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Chapter History & Operations

Chapter History & Operations . Pi Kappa Phi Member Education . GETTING STARTED. Roll Call Student Creed Recite the first 1/3 of the Student Creed. Chartering of Theta Pi. December 1, 2007 Ceremony was held at Ornelas Activity Center Q uickest chapter nationally to receive charter

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Chapter History & Operations

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  1. Chapter History & Operations

    Pi Kappa Phi Member Education
  2. GETTING STARTED Roll Call Student Creed Recite the first 1/3 of the Student Creed
  3. Chartering of Theta Pi December 1, 2007 Ceremony was held at Ornelas Activity Center Quickest chapter nationally to receive charter First fraternity at The University of Texas at Tyler Competed with SAE to become first chartered on campus Myth is that George W. Bush wrote a letter stating that we were chartered before SAE. Named the Theta Pi chapter of Pi Kappa Phi Chartering Chapters TCU Northwestern State
  4. Founding Fathers Archon Matt Beavers ViceArchon Derek Nail Treasurer Brandon Swilley Secretary Bradley Kroll Warden David Thompson Historian Noah Johnson Chaplain Nathan McCrary Faculty Advisor Gregg Lassen Elijah Owens Kyle Moseley Josh White Kerry Elliott Ben Cartwright Austin O’ Kelly Carl Griffin Skyler Dillingham Martin McKown Josh Woodring Eric Walker Matt Solimine Matt Adam Chris Marullo David McAlpin Rene Hernandez Kaleb Nix Justin Linnstaedter Walter Green Jimi Curry Troy Dawley
  5. Founding Fathers
  6. Theta Pi Tradition Founders Day December 10 We recognize this by hosting a special dinner and reception Mr. Theta Pi Awarded at Roseball Rose Queen Awarded at Roseball Alumnus of the Year Awarded at the annual Founders Day Banquet
  7. Rose Queens 2008 Kelli Evans Moseley 2009Kacie Allen Lambeth 2010 Katie Pierce Mariani 2011 Alicia Albaugh 2012Kortney Burnside
  8. Mr. Theta Pi’s 2008 Austin O’ Kelly 2009 Nathan McCrary 2010 Brett Mariani 2011 Daniel Granvold 2012 Austin Castleberry
  9. Current Executive Council Archon Anthony Domino ViceArchon Chase Lee Treasurer Todd Knowles Secretary Cody Tackett Warden Charles Burroughs Historian Brandon Okland Chaplain Eric Carter
  10. Committee Chairs Push America Cole Werthmann Social Cody Tackett Recruitment Cody Tackett Risk Management Daniel Dick Member Education Dylan Groce Scholarship Eric Carter Swoop Blake Bristow Intramurals Josh Bell Website/ Constitution Junior Rodriguez Brotherhood Marc Noble Public Relations Bradley Bodle Service Patrick Beach T-Shirt Michael Suarez
  11. Additional Chapter Contacts Leadership Consultant Gabe Villanueva Faculty Advisor Dewayne Hughes
  12. Websites/ Important Documents www.pikapp.org www.pkptyler.com http://pkptyler.com/member-resources/ www.uttyler.edu/greeklife
  13. Committee/ EC Manuals Go over the Committee Manual Found on www.pkptyler.com/member-resources Show where to find EC Manuals
  14. Chapter Committee’s When picking your committee you should individually talk to brothers whom you think would be a good fit on the committee. Once you have a committee, decide on a meeting time and location for your meetings. Committee’s should be made up of 2-6 members. Members of the committee should help with the planning and implementation of events. Delegate responsibility for the events so that the workload can be distributed throughout the committee.
  15. Committee Reports Prior to your committee meeting, e-mail in a report of the meeting into pkptyler@gmail.com. During chapter, your committee report should be reported as: “Last week I accomplished...” and “This week I plan to accomplish…”. Make these reports during chapter brief but enough to let the chapter know what you have done and plan to do. If you have done nothing or have nothing important to say, say “no new business”. Discussion should be handled during committee meetings, not during chapter. Chapter should be a time for informing not discussing.
