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Comenius Tour Operator for a professional business. Home - Comenius Project COMENIUS Multilateral school partnerships - 2010 – 2012 Knowing Europe Through an Educational Business Agenzia Nazionale LLP Italia Via Magliabechi , 1 50122 – FIRENZE
Comenius Tour Operator for a professional business Home - Comenius Project COMENIUS Multilateralschoolpartnerships - 2010 – 2012 KnowingEuropeThroughan Educational Business Agenzia Nazionale LLP ItaliaVia Magliabechi, 150122 – FIRENZE PädagogischerAustauschdienstder KMK (PAD)NationaleAgenturfürEU-ProgrammeimSchulbereichNassestraße 8 - 53113 Bonn AgenceEurope-Education-Formation FranceService Comeniu - 25 quaidesChartrons33080 Bordeaux Cedex
TOURIST TOUR AROUND NORTH ITALY From Saturday 5th May to Saturday 12th May 2012
Day 1 : Saturday, May 5th Morning : - Paris/Milan flight Bus from the airport to the city centre Chek in at the hotel Afternoon : Visit to the Basilica di Sant’ Ambrogio Visit to Santa Maria Delle Grazie Visit to the Duomo Visit to the Galleria Vittorio Emmanuele II Canals of Milan in the evening Restaurant
MILAN Bus n°73 ATM from the airport (Milan Linate) to « Piazza San Babila » (centre of Milan) • Duration : 20 minutes • A bus every 20 minutes • Price : € 1.50
Hotel ″Roxy” *** Arrival : Saturday 5th May 2012 Departure : Sunday 6th May 2012 Price with breakfast : 91 euros
« Duomo of Milan » Open every day from 7.00 am to 7.00 pm. Possibility of visiting the roof for 4€ or 6€ (depending on whether you take the lift or not).
The « Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II » The “Galleria VittorioEmanuele II “ was completed between 1862 and 1877. If you put the heel on the testicles of the bull mosaic and turn three times on yourself, your wish will be fulfilled!
The Basilica of « Sant’ Ambrogio » FromMonday to Saturday , from 10.00 am to 12.00 am and from 2.30 pm to 6.00 pm Sundayfrom 3.00 pm to 5.00 pm Admission : Free
« Santa Maria delle Grazie » Open every day except on Monday. Price : 6.50 € to see« The last supper» by Leonardo da Vinci
Pizzeria “La Tradizionale” Ripa di Porta Ticinese, 7 Open from 7.30 pm to 1.00 am Price : 20€ to 50€ “Osteria di Porta Cicca”Ripa di Porta Ticinese, 51 Open everyday (closed on Mondays) from 7.30 pm to 0.00 am
Have a look at the « quadrilatero d’oro » (Via Monte Napoleone, Via Sant’Andrea, Corso Venezia, Via Manzoni) The mostprestigious shopping streets of Milan. You canfind the designers’ shops : Dolce & Gabbana, Cerruti, Roberto Cavalli, Prada, Versace, Armani …
The Sforza Castle • You canvisit the castle and see the art and scuplture collections. Admission : 3 € • Open every day from 9.00 am to 5.30 pm (closed on Monday) • You can have a tour around the courtyards and the “Sempione Park”.
Car rentalGaribaldi StationPiazza Sigmund Freud You can rent a car in Milan , at “Garibaldi station” from 7:00 am on Sunday 6th May. You need to return it to “Malpensa airport” at 2:00 pm on Saturday 12th May
Carthusian monastery of Pavia“Certosa di Pavia” Day 2 : Sunday, 6th May : Pavia Open every day from 9.00 am to 11.30 am and 2.30 pm to 5.30 pm Closed on Monday Free entrance
Hotel« Excelsior Pavia »*** Arrival : Sunday 6th May Departure : Monday 7th May
Pizzeria restaurant “La Casa Sul Fiume” Via San Lanfranco 52, Pavia Restaurant “Il Girone dei Golosi “Via dei Mille 47/49, Borgo Ticino
Day 3 : Monday 7th May MANTUA
« Palazzo Ducale » • Open everyday (closed on Monday) from 8.15 am to 7.15 pm. • Price : 6.50 € (+ 1€ to see the room of the married) • Audio guide : 4 € (italian, german and french)
DuomodiMantova The Cathedral of Saint Peter the Apostle Open from 7.00 am to 12.00 am and from 3.00 pm to 7.00 pm Free entrance
A visit to Mantua in the evening Piazza delle Erbe, Rotonda di San Lorenzo, Piazza Sordello
Restaurants in Mantua « La Fragoletta » Address : Piazza Arche, 5 46100 Mantua Tel : (+39) 0376 323300 « Quadrato » restaurant Address : Piazza Virgiliana, 49 Mantova Tel : (+39) 0376 368896
HOTEL “FLORA”*** San Marco square Arrival : 08 th May 2012 Departure : 10 th May 2012 Price : 368 € (+ 15€ breakfast)
Rialto Bridge • The Rialto bridge is one of the 4 bridges spanning on the Grand canal in Venice . • It is the oldest bridge across the canal and was the dividing line for the districts of San Marco and San Polo.
