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BEFORE HTML5. CookiesFlash StorageInternet Explorer UserDataGoogle GearsDojo Storage.... STORAGE OPTIONS IN HTML5. Web StoragelocalStoragesessionStorage. STORAGE OPTIONS IN HTML5. Web StoragelocalStoragesessionStorageWeb SQL Database. STORAGE OPTIONS IN HTML5. Web StoragelocalStorages

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Presentation Transcript


    2. BEFORE HTML5 Cookies Flash Storage Internet Explorer UserData Google Gears Dojo Storage ...

    3. STORAGE OPTIONS IN HTML5 Web Storage localStorage sessionStorage

    4. STORAGE OPTIONS IN HTML5 Web Storage localStorage sessionStorage Web SQL Database

    5. STORAGE OPTIONS IN HTML5 Web Storage localStorage sessionStorage Web SQL Database IndexedDB (aka. WebSimpleDB)

    6. STORAGE OPTIONS IN HTML5 Web Storage localStorage sessionStorage Web SQL Database IndexedDB(aka. WebSimpleDB) ... and cookies

    7. WHY? ?

    8. WHY? Keep yourself organized ...instant retrieval of structured data

    9. WHY? Keep yourself organized ...instant retrieval of structured data Reduce # of HTTP requests ...bandwidth is expensive!

    10. WHY? Keep yourself organized ...instant retrieval of structured data Reduce # of HTTP requests ...bandwidth is expensive! Put processing (sorting, filtering, etc.) on client ...performance is a big deal!

    11. WEB STORAGE localStorage: Key / value pairs - hash table Persistent on page reloads Avoids HTTP overhead of cookies Great for storing user preferences

    12. WEB STORAGE sessionStorage, same as localStorage but...

    13. WEB STORAGE sessionStorage, same as localStorage but... Lasts as long as browser is open

    14. WEB STORAGE sessionStorage, same as localStorage but... Lasts as long as browser is open Survives page reloads and restores

    15. WEB STORAGE sessionStorage, same as localStorage but... Lasts as long as browser is open Survives page reloads and restores Opening page in new window or tab starts new session

    16. WEB STORAGE sessionStorage, same as localStorage but... Lasts as long as browser is open Survives page reloads and restores Opening page in new window or tab starts new session Great for sensitive data (e.g. banking sessions)

    17. WEB SQL DATABASE Client-side SQL database Asynchronous & Synchronous API Basically wrapper around SQLite Put processing (sorting, filtering, etc.) on client


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