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Newid Ymddygiad ! Be ydy’r broblem ? Behaviour Change! What is the problem?

Newid Ymddygiad ! Be ydy’r broblem ? Behaviour Change! What is the problem?. Dr Carl Hughes Canolfan Newid Ymddygiad Cymru. Mae’n gwyddoniaeth ni yn gyntefig ac yn blentynaidd , o’i fesur yn erbyn realiti - ac eto , dyma’r peth mwyaf gwerthfawr sydd gyda ni .

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Newid Ymddygiad ! Be ydy’r broblem ? Behaviour Change! What is the problem?

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  1. NewidYmddygiad! Be ydy’rbroblem?Behaviour Change! What is the problem? Dr Carl Hughes CanolfanNewidYmddygiadCymru

  2. Mae’ngwyddoniaethniyngyntefig ac ynblentynaidd, o’ifesurynerbynrealiti - ac eto, dyma’rpethmwyafgwerthfawrsyddgydani. All our science, measured against reality, is primitive and childlike--and yet it is the most precious thing we have. Albert Einstein

  3. Beth sy’ngyffredini’rhollbethauyma?What do these have in common?

  4. Beth sy’ngyffredini’rhollbethauyma?What do these have in common?

  5. Beth sy’ngyffredini’rhollbethauyma?What do these have in common?

  6. Beth sy’ngyffredini’rhollbethauyma?What do these have in common?

  7. Beth sy’ngyffredini’rhollbethauyma?What do these have in common?

  8. Beth sy’ngyffredini’rhollbethauyma?What do these have in common? • It’s about what we DO • Or DON’T DO. • Its about our BEHAVIOUR • What is behaviour? • Mae o ynghylchbethydymni’nei WNEUD • Neu DDIM ynei WNEUD • Mae o ynghylchein YMDDYGIAD • Beth ydyymddygiad?

  9. Beth ywGwyddorYmddygiadCymhwysol?What is Applied Behaviour Science? • Astudionewidymddygiad a gychwynoddefogwaith B. F. Skinner dros 70 mlyneddynôl. • Study of behaviour change that began with the work of B. F. Skinner over 70 years ago.

  10. Ymddygiadydy / Behaviour is Popeth! Everything! Popethdanni’ngwneud a dweud ALL that we do or say

  11. Our definition “GwyddoniaethNewidYmddygiadynddefnyddwerthoeddsy'ncaeleigyrru, person-ganolog, datblygiad-wybodaeth, ynseiliedigardystiolaeth, yneffeithiol o egwyddoriondysguihelpupobligyflawnieullawnbotensial.” “Behaviour Change Science is a values-driven, person-centred, developmentally-informed, evidenced-based, effective use of principles of learning to help people achieve their full potential.”

  12. Beth maegwyddonwyrymddygiadcymhwysolyngwneud?What do applied behavioural scientists do? • Awtistiaeth • Addysg • Clinigol • RheoliYmddygiadCorfforaethol • Llesanifeiliaid • Ymchwil • Autism • Education • Clinical • Organisational Behaviour management • Animal welfare • Research

  13. SAFMEDS felstrategaetheffeithiolargyferdysgu CymraegSAFMEDS as an effective strategy for learning Welsh J. CARL HUGHES & Michael Beverley CanolfanDadansoddiYmddygiadCymru Yr YsgolSeicoleg, PrifysgolCymru, Bangor Wales Centre for Behaviour Analysis, School of Psychology, University of Wales, Bangor

  14. Yr AstudiaethStudy • 5 dosbarthmewnysgoluwchradd (tua 23 ymhobdosbarth) • Un dosbarthwedieineilltuoar hap ifodyngrŵprheolaeth • 4 dosbarthynderbyn SAFMEDS arddechraupobdosbarth • Amserlennipobdosbarth 3 gwaith yr wythnos • Ymyrraethynpara 4 wythnos • 5 classes in a secondary / high school (approx 23 children in each class). • One class randomly assigned to be control group. • 4 classes received SAFMEDS at the start of each class. • Each class scheduled 3 times per week. • Intervention lasted 4 weeks

  15. DullProcedure • 200 gairyncaeleuhadnaboda’urhannuibecynnautua 34 cerdyn • Wythnos 1: Cyn-brawfo bob un o’r 200 gair • Wythnos 2-5: Ymarfer SAFMEDS (gweld Saes / dweudCym) ymhobdosbarth • Wythnos 6: Ôl-brawf • 200 words identified divided into packs of 34 cards. • Week 1: pre-test of all 200 words • Week 2-5: Practice SAFMEDS (see E/say W) conducted in each class • Week 6: Post-test

  16. GrŵpRheolydd

  17. DEFNYDDIO DULLIAU ADDYSGOL AR SAIL ABA:SIARAD Â PHLANT ERAILLUsing ABA derived educational approaches:talking to other children DrPagonaTzanakaki, DrCorinnaGrindle, Carl Hughes, Maria Saville, Amy Hulson-Jones, Sara Ellam, Nicola Scott, & Professor Richard Hastings.

