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Studying Your Sabbath School Lesson with e-Sword. Basic rules to remember. Click on a Bible text in the Bible window Look in the Commentary window to see active tabs Click on a word in the Bible and Commentary windows Look in the Dictionary window to see active tabs
Studying Your Sabbath School Lesson with e-Sword
Basic rules to remember. . . • Click on a Bible text in the Bible window • Look in the Commentary window to see active tabs • Click on a word in the Bible and Commentary windows • Look in the Dictionary window to see active tabs • To search within the Dictionary • Right-click on any word in the Dictionary window to bring up “Lookup”. Click on the word and the rest of the dictionaries will be searched and display blue “I” tabs when other dictionaries have an entry for that word.
Preparation-Create/Open Markup Bible VERY IMPORTANT: First--Click on the tab of the Bible for which you want to create a Markup file; next time click the tab of the same Bible before re-opening the same Markup Bible. Click on “Bible” TIP: To view Bible with NO markings, go to Bible/ Markup; click on “OPEN” and then click on “markup.ovlx”; click OPEN—window closes, you return to the Bible Window and the “clean” original Bible will display. Select “New” to create a markup Bible; “Open” to resume an established markup Bible Click on “Markup File” Enter the new Markup Bible name in the File Name field; then Click SAVE. Example: SS Lessons. Your Markup Bible is now ready to mark up with highlights and underscores
Preparation-Synchronize Dictionary and Commentary Windows TIP: The link buttons will stay activated once they are selected
Preparation-Select SS Lesson Quarterly Place cursor on the down arrow of the bottom drop-down menu in the Topic Notes editor; select desired SS Lesson Quarterly
Preparation-Select Lesson to Study TIP: The selected lesson will display in the active chapter window Place cursor on the down arrow of the top drop-down menu in the Topic Notes window; select desired SS Lesson
Action-View Topic Notes Window This is the “normal” view of a typical Sabbath School lesson. Let’s see what e-Sword can provide to enhance your understanding of the lesson. Lesson 5 *July 26–August 1 How to Be Saved Sabbath Afternoon Read for This Week’s Study:Luk_5:27-32; Luk_13:1-5;Mat_22:2-14;Zec_3:1-5; Joh_8:30-31; Luk_14:25-27. Memory Text: “ ‘And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life’ ” (Joh_3:14-15, NKJV). As the Israelites were being bitten by snakes in the desert, God instructed Moses to make a bronze one and place it on a pole so that whoever was bitten could look at it and be saved. What healing properties can a bronze snake have? None. Healing came only from God. By looking at the bronze statue, however, the Israelites demonstrated their faith in God as their only hope of life and salvation. The Lord wanted to teach them a spiritual lesson. He transformed a symbol of death into a symbol of life. That bronze serpent was a symbol of Christ, who became the Bearer of our sins in order to save us. By faith, we can all look to Christ lifted up on the cross and find a cure from the deadly sting of the old serpent, Satan. Otherwise, we are fated to die in our sins. The Word of God expresses what should be painfully obvious: as human beings, we are sinners in need of grace. That grace has been offered to us in Christ Jesus. This week we will look at Jesus’ teachings regarding the simple practical steps needed for salvation.
Action-Highlight Key Words Highlight all words that interest you and for which you would like to find out if the Dictionaries provide additional materials. Lesson 5 *July 26–August 1 How to Be Saved Sabbath Afternoon Read for This Week’s Study:Luk_5:27-32; Luk_13:1-5;Mat_22:2-14;Zec_3:1-5; Joh_8:30-31; Luk_14:25-27. Memory Text: “ ‘And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life’ ” (Joh_3:14-15, NKJV). As the Israelites were being bitten by snakes in the desert, God instructed Moses to make a bronze one and place it on a pole so that whoever was bitten could look at it and be saved. What healing properties can a bronze snake have? None. Healing came only from God. By looking at the bronze statue, however, the Israelites demonstrated their faith in God as their only hope of life and salvation. The Lord wanted to teach them a spiritual lesson. He transformed a symbol of death into a symbol of life. That bronze serpent was a symbol of Christ, who became the Bearer of our sins in order to save us. By faith, we can all look to Christ lifted up on the cross and find a cure from the deadly sting of the old serpent, Satan. Otherwise, we are fated to die in our sins. The Word of God expresses what should be painfully obvious: as human beings, we are sinners in need of grace. That grace has been offered to us in Christ Jesus. This week we will look at Jesus’ teachings regarding the simple practical steps needed for salvation. Click on a key word to view Dictionary active tabs that indicate information about that word. Or do an extended search on related or contrasting words.