« Piazza San Marco » • Piazza San Marco (oftenknown in English as St Mark's Square), is the principal public square of Venice, whereitisgenerallyknownjust as "the Piazza".
Venice in One Day - Original Walk+ Grand Canal Boat Tour • Type : Day Tours in Venice • DepartsFrom : Venice • Meeting Point : Entrance to the Royal Gardens (for both tours) • Duration : 3 hours • Available : Departsdailyat 11:10 or at 14:30 on Sunday (Availabilitymightvarydepending on the season. please check detailsbelow) • Prices : 53€ per person
Murano, Burano and Torcello • Explore the famousislands of the Venicelagoon - Murano, Burano and Torcello - on a half-day excursion. • You'llsee a glass-blowing display on Murano, shop for lace on Burano and visitVenice's first church on the tranquilisland of Torcello. • Prices : 20€ • Duration : 4 hours
Veronawas the theaterwhere the tragic love story between Romeo and Juliet, made famous by Shakespeare’stragedy, took place. The XIII century building issituated in the center of the city, There is A beautifulfacadefacedwith bricks and a Gothic front door on the exterior: in the courtyardthere’s a bronze statue representing Juliet . Juliet's house and balconyin Verona Opening times : From Tuesday to Sundayfrom 8,30 am to 7,30 pm. Mondayfrom 1 pm to 7,30 pm. Tickets : 6 €. Reduced ticket : 4,50 €. How to gethere : Juliet’s house is in the history’s center, Via Cappello n°23.
The VeronaArena • The Roman amphitheatre (betterknown as Arena) is, with Romeo and Juliet, the symbol of this city. Opening times : From Tuesday to Sundayfrom 9 am to 7 pm. During the operaseasonfrom 9 am to 3,30 pm.Closed : Monday. How to gethere : The arenais in Piazza Bra.
Cathedral of Verona • It wasbuilt on the remains of twopre-Christian churches, and even if itwasconsecrated in 1187 the works have continued for a long time. It was made in Verona’smarble. • Opening times : fromNovember to February : Workingdaysfrom 10 am to 1 pm. And from 1,30 pm to 4 pm, public holidaysfrom 1 pm to 5 pm. From March to October : workingdaysfrom 10 am to 5,30 pm public holidaysfrom 1 pm to 5,30 pm.
Castelvecchio and the Scaligero bridge in Verona • Castelvecchio (literally: Oldcastle) withitsamazingfortified bridge, represents a military monument of the Scaligera dominion(the Scaligerawas the noble family, alsocalled “della Scala”, thatgovernedVerona) • Opening times : from Tuesday to Sundayfrom 8.30 am to 7,30 pm. Mondayfrom 13,45 pm to 7,30 pm.Admission : 6 €; Reduced ticket 4 €.
Day 7 : Friday 11th May 2012 LAKE GARDA
Price : 38€. « San Marco » Hotel-Restaurant
Day 8 : Saturday 12th May 2012 BERGAMO
Bergamo • Bergamo'soldtownremainsperched on a hill, enclosed by walls, while the modern city center sprawlsacross the plains below • Two-hourguidedwalking tour through the walledhilltopOldTown. Yourguidedwalking tour willpassthrough Piazza Vecchia, the heart of the oldtown. You'llvisithistorical and religious monuments includingPalazzodelComune, PalazzodellaRagione, the Cathedral, St Maria Maggiore, the Colleoni Chapel and the Baptistery • Prices : 15€
« Hotel Il Gourmet »*** • For the restaurant : prices on request • Price : 91€ for one night Day 9 : Saturday 12th May 2012 Departure for Milan Malpensa airport Flight departure : 1.35 pm
COSTS Flight € 298.32 Car - rental € 186.68 Hotel € 464.00 TOTAL € 949.00