only the letter of the correct choice, not the whole phrase. 1. Para las clases de alemán y biología necesito **. útiles escolares B. unos zapatos C. una computadora 2. Para escribirnecesito **. D. un lápiz E. las materias F. un reloJ 3. Necesitopapelpara **. la educación física B. el almuerzo C. el inglés 4. No necesito carpetas porque tengo **. D. algo E. un montón F. nada 5. Para la clase de historia tengo **. A. una regla B. un cuaderno C. una calculadora
Fill in the blanks **You MUST become familiar with map on page 115** 1. Students in public school in Costa Rica have ________ (fewer / more) elective classes than students in the United States. 2. In Costa Rica, high school students take the same classes for the first ________________two / three) years. 3-4. In Costa Rica, the school year begins around ____________ (September 1 / March 1) and ends in ________________________ (May / December). 5. Students in Costa Rica have three weeks of vacation in the month of ________. 6. Students in Costa Rica take a national exam to see if they will continue a college preparatory program or spend their last two years in a technical or ________________________ program. 7. In Costa Rica, if a student fails a course it must be made up during _________. 8. If a student fails two classes and also the make-up exams, he must repeat the whole _____________. 9-11. Public schools in Costa Rica have three sessions: ______________________ , which is four hours of classes in the mornings, ________________________ , four hours of classes in the afternoons, and _______________________ , four hours of classes in the evenings.
Read the following letter from Pedro to his cousin. Then choose the correct answer to each question below and mark your answer accordingly. Use all CAPITAL letters. Hola, Enrique: ¿Cómo estás? Estoy en el campo con nuestros abuelos. ¡Me parece bien porque duermo hasta las diez de la mañana! Yo sólo (only) tengo que arreglar mi cuarto y sacar la basura. Este fin de semana tengo que cortar el césped. Mañana queremos ir a la casa de mi tío Carlos porque es el cumpleaños de nuestra tía. También viene nuestro sobrino travieso, Juan. Vamos a comer en el patio. Abuelo quiere preparar sus famosas enchiladas, pero no quiere limpiar la cocina. Hastaluego. Pedro _____1. ¿Quién está en el campo? A. Enrique B. Pedro _____2. ¿Quién es Juan? A. el sobrino de Pedro B. el primo de Pedro _____3. ¿Dónde va a comer mañana Pedro? A. en el comedor B. en el patio _____4. ¿Qué quiere hacer el abuelo de Pedro? A. limpiar la cocina B. cocinar
Cultura. Mark capital A for true or capital B for false. _____1. If someone from Latin America is named Pablo Cortés González, then Gonzálezis probably his mother’s maiden name. _____2. In the United States, the custom among Spanish speakers is to use only the father’s last name and not the mother’s. _____3. Hispanics in the U.S. sometimes use their mother’s maiden name as their middle name. _____4. Grandparents and other elderly people almost always live alone in Spanish speaking countries. _____5. A home in the Amazon Basin may be built high off the ground. _____6. A home in southern Chile may show the influence of German or British immigrants. _____7. In Spanish, surnames are called apellidos. _____8. When many Spanish speakers talk about la familia, they are referring to not only their immediate family, but also their grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.
Read the following questions overheard in a restaurant and indicate whether the speaker is (A) a waiter or waitress or (B) a guest. _____1. ¿Desea algo de postre? _____2. ¿Me trae un flan? _____3. ¿Y paratomar? _____4. ¿Algomás? _____5. ¿Nos trae la cuenta, por favor?