  18. CefndirBackground • Anawsteraurhyngweithiocymdeithasol: un o brifanawsterauAwtistiaeth • Cychwynsgwrs: maesrhyngweithiocymdeithasolsy’nbroblemusiunigolionefoAwtistiaeth • Difficulties in the area of social interactions: one of the core deficits for autism • Verbal initiations: an area of social interactions that presents great problems for individuals with autism

  19. Dull / Procedure • Motivaider • Atgyfnerthion • Cerdynrheolau • Motivaider • Rewards • A rule card Cychwynsgwrs Verbal Initiation Atgyfnerthu Reinforcement Promt Prompt

  20. Cyfranogwr 1 Nifer o weithiaucychwynsgwrs Sessions

  21. Cyfranogwr2 Nifer o weithiaucychwynsgwrs Cychwynsgwrs Ymatebion Sesiynnau

  22. WrthGloiIn Conclusion • Gall y promtcyffwrddfodynddefnyddiolwrthddysgucychwynsgwrs • Efallai dim ondar y cydefo atgyfnerthu effeithiol a gweithdrefnaupylu • Hyd y gwyddomni, Astudiaethyw’runigenghraifft o astudiaethyndangosllwyddiantpylupromtiau ac atgyfnerthion • The tactile prompt can be aneffectivetool for teaching initiations • But perhaps only when combined with effective reinforcement and fading procedures • To our knowledge Study is the only example of successfully fading of prompts and reinforcement

  23. Seicoleg “Nudge” Psychology • “Nudge” - llyfrThaler a Sunstein 2009 • “Dylanwad” – awdur • “Moron a Ffyn” • “Afresymoldebrhagweladwy” • “y PwyntTipio” • “y Rheol 80-20” • “Nudge” Thaler and Sunstein 2009 • “Influence” – author • “Carrots and Sticks” Ian Ayers • “Predictable irrationality” • “The Tipping Point” Malcolm Gladwell • “The 80-20 Rule” Richard Koch

  24. CynaliadwyeddSustainability Mae cynaliadwyeddyncreu a chynnalamodaulle gall bodaudynol a naturfywyngytun ac yngynhyrchiol. Amodausy’ncaniataucyfarfodpob math o ofynion y genhedlaethbresennol a chenedlaethau’rdyfodolgangynnwysgofynioncymdeithasol ac economaidd Sustainability creates and maintains the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony that permits fulfilling the social, economic and other requirements of present and future generations

  25. PROCIO diffodd! Nudging switching off! Mandeep A. Sidharh & J. Carl Hughes

  26. YmyriadIntervention • The current intervention sought to reduce electricity consumption within a university building, • Intervention: using comparative feedback, prompts and top tips • Intervention two: comparative feedback, prompts and monetary feedback. • Amcan yr ymyriadpresennoloeddlleihau’rdefnydd o drydan o fewn adeiladprifysgol • Ymyriad: defnyddioadborthgwahaniaethol, promtiau ac awgrymiadau • Ymyriaddau: adborthgwahaniaethol, promtiau ac adborthariannol

  27. DullMethod • Participants & Settings • 140 staff and faculty • Electricity meter reading collected every Tuesday morning between 8:30am and 9:00am • Design • Multiple treatment reversal (ABCA) design used. • Cyfranogwyr a Lleoliadau • 140 staff a chyfadran • Casgludarlleniadmesuryddiontrydan bob bore dyddMawrth rhwng 8.30yb a 9.00yb • Cynllun • Defnyddiwydcynlluntriniaethlluosoggwrthdro (ABCA)

  28. Gwnaethonniarbed DefnyddTrydan Diffoddwchswitshys a chyfrifiaduron DA IAWN!!

  29. Results

  30. “Un ansicrwyddsyddynglyna’nbydsy’ncynhesu: Pa morddrwgbydd y newidiadau a phamorfuanbyddpethau’nnewid” “The only uncertainty about our warming world is how bad the changes will get, and how soon,”

  31. AnnogGlanweithdraDwylomewnLleoliadGofalIechydEncouraging Hand Hygiene in a Healthcare Setting Christie Culleton & Carl Hughes MSc DadansoddiYmddygiadCymhwysol Applied Behaviour Analysis Prifysgol Bangor University

  32. CefndirIntroduction • Mae glanweithdradwylogwaelmewnlleoliadaugofaliechydynbroblembarhaus • Diffygcydymffurfioefoglanweithdradwyloynarwain at: • Raddfauwch o heintiausy’ngysylltiedig a gofaliechyd (HCAIs) • Effaithgostusflynyddol - £1 biliwn • Niweidioliadferiad y claf • Poor hand hygiene in healthcare settings is an on-going problem. • Poor compliance with hand hygiene leads to: • Higher rate of healthcare associated infections (HCAIs) • Costly impact of £1 billion yearly • Detrimental to patient’s recovery

  33. Ymyrraethar sail rhagflaenyddAntecedent-based intervention

  34. Canlyniadau – YmwelwyrResults - Visitors

  35. Canlyniadau – staff y wardResults – Ward staff

  36. Canlyniadau – staff eraillResults – Other staff

  37. Helpupoblprydferthidroifyny!Helping beautiful people turn up! Carl Hughes

  38. Helpupoblprydferth I droifyny!Helping beautiful people turn up!

  39. Heluboblprydferthyntroi I fynuHelping beautiful people turn up!

  40. Addewidgwyddorymddygiad…..The promise of behavioural science…. “…when it became clear to me that we could also learn how people work — not just biologically, but behaviourally — I thought that’s the best of all. That there could be a science of behavior, of what we do, of who we are? How could you resist that?” Donald Baer “…pan ddaethynamlwgi fi gallemddysgusutmaepoblyngweithio – nid jest ynfeiolegol, ondyn ymddygiadol – meddyliaisdyna be fyddai’rpethgorauigyd. Y gallaifodgwyddorymddygiad, ynglyn â be da ni’nneud, a pwyydanni. Sutallech chi wrthsefyllhwnna?

  41. “Gwnewch, neuddim. Does naddim y fathbethâ trio”“Do or do not. There is no try”

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