  16. Tips for Committee Chairs The committee chairman, not by the President or EC members, should lead committee meetings. Utilize the resources available from national headquarters as much as possible http://www.pikapp.org/resourcelibrary.aspx?id=768. Read the resources Theta Pi members have created for positions. These can usually be found on www.pkptyler.com/member-resources Create documents for your position that will help out brothers who will hold the position in the future. Keep these documents on file.
  17. Swoop Chairman Overview Organize Greek Week Organize Homecoming Ensure that our chapter supports other organization’s events hosted on or off campus. (i.e. Anchor Splash, Mr. Alpha Chi, etc) Pick and plan for our chapter to attend 1-2 games for each major UT Tyler sporting event with a goal of 50-75% attendance. Plan for the chapter to attend additional UT Tyler sporting events but with a lower goal attendance of 25-50% from the chapter.
  18. Intramural Chairman Overview Register Pi Kappa Phi intramural teams on Imleagues.com Assist brothers in creating Imleagues accounts and signing up Act as the Pi Kappa Phi ‘coach’ in whatever intramural events we participate. This includes scheduling practices, making lineups, assigning players to positions, drawing up plays, deciding who is in the game, etc.
  19. Brotherhood Chairman Overview Assist Chaplain with set-up and takedown for monthly Formal Chapter Meeting and all brotherhood events; Work with brothers that are suspended or not in Good Standing to bring them back into the folds of the chapter. Plan one “brotherhood event” per month in which brothers can come together and socialize. These events can be inexpensive; such as going to dinner, grilling out at a brothers house, attending a baseball game, etc. Plan a brotherhood retreat each semester.
  20. Constitution Chairman Overview Insure every member has an up-to-date copy of the constitution and By-Laws. Become an expert of the Theta Pi Constitution and By-Laws. Look through the Constitution and By-Laws and ensure that everything still pertains to our chapter and is up-to-date. Notify the chapter/brothers whenever the constitution is not being followed. Communicate and meet with brothers that wish to amend the Constitution and By-Laws. Encourage brothers to become familiar and educated with the Constitution and By-Laws.
  21. Member Education Chairman Overview Advise the Warden and Chairman on issues related to Associate Member Education. Provide support to the Warden and Chairman throughout the year. Prepare, coordinate, and lead the New Member Education meetings (at the Warden’s discretion). Prepare lesson plans, power points, quizzes, study guides, etc. for the new member education meetings. Prepare a mid-term exam for associate members to be taken at midterm of the pledgeship. Coordinate with the Chaplain for associate member sub-rituals.
  22. Public Relations Chairman Overview Serve as the chapter’s “Marketing Director” Design and create flyers, newspaper advertisements and any other form of promoting Theta Pi around the university and the community. Coordinate with chairman for any events that advertising is adequate. Create and update advertising materials that promote Pi Kappa Phi.
  23. Push America Chairman Overview Plan and coordinate all Push America events throughout the semester Actively recruit members of the chapter to participate in national Push America events (i.e. Give-a-Push Weekends, Push Camp, JOH).
  24. Service Chairman Overview Coordinate 1-2 big service projects per semester with a goal of 75-100% chapter attendance. Coordinate several smaller service projects throughout the semester with a goal of 25% chapter attendance. Coordinate an associate member service project each semester. Log all service hours from the members of the chapter.
  25. Recruitment Chairman Overview Organize an annual recruitment retreat; Create and maintain a written recruitment program; Implement a year-round recruitment strategy; Plan Rush Week. PowerPoint’s, videos, presentations, guest speakers, etc. Coach and assist brothers on recruitment techniques
  26. Risk Management Chairman Overview Meet regularly with Archon to insure chapter compliance with all FIPG Inc. regulations and guidelines; Monitor chapter compliance with IFC and University rules and regulations pertaining to the hosting of social events; Remind the chapter frequently of the risk management policies that are in place.