It’s noon, and you are about to prepare and eat your lunch. Complete the sentences by choosing the items that you need. _____1. Para preparar un sándwich necesito **. el agua B. el refresco C. el queso _____2. Preparo el jugo con **. las frutas B. el frío C. el tenedor _____3. Tomo el jugo en un **. cuchillo B. vaso C. plato _____4. Yo como la sopa con **. el vaso B. la cuchara C. el tenedor _____5. Limpio la boca con **. A. la salsa B. la cuenta C. la servilleta
Read your friend Ana’s explanation of how to prepare her favorite dish. Then choose the most logical answers to the questions below. Para preparar una ensalada de frutas vas a necesitar un plato hondo y un cuchillo. Primero, corta una naranja y ponla en el plato. Luego, lava un durazno y una manzana. Córtalos y mézclalos con la naranja. Después, pon un poco de jugo de naranja encima. Pruébala. ¡Qué rica! _____1. ¿Para qué necesitas el cuchillo? paracortar B. paramezclarC. parabeberD. parabesar _____2. ¿Cuántas frutas usas para la ensalada? dos B. tres C. cuatro D. cinco E. seis _____3. ¿Dónde pones el jugo? en el plato hondo B. en un vaso C. en el inodoro D. en la cama _____4. ¿Qué vas a probar? la ensalada de frutas B. el jugo de naranja C. la manzana y la papaya _____5. ¿Quiénes Ana? A. mi tía B. mi hermana C. mi amiga D. mi prima
Fill in the blanks according to the “notasculturales” found in this chapter. Spaniards and Mexicans usually have a ____________________ at about 6:00 p.m. (8 letters) 2. In Mexico, many people buy snacks like roasted corn with __________ powder. 3. Mexico claims ___________________ as its own and has the earliest varieties in a museum. 4. In the United States, _____________________ is considered the main meal of the day. 5. In most Spanish-speaking countries, lunch is called el almuerzo, but in Spain and in Mexico it is called ___________________________________. 6. _____________________ is a drink that was first enjoyed by the Aztecs and Mayas.
Say what the following people are going to order based on what they want or like. (You do not need complete sentences on this part, just nouns with their definite articles.) Example: Me gusta tomar algo caliente para el desayuno. el café [or] el chocolate 1. Son deliciosos con el tocino para el desayuno. __________________________ 2. A mí me encanta el pan con jamón. ____________________________ 3. Voy a tomarlo porque me gusta la fruta y tengo sed. _____________________ 4. Me gusta almorzar pescado frío. ____________________________ 5. Quiero comer una verdura anaranjada. ____________________________ 6. Me gusta desayunarlos fríos con leche. ____________________________ 7. Quiero probar este pan para el desayuno. ____________________________
1. Vienesconmigo al conciertopor la noche? a. No, luegovoy al centrocomercial. b. No, regreso a casa temprano. 2. Hay un concierto el viernes. ¿Quieresir? a. No, los viernestengoclase de baile. b. No, los viernestengomuchahambre. 3.¿Qué talsivamos al partido de béisbolhoy? a. No, tengoqueestudiar la próximasemana. b. No sé. ¿Sabes? No tengoganas. 4. Hay unareunión del club de alemán a lastres. a. Quierollegar a tiempo. b. Voya irpor la noche.
Read what the following students are doing and decide where they are. a. la cafetería b. el estadio c. la biblioteca d. el salón de clase e. el auditorio ____ 1.Yoveo(watch) un partido de fútbol. ____ 2. Ana presenta un examen. ____ 3.María come (eats) el almuerzo. ____ 4.Érica y David escuchan un concierto. ____ 5. Alberto lee (reads) un libro.
Match each statement on the left with the place or thing it describes. a. quetzal b. fiestas patronales c. gallopinto d. mono congo e. colón ____ 1. a noisy tree monkey ____ 2. Costa Rican currency ____ 3. a tropical bird that lives in protected reserves ____ 4. celebrations with bands and dancing ____ 5. preferred breakfast of Costa Ricans
Match each item in the left column with the phrase from the right column that best describes it. a. of Arabic origin, brought by Spaniards b. winerof the Nobel Prize for literature c. native people known for their bravery d. large stone statues e. a dish made of corn and meat ____ 1. los mapuches ____ 2.mudéjar architecture ____ 3. el pastel de choclo ____ 4. Pablo Neruda ____ 5. los moais
Spanish-speaking countries have a rich and varied heritage when it comes to foods. Match each description below with the most appropriate choice from the box. a. corn b. Christmas c. a light supper d. a full lunch ____1. If asked to share la cena with friends in Mexico, this is what you might expect. ____2. In Mexico, family members come home from work and school to eat this. ____3. Mexico claims this as its own and has the earliest varieties at its Museum of Anthropology. ____4. Chiles en nagada is a dish typically eaten at this time of year.