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Social and emotional learning in out-of-school time: Beyond academics, beyond the classroom

Social and emotional learning in out-of-school time: Beyond academics, beyond the classroom. Kate Walker, KCWALKER@UMN.EDU Extension Specialist, Center for Youth Development Elizabeth Hagen, hage0418@UMN.EDU Graduate Research Assistant, Educational Psychology. SEL and You.

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Social and emotional learning in out-of-school time: Beyond academics, beyond the classroom

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Social and emotional learning in out-of-school time: Beyond academics, beyond the classroom Kate Walker, KCWALKER@UMN.EDU Extension Specialist, Center for Youth Development Elizabeth Hagen, hage0418@UMN.EDU Graduate Research Assistant, Educational Psychology

  2. SEL and You • When you think of “social and emotional learning” what comes to mind? • What’s a skill that helps you be successful that is not related to academic content?

  3. What is SEL? • A process through which young people enhance their ability to integrate thinking, feeling, and behaving to achieve important life tasks: • Recognize and manage emotions • Care about others • Make good decisions • Behave ethically and responsibly • Develop positive relationships • Avoid negative behaviors

  4. Benefits of SEL

  5. 21stCentury Skills

  6. Non-Cognitive Factors

  7. SEL Core Competencies

  8. CASEL’S Conceptual Framework Academically Successful Build Social and Emotional Learning Skills Coordinated School, Family, and Community Efforts Healthy Good Social Relationships Engaged Citizens

  9. Sel in your OST program

  10. Durlak, J. A., & Weissberg, R. P. (2010). Afterschool program that follow evidence-based practices to promote social and emotional development are effective.

  11. SAFE Model • S- Sequenced • Does the program apply a planned set of activities to develop skills in a step-by-step fashion? • A- Active • Does the program use active forms of learning? • F- Focused • Does the program devote sufficient time exclusively to SEL goals? • E-Explicit • Does the program target specific SEL skills?

  12. Sel Learning series • 2013-14: Understanding and Assessing Social and Emotional Learning. Year 1 will focus on what the research tells us about why social and emotional learning matters and how it is assessed. • 2014-15: Social and Emotional Learning in Action. Year 2 will explore ways to enhance social and emotional learning in youth programs and strategies for preparing adults (staff, parents, teachers) to support this learning. • 2015-16: Taking Social and Emotional Learning to Scale. Year 3 will reflect upon the series and promote social and emotional learning in Minnesota’s youth programs. Trainings will be developed to provide practical ways to apply research to practice.

  13. training Opportunities • Mar 12 - Social and Emotional Learning Webinar • Mar 13 - Central Regional Forum, Arboretum • May 6 - Social and Emotional Learning Symposium, Minneapolis and Online

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