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CP violation Lecture 7. N. Tuning. Recap. u I. u. W. W. d,s,b. d I. Diagonalize Yukawa matrix Y ij Mass terms Quarks rotate Off diagonal terms in charged current couplings. Niels Tuning ( 3 ). CKM-matrix: where are the phases?.
CP violationLecture 7 N. Tuning Niels Tuning (1)
Recap uI u W W d,s,b dI • Diagonalize Yukawa matrix Yij • Mass terms • Quarks rotate • Off diagonal terms in charged current couplings Niels Tuning (3)
CKM-matrix: where are the phases? • Possibility 1: simply 3 ‘rotations’, and put phase on smallest: u W d,s,b • Possibility 2: parameterize according to magnitude, in O(λ): Niels Tuning (4)
This was theory, now comes experiment • We already saw how the moduli |Vij| are determined • Now we will work towards the measurement of the imaginary part • Parameter: η • Equivalent: angles α, β, γ . • To measure this, we need the formalism of neutral meson oscillations… Niels Tuning (5)
Last hour or so: The basics you know now! • CP violation from complex phase in CKM matrix • Need 2 interfering amplitudes (B-oscillations come in handy!) • Higher order diagrams sensitive to New Physics Examples: • (Direct) CP violation in decay • CP violation in mixing (we already saw this with the kaons: ε≠0, or |q/p|≠1) • Penguins • The unitarity triangle Niels Tuning (6)
New physics?? Niels Tuning (7)
d Ks ~~ d g,b,…? s B s b t φ s Hints for new physics? 1) sin2β≠sin2β ? 2) ACP (B0K+π-)≠ACP (B+K+π0) ? 4th generation, t’ ? 3) βs≠0.04 ? 4) P(B0s→B0s) ≠ P(B0s←B0s) Niels Tuning (8)
Present knowledge of unitarity triangle Niels Tuning (9)
“The” Unitarity triangle • We can visualize the CKM-constraints in (r,h) plane
II) εand the unitarity triangle: box diagram CP violation in mixing
II) εand the unitarity triangle: box diagram Im(z2)=Im( (Rez+iImz)2)=2RezImz
II) εand the unitarity triangle ρ Niels Tuning (17)
III.) |Vub| / |Vcb| • Measurement of Vub • Compare decay rates of B0 D*-l+n and B0 p-l+n • Ratio proportional to (Vub/Vcb)2 • |Vub/Vcb| = 0.090 ± 0.025 • Vub is of order sin(qc)3 [= 0.01]
IV.) Δmd and Δms • Δm depends on Vtd • Vts constraints hadronic uncertainties
Present knowledge of unitarity triangle Niels Tuning (20)
d Ks ~~ d g,b,…? s B s b t φ s Hints for new physics? 1) sin2β≠sin2β ? 2) ACP (B0K+π-)≠ACP (B+K+π0) ? 4th generation, t’ ? 3) βs≠0.04 ? 4) P(B0s→B0s) ≠ P(B0s←B0s) Niels Tuning (21)
More hints for new physics? • 5) εK ? • Treatment of errors… • Input from Lattice QCD BK • Strong dependence on Vcb Niels Tuning (22)
More hints for new physics? 6) Vub: 2.9σ?? BR(B+→τυ)=1.68 ± 0.31 10-4 Predicted: 0.764± 0.087 10-4 (If fBd off, then BBd needs to be off too, to make Δmd agree) ? |Vub| avg from semi-lep |Vub| from fit |Vub| from B→τν From: H.Lacker, and A.Buras, Beauty2011, Amsterdam Niels Tuning (23)
A.Buras, Beauty2011: Niels Tuning (24)
A.Buras, Beauty2011: Niels Tuning (25)
m < 0.000003 m < 0.19 m < 18.2 e me 0.51099890 m 105.658357 m 1777.0 mu 3 mc 1200 mt 174000 md 7 ms 120 mb 4300 quark mixing (4) u’ d’ s’ u d s Vijq = Standard Model: 25 free parameters Elementary particle masses (MeV): Electro-weak interaction: neutrino mixing (4) e(0) 1/137.036 mW 80.42 GeV mZ 91.188 GeV mH >114.3 GeV e 1 2 3 Vijl = mH >114.3 GeV CMS LHCb Strong interaction: s(mZ) 0.117 Niels Tuning (26)
W- b gVub u The CKM matrix • Couplings of the charged current: • Wolfensteinparametrization: • Magnitude: • Complex phases: Niels Tuning (27)
The CKM matrix • Couplings of the charged current: • Wolfensteinparametrization 1) 2) 3) • Magnitude: • Complex phases: Niels Tuning (28)
The CKM matrix • Couplings of the charged current: • Wolfensteinparametrization: • Complex phases: • Magnitude:
Remember the following: • CP violation is discovered in the K-system • CP violation is naturally included if there are 3 generations or more • 3x3 unitary matrix has 1 free complex parameter • CP violation manifests itself as a complex phase in the CKM matrix • The CKM matrix gives the strengths and phases of the weak couplings • CP violation is apparent in experiments/processes with 2 interfering amplitudes with different strong and weak phase • Often using “mixing” to get the 2nd decay process • Flavour physics is powerful for finding new physics in loops! • Complementary to Atlas/CMS Niels Tuning (30)
Remember the following: • CP violation is discovered in the K-system • CP violation is naturally included if there are 3 generations or more • 3x3 unitary matrix has 1 free complex parameter • CP violation manifests itself as a complex phase in the CKM matrix • The CKM matrix gives the strengths and phases of the weak couplings • CP violation is apparent in experiments/processes with 2 interfering amplitudes with different strong and weak phase • Often using “mixing” to get the 2nd decay process • Flavour physics is powerful for finding new physics in loops! • Complementary to Atlas/CMS Thank you Niels Tuning (31)
Backup Niels Tuning (32)
PEP-II accelerator schematic and tunnel view SLAC: LINAC + PEPII Linac HER LER
PEP-2 (SLAC) Coherent Time Evolution at the (4S) B-Flavor Tagging Exclusive B Meson Reconstruction Vertexing &Time DifferenceDetermination Niels Tuning (34)
pT of B-hadron η of B-hadron LHCb: the Detector • High cross section • LHC energy • Bs produced in large quantities • Large acceptance • b’s produced forward • Small multiple scattering • Large boost of b’s • Trigger • ↓ Low pT • Leptons + hadrons (MUON, CALO) • Particle identification (RICH)
W q Vq’q q’ Measuring the Quark Couplings • Measure the CKM triangle to unprecedented precision • Measure very small Branching Ratios The well known triangle: β CP phases: γ α γ β Niels Tuning (36)