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MODE multimodal methodologies FOR RESEARCHING DIGITAL DATA AND ENVIRONMENTS . Analysing digital texts in their contexts of use Gemma Moss Institute of Education. http:// mode .ioe.ac.uk. MODE multimodal methodologies FOR RESEARCHING DIGITAL DATA AND ENVIRONMENTS.
MODE multimodal methodologiesFOR RESEARCHING DIGITAL DATA AND ENVIRONMENTS Analysing digital texts in their contexts of use Gemma Moss Institute of Education http://mode.ioe.ac.uk
MODEmultimodal methodologiesFOR RESEARCHING DIGITAL DATA AND ENVIRONMENTS Multimodal analysis of digital texts: the semiotic resources of different modes and how they are combined Design through use – the shift from readerly to writerly texts Texts and linkages- re-ordering time, space and place Linear v non-linear reading paths - on the page or screen The affordance of the technology and its instantiation in the text
MODEmultimodal methodologiesFOR RESEARCHING DIGITAL DATA AND ENVIRONMENTS Links these issues to the themes of the MODE: Inter-disciplinary and mixed methods Researching time, place and space in (multimodal) digital (data and) environments Using: a case study of digital texts in context, collected at a particular point in time, in a particular setting using ethnographic research tools.
The data: Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) displays collected in classroom settings
The source: Interactive Whiteboards, Pedagogy and Pupil Performance: An Evaluation Evaluation of the Schools Whiteboard Expansion (SWE) Project: London Challenge Dr. Gemma Moss, Dr. Carey Jewitt, Professor Ros Levačić, Dr. Vicky Armstrong, Alejandra Cardini, Frances Castle. Statistical analysis by Rebecca Allen, Andrew Jenkins, and Maggie Hancock with Sue High. Institute of Education, University of London. http://eprints.ioe.ac.uk/905/1/Moss2007whiteboardsRR816.pdf
MODEmultimodal methodologiesFOR RESEARCHING DIGITAL DATA AND ENVIRONMENTS The research context: • An evaluation conducted in the first year in which core subject departments in London secondary schools were fully equipped with IWBs (2004/5) • A mixed methods research design combining: • Survey data on London schools’ and core subject departments’ IWB usage • Statistical analysis of pupil performance data, looking for the impact of IWBS on pupil attainment • Case studies of teaching with IWBs
MODEmultimodal methodologiesFOR RESEARCHING DIGITAL DATA AND ENVIRONMENTS The case study research design: In each school: observation of all core subjectlessons in 3 Yr 9 classes in 1 week, including video-recording one lesson 1 days observation of lessons elsewhere on the Yr 9 curriculum, with or without IWBs Text collection of all IWB texts observed in use Teacher/ HOD interviews (36 interviews) Pupil focus group interviews(27 focus groups) Pupil survey of all pupils in case study classes Observation of CPD and interviews with providers
MODEmultimodal methodologiesFOR RESEARCHING DIGITAL DATA AND ENVIRONMENTS Using “the literacy event” as the focus extends the analysis to the multimodal resources available in the context of use as well as the text. How are those resources mobilised, by whom? How does the context influence the use of the text? How does the text influence what happens in the context? The design issues that arise.
Using the space at the board to order the space in the classroom
Imagining interactivity – reconfiguring use of space and textual resources drawing on current knowledge: English http://www.helpmewithenglish.co.uk/page_1545584.html
Writing the writerly text in view – when scale counts in English
Writing the readerly text in view: when scale acts as evidence of concept formation in Science
Combining images and words at scale in English http://www.helpmewithenglish.co.uk/page_1545584.html
MODEmultimodal methodologiesFOR RESEARCHING DIGITAL DATA AND ENVIRONMENTS 'Blessing' is from Dharker's first book, published in 1989. 'The scene of 'Blessing' is the largest slum in Asia — Dharavi, on the outskirts of Bombay. Bombay is the city of dreams. They've come from all over India in the hope of a better life. And because it is not an official living area there is a shortage of water. So when a pipe bursts, it's like a gift...
When new isn’t necessarily better – teacher-led design for front of classroom delivery in Maths
Re-ordering the text through annotation: imagining another kind of pedagogical purpose
Stepping back from the case to the broader themes • What did this approach contribute to the evaluation? • What do this set of digital texts tell us about the interaction of text design and the social, spatial and temporal contexts in which they are embedded? • What are the issues in combining research perspectives and drawing on ethnography in multimodal analysis?