Action-Dictionary Search Results Note all the dictionary tabs with blue “i” tabs that indicate they have “Salvation” as an entry in their Topic List. Click each blue “i”, then review the Dictionaries’ Topic List entries to see if there is one that is relevant to the lesson. TIP: You can copy/paste text from an open Dictionary into the Editors window. Topic List Window For Open Dictionary OR do a quick Lookup: Right-click on any key word in Dictionary window view to find more active Dictionary tabs about that key word TIP: The Dictionary topic window will show all the key word listings if “Dictionary/Topics” in the toolbar at the top of the screen is selected
Spirit of Prophecy Dictionaries Many Spirit of Prophecy books are compilations that gather together quotations on specific topics. There is a heading for each of these quotations at the beginning of each paragraph. These headings have been alphabetized by the key word for e-Sword. You can see these key words in each Dictionary module’s topic list window. When you click on a word in one of the Editors windows, a blue “i” will appear on a Dictionary tab if there is a match on the key word. Click on that tab to read the article.
Spirit of Prophecy Page Dictionary The Sabbath School lessons usually contain several quotations from the Spirit of Prophecy. You can view the context of that quotation in the EGW page dictionary when you click on the red-colored page reference in the SS lesson. No need to leave e-Sword. . . . The Dictionary tab displays a blue “i”, the topic list window goes to the page number and the Dictionary window displays the context of the quotation. Click on the red page reference
Action-Highlight Key Phrases Lesson 5 *July 26–August 1 How to Be Saved Sabbath Afternoon Read for This Week’s Study:Luk_5:27-32; Luk_13:1-5;Mat_22:2-14;Zec_3:1-5; Joh_8:30-31; Luk_14:25-27. Memory Text: “ ‘And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life’ ” (Joh_3:14-15, NKJV). As the Israelites were being bitten by snakes in the desert, God instructed Moses to make a bronze one and place it on a pole so that whoever was bitten could look at it and be saved. What healing properties can a bronze snake have? None. Healing came only from God. By looking at the bronze statue, however, the Israelites demonstrated their faith in God as their only hope of life and salvation. The Lord wanted to teach them a spiritual lesson. He transformed a symbol of death into a symbol of life. That bronze serpent was a symbol of Christ, who became the Bearer of our sins in order to save us. By faith, we can all look to Christ lifted up on the cross and find a cure from the deadly sting of the old serpent, Satan. Otherwise, we are fated to die in our sins. The Word of God expresses what should be painfully obvious: as human beings, we are sinners in need of grace. That grace has been offered to us in Christ Jesus. This week we will look at Jesus’ teachings regarding the simple practical steps needed for salvation. Highlight key phrases; do an Extended Search of all the Dictionaries.
Action-Dictionary Window Extended Search Click on “Dictionary” Select word search parameters Click on “Extended Search” Enter a phrase in the search window Select Dictionaries to search; click on red “x” to close Click on the Binoculars to search Dictionaries Double-click on an individual reference to view entry in the right-hand window
Action-Tooltipped References Lesson 5 *July 26–August 1 How to Be Saved Sabbath Afternoon Read for This Week’s Study:Luk_5:27-32; Luk_13:1-5;Mat_22:2-14;Zec_3:1-5; Joh_8:30-31; Luk_14:25-27. Memory Text: “ ‘And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life’ ” (Joh_3:14-15, NKJV). As the Israelites were being bitten by snakes in the desert, God instructed Moses to make a bronze one and place it on a pole so that whoever was bitten could look at it and be saved. What healing properties can a bronze snake have? None. Healing came only from God. By looking at the bronze statue, however, the Israelites demonstrated their faith in God as their only hope of life and salvation. The Lord wanted to teach them a spiritual lesson. He transformed a symbol of death into a symbol of life. That bronze serpent was a symbol of Christ, who became the Bearer of our sins in order to save us. By faith, we can all look to Christ lifted up on the cross and find a cure from the deadly sting of the old serpent, Satan. Otherwise, we are fated to die in our sins. The Word of God expresses what should be painfully obvious: as human beings, we are sinners in need of grace. That grace has been offered to us in Christ Jesus. This week we will look at Jesus’ teachings regarding the simple practical steps needed for salvation. Click on tooltipped reference to activate Bible window to view reference in its context; Commentary window tabs will synchronize with Bible reference
Action-Commentary Window After clicking on the tooltipped text in the Topic Notes window, notice all the Commentary tabs that indicate there is an entry for John 3:14 Example of a tooltipped Scripture reference
Action-Commentary Window Active tab is “TSKe”; you can see the complete title of a book by placing cursor on any tab in e-Sword
Action-Commentary Window Extended Search Click on “Commentary” Click on “Extended Search”
Action-Commentary Window Extended Search Enter a phrase in the search window Select Commentaries to search; click on red “x” to close
Action-Commentary Window Extended Search Click on the Binoculars to search Dictionaries Select word search parameters Click on an individual reference in left-hand window to view entry in the right-hand window; you can copy/paste from the Commentary window into the Topic Notes window
Spirit of Prophecy Commentary Modules The Conflict of the Ages series (PP, PK, DA, AA, GC, MB, COL) refer to a specific scripture passage for a specific chapter in these books. In the first five volumes, that reference is located at the bottom of the first page of the chapter. The Bible and Commentary windows are synchronized so that when you click on a Bible verse that is covered by that chapter, you can now read the chapter that corresponds to the active Bible verse in the Commentary window. All the scripture passages in each chapter of these titles (Ed, GW, MH, and CT&BH) are also synchronized to open the chapter where that passage is located.
