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Deputation to Building & Planning Committee April 2, 2013. Proposed Rezoning Special Sites 8 and 11 OZ 12/002 W7 Presented by Andy Tafler, Vice President GWHA executive@GordonWoods.ca. Gordon Woods – Our Position. For. Against. Development to the OP and appropriate densities
Deputation to Building & Planning CommitteeApril 2, 2013 Proposed Rezoning Special Sites 8 and 11 OZ 12/002 W7 Presented by Andy Tafler, Vice President GWHA executive@GordonWoods.ca
Gordon Woods Homeowners' Association Gordon Woods – Our Position For Against • Development to the OP and appropriate densities • Environmental Stewardship • Community Development • Neighbourhood Character • Expertise of City Staff reports • Protection of Special Site Status • Protection of Wildlife and Habitat and Mature Tree Canopy • Over-intensification in Density • Changes to zoning • Traffic, noise, pollution • Negative impact on vegetation, wildlife, water • Developers redefining our neighbourhood character for financial return
Gordon Woods Homeowners' Association Gordon Woods – Who are we? • Residential Woodland (Mississauga Plan, Natural Areas Survey) • Well established single family home development (since 1922) • Large lot character and tree preservation has a 90 year history • Several homes have 2nd and 3rd generation original families in them • Cooksville District Plan, approved in July 2012, with the recommendation that the GW Special Site Policy be maintained and expanded.
Gordon Woods Homeowners' Association Gordon Woods – Who are we? • New homes are architecturally significant and respect the Special Site, Residential Woodland requirements • Lot size appropriate to neighbourhood • Home size appropriate to lot size Source: David Small Designs
Gordon Woods Homeowners' Association Protecting the City’s Environmental Heritage “Ecological benefits include: air pollution removal, shade, temperature moderation, moderation of storm water flows, support for active living, improved outdoor recreational opportunities, improved mental health and community well-being, higher property values and a more aesthetically pleasing community.” • Source: http://www.mississauga.ca/portal/residents/parksusefullinks?paf_gear_id=10200022&itemId=600044it&returnUrl=%2Fportal%2Fresidents%2Fparksusefullinks?utm_source=NaturalHeritage-FriendlyURL&utm_medium=various&utm_campaign=NaturalHeritage-FriendlyURL
Gordon Woods Homeowners' Association Gordon Woods’ Stewardship “The City values its natural areas and urban forest, and over the years has undertaken many initiatives to develop and implement policies and by-laws to support these systems, as well as programs for their management. The Natural Heritage & Urban Forest Strategy will provide implementation tools to ensure that the City's natural area and urban forest system is protected. Based on best practices and the current science, opportunities for enhancement, restoration and expansion will be identified for implementation.” Source: http://www.mississauga.ca/portal/residents/parksusefullinks?paf_gear_id=10200022&itemId=600044it&returnUrl=%2Fportal%2Fresidents%2Fparksusefullinks?utm_source=NaturalHeritage-FriendlyURL&utm_medium=various&utm_campaign=NaturalHeritage-FriendlyURL
Gordon Woods Homeowners' Association Site History • Active examination of the area has been done by the City as noted in the Cooksville Plan report • This site has been studied and there has been substantial citizen input. Conclusions drawn: • Gordon Woods has special site status • This application – if approved as it stands now - will become a gateway to ongoing rezoning attempts resulting in the ignoring of all this City Staff and citizen work
Gordon Woods Homeowners' Association Synopsis of Proposal • Substantial change in density being proposed • Currently 1 original home on the property • Original home to be torn down to accommodate 9 units • Land use designations: • Land is designated as R1-7 zoning • Intention seems to be: to “get around” the OP/special site status by changing the interior of the lot to R-16 to allow 8 large homes on 8 small lots • This is a fundamental change of land use in the heart of Gordon Woods • Developer seems to claim that this approach allows his development not to fall under the Gordon Woods Special Status – Yet he will likely advertise these homes as the “Gordon Woods neighbourhood”
Gordon Woods Homeowners' Association Synopsis of Proposal (cont’d) • Not at all in keeping with the character of the neighbourhood • In conflict with Cooksville Plan, Mississauga Official Plan • This proposal shows a lack of understanding and respect for the intentions and spirit of the official plan and the Gordon Woods special site status : the intention seems to be to ‘get around’ the clear intentions of the city : • In spite of GWHA and City input, very little change in this developer’s plan originally proposed a year ago • It appears from early information that 64 trees will be lost and 21 damaged : and this on a property that the previous owner had already illegally removed 20 + large trees • No accommodation made for outside structures (e.g. pools, decks) virtually guaranteeing significant post-development tree lossby new owners