  27. Scholarship Chairman Overview Create and maintain a written scholarship program; Recruit and act as liaison to chapter’s Academic Coach Create and maintain a Chapter Code of Conduct that is approved by a majority of the chapter; Develop and implement a four-year member retention/education program. Meet with the President to go over the previous semester’s chapter grade report. Meet with brothers whom are on academic probation (below a 2.5 GPA) once a month to keep track of their progress and to provide help where needed.
  28. Social Chairman Overview Ultimately in charge of planning and implementing all social activities; This includes but is not limited to Founder’s Day, Roseball, Mudbug Bash, and Mixers.
  29. Website Chairman Overview Ensure that the chapter’s website is up to date. Gather and post updated documents onto the “Resource Library” section of the website for chapter access.
  30. T-Shirt Chairman Overview Create and design any T-Shirt for Theta Pi; Place the orders and instruct Treasurer on the cost of the shirt and work with him to collect those fees.
  31. IFC Chairman Overview Represent the chapter in the IFC meetings. Inform the chapter of what is talked about in IFC. Get the chapter’s feedback on various topics talked about in IFC.
  32. Archon Overview Be the official head of the Chapter; Preside over all Chapter and the Executive Council meetings; Orchestrate the action of the Executive Council; Oversee Risk Management chairman; Work to motivate officers and the Chapter;
  33. Vice Archon Overview Preside over all chapter and Executive Council meetings in the absence of the Archon; Be responsible for Membership Recruitment; Oversee the Recruitment and Public Relations Committee; Oversee the Push America Chairman and Commitment to Service Committee; Be responsible for compliance with IFC regulations, and;
  34. Treasurer Overview Prepare and follow chapter approved budget; Maintain uniform and acceptable accounting system; Prepare the Treasurer’s section of the Green Report; Collect and disburse all chapter monies; Oversee the Budget and Constitution Committee;
  35. Secretary Overview Keep an accurate account for all Chapter and Executive Council meetings; Report all pre-initiations and initiations to the Administrative Office within three days of the ceremony; Distribute member certificates, Chapter forms, and other supplies; Submit any necessary reports to the Administrative Office (i.e. Green Report, Summer Questionnaire, Conference Registration forms) Care for the Chapter’s correspondence; Provide the Chapter with all written and verbal directions from the Administrative Office; Oversee the Social, Push America and Risk Management Committee;
  36. Warden Overview Coordinate all forms of Membership Education; Keep order during all sessions of the chapter; Attend door during all chapter meetings; Serve as co-chairman of the Superior Associate Member Education Committee; Organize Big Brother Program; Oversee the member education and communication committees; Oversee all pre initiation ceremony’s ;
  37. Historian Overview Oversee the alumni and parent relations committee as well as the intramurals; Serve as editor of all chapter publications; Keep an accurate of the history of the chapter; Care for guest book; Maintain a chapter library; Maintain a chapter scrapbook; Maintain a filing system for all Member Record Cards; Prepare Homecoming activities; Serve as liaison to Star and Lamp.
  38. Chaplain Overview Oversee the brotherhood and scholarship committee; Conduct and coordinate all religious services of the chapter; Be responsible for all ritual and sub-ritual ceremonies and equipment; Be responsible for all debriefing and interpretation of ritual; Educate chapter on Chapter Code of Conduct; Be responsible for the observance of Founder’s Day;
  39. Questions
  40. Pledge Class Reports President Vice President Push America Secretary Treasurer
  41. Assignments Meet with a Theta Pi alumnus Memorize 2/3 of the Student Creed Read Theta Pi committee chairman manual; Prepare for Quiz Read Theta Pi Constitution & Bylaws; Prepare for Quiz Print out current grades from blackboard Prepare for Mid-Term exam
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