Action-Memory VerseYes—it’s still a very good idea to learn your memory verse!! Click on “Tools” Click on “Scripture Memory” Click on memory verse to memorize Click on this tab to add, edit, or delete memory verse texts To create your own memory verse list, click here. Directory will open where you can give the new list its own name This will take you to the four memory verse tests.
www.sshope.hopetv.org Hope Sabbath School Dr. Derek Morris has generously provided the Hope Sabbath School study guides for e-Sword. You can fully participate in his Sabbath School by watching the discussion as well as using the Scripture-rich study guides in e-Sword for each week.
www.sshope.hopetv.org Hope Sabbath School Dr. Derek Morris has generously provided the Hope Sabbath School study guides for e-Sword. You can fully participate in his Sabbath School by watching the discussion as well as using the Scripture-rich study guides in e-Sword for each week.
www.sshope.hopetv.org Hope Sabbath School Dr. Derek Morris has generously provided the Hope Sabbath School study guides for e-Sword. You can fully participate in his Sabbath School by watching the discussion as well as using the Scripture-rich study guides in e-Sword for each week. Each quarter’s theme song is also included in the Topic Notes module.
www.sshope.hopetv.org Hope Sabbath School Dr. Derek Morris has generously provided the Hope Sabbath School study guides for e-Sword. You can fully participate in his Sabbath School by watching the discussion as well as using the Scripture-rich study guides in e-Sword for each week.
www.GoBible.org GoBible.org Bruce N. Cameron, J.D. is the author of these Bible studies. He is the Reed Larson Professor of Labor Law at Regent University School of Law. Professor Cameron has devoted his life to promoting the Gospel and defending believers. He holds an undergraduate degree from Andrews University and a Doctor of Law from Emory University School of Law. Dr. Cameron has been published in Liberty magazine, been a participant in many religious liberty forums, and continues to work actively in the religious liberty field.
www.GoBible.org GoBible.org Dr. Bruce Cameron has generously given permission for his weekly study guide to be made into a Topic Notes module. These study guides present thoughtful questions about each week’s Sabbath School lesson and are guaranteed to make you think more deeply about the week’s topic as he guides you through a virtual discussion. Great resource for Sabbath School teachers.
Share It-Print It Out Click on Preview icon to prepare for printing out open Topic Notes document
Share It-Print It Out These familiar icons may be selected to verify your document’s layout before you print it out
Share It • EXPORT– With cursor in the active Editor window, press Control + right click. A menu will display that allows you to export your module in several ways: • MODULE—e-Mail module to an e-Sword friend • TEACH—Teach someone how to use e-Sword for themselves
Summary of Different Ways to Study the Lesson • Word Study – dig into the meaning of a word • Original Languages - translate word or verse into your own words • Inductive Study – ask who, what, why, when, where, how… • Illustrate lesson with graphics • Compare translations of the same Bible text – is there consistency or differences • Spirit of Prophecy comments – what insights do you find • Biography sketch of Bible individuals in lesson – find all the texts about that person • Write a child’s version of the lesson – share with a child • Create a Bible study – put your findings into practical use • Can you think of more? You will never run out of ways to explore the Bible. Time will fly by as you study God’s Word in e-Sword.