Gordon Woods Homeowners' Association Synopsis of Proposal (cont’d) • Lot size and privacy concerns : • Existing homes on Autumn Breeze, Breezy Pines and Gordon will have privacy impact • Narrow new backyards backing on existing home backyards • New 2 + story homes towering over existing homes • Traffic issues – estimating an increase of 30 cars, intensification, parking • Strong concerns re storm sewer run-off into Mary Fix Creek • Homes downstream are in the floodplain and have experienced problems this year • Harborn bridge replacement; Erosion control presently underway • This is a preventable situation • (Reference present Cooksville Creek flooding issues)
Gordon Woods Homeowners' Association Directions Report June 2012 • Amendments to the Cooksville Neighbourhood Character Area Policies of the Official Plan : • On New Development : • Scale and character • Natural environment (trees, drainage, stormwater) • Tree conservation (only 3% of trees are large in Mississauga, many of the mature trees are in GW) • Environmental Heritage
Gordon Woods Homeowners' Association Special Site 4 to 11 (new) Notwithstanding the provisions of the Residential Low Density I, the following additional policies will apply: • preserve and enhance with landscaping or other features the generous front, rear and side yard setbacks; • Encourage that existing grades and drainage conditions are preserved or enhanced through approval of a drainage plan by the City; • encourage new housing to fit the scale and character of the surrounding area, and take advantage of the features of a particular site, i.e. topography, contours, mature vegetation; • Garages should be recessed or located behind the main face of the house. Alternatively, garages should be located in the rear of the property. • ensure that new development has minimal impact on its adjacent neighbours with respect to overshadowing and overlook; • Encourage buildings to be one to two storeys in height. The design of the building should de-emphasize the height of the house and be designed as a composition of small architectural elements, ie projecting dormers and bay windows • reduce the hard surface areas in the front yard to less than 50% of the front yard • preserve existing mature high quality trees to maintain the existing mature nature of these areas; based on a report prepared by a qualified arborist or other qualified professional • house designs which fit with the scale and character of the local area, and take advantage of the particular site are encouraged. The use of standard, repeat designs is strongly discouraged; • the building mass, side yards and rear yards should respect and relate to those of adjacent lots. • The lot frontage shall generally not be decreased with the exception of lots where the frontage exceeds 50m where consideration may be given to consents which result in lots in keeping with the frontage of adjacent lot as per Policy of this Plan • Source: “Report on Comments – Proposed Amendments to the Cooksville Neighbourhood Character Area Policies of the Mississauga Official Plan 2011, Ward 7” June 5, 2012
Gordon Woods Homeowners' Association NIMBY? NO! • GWHA encourages the development of the properties in keeping with the current zoning for height and densities • We would like to see this abandoned property cleaned up with single family homes in keeping with the rest of the street and neighbourhood • We support preservation of the Gordon Woods Character and natural beauty
Gordon Woods Homeowners' Association Why not plan a development that makes sense in Gordon Woods: • The GWHA has exemplified cooperation regarding development of this property • We came to an agreement with the prior developer, subject to certain conditions • Instead, we were rewarded with the flagrant and illegal destruction of 20+ trees, the destruction of much of the canopy we are working to protect, just before the property was sold (and no teeth from the City to penalize such destruction) • We appreciate that the current developer did not cut those trees, but it must be taken into account. The total tree loss with this proposal is in the order of 90+ • This does not include trees that multiple new owners will take down as they add pools, decks, etc (27 more trees per year per the new tree bylaw !) • In less than 5 years, this significant part of the forest that is hundreds of years old will be potentially bare
Gordon Woods Homeowners' Association Why not plan a development that makes sense in Gordon Woods (cont’d): • Please consider : • R1 zoning consistent with the surrounding streets • Considerably fewer homes • Homes of reasonable height respecting neighbouring streets • Careful road and home footprint planning to aggressively minimize tree loss • Careful consideration of storm water management re: flooding, water table issues • No separate visitor parking • Door-to-door postal service - No super-box at street side
Gordon Woods Homeowners' Association Red-Tailed Hawk Pair in 2167 Gordon Oak