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Professional Education Committee (PEC) . Welcome To Your First Year . Welcome. My name is: Patricia Burke, MMC PEC Committee Chair
Professional Education Committee (PEC) Welcome To Your First Year
Welcome • My name is: Patricia Burke, MMC PEC Committee Chair • I am here today to represent the Professional Education Committee and to offer any assistance you may need. This Committee is made up of City Clerk members, just like you.
Introduction • The Florida Association of City Clerks welcomes you. We are the second largest and strongest association of City Clerks in the United States following the State of California. Our Association is looked upon highly and are leaders in our field. We were the first association to provide and obtain points for webinars. Member participation is what makes this Association so successful.
Overview – Florida Association of City Clerks (FACC) • This professional association is comprised of 541 Municipal Clerks from Florida. • The Association’s focus and goal is to offer Florida Clerks the highest quality of educational opportunities. • As a result of these efforts, Florida now has 230 Certified Municipal Clerks (CMC) and 99 Master Municipal Clerks (MMC,) currently working for a Florida municipality, second only to California.
PEC Mission • Our main mission is to formulate ideas on the education we wish to receive. Our input is based on membership contributions, education and market trends, and requirements set by International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC.)
What Does PEC Do? • The purpose of the Professional Education Committee is to assist the FACC Board of Directors, the John Scott Dailey Florida Institute of Government and the IIMC in the formation of the curriculum for Fall Academy, the FLC conference, and the FACC Summer annual conference and academy. • In conjunction with the Institute of Government, formulate ideas for professional education. • Contact each District representative to get their input for educational topics. • Find, negotiate with, and arrange for speakers on educational topics; arrange their travel plans and accommodations.
What Does PEC Do? (cont’d) • Draft the conference program. • Obtain moderators; draft introductions, etc. for each speaker. • Provide assistance/support to the speakers during the conference. • Review conference evaluations submitted by the attendees and prepare a comprehensive report of those evaluations to submit to the Board of Directors and IIMC. • Answer member questions regarding education and certification.
What Does PEC Do? (cont’d) • Prepare articles for the City Desk and Clerk Notes • Prepare quarterly reports to be submitted to the Board of Directors. • Submit a yearly goals report to the membership and detail how those goals were met.
Who PEC Works With • IIMC mandates that each state Association partners with an Institute of Government or a University in order for us to be able to receive the maximum education points. • FACC is privileged to have built a partnership with the John Scott Dailey Institute of Government. • The Professional Education Committee works closely with Amy Brewer and Jeff Hendry of the Institute of Government to sponsor 2 academies per year (June and October) and 4 webinars.
Curriculum • The curriculum of our academies fall under the umbrella of standards set by the International Institute of Municipal Clerks. • As you may be aware, Clerks can go through two levels of certification. The first level is becoming a Certified Municipal Clerk (CMC.) The second level is becoming a Master Municipal Clerk (MMC.) Obtaining certification has become a standard in the industry.
Curriculum (cont’d) • IIMC prescribes the basic classes that are to be taken for the CMC. As for the MMC classes IIMC provides guidelines that are more flexible. • As a general guideline, even though the FACC provides the education needed in the State of Florida, the points assigned are ultimately approved by IIMC, which would be issuing your certification.
Other Education Opportunities • In addition to the two Academies per year, and webinars, FACC also offers education opportunities through its website: http://floridaclerks.org/ • City Clerks Manual is found at the same web address on the Association’s website. • Its FACC Google group • Information distributed through the FACC Committees and the FACC Board.
How Do I Start the Process? • Here is how you can start your CMC certification • Print out a copy of the CMC Designation Application and let it be your guide! • You must become an IIMC member. The two-year IIMC membership confirms the commitment of the clerk to the profession at large. The CMC certification can only be granted after the two-year IIMC membership period. • Complete an Application for Admission, check the CMC box and submit to IIMC. The purpose of the Application for Admission is to register the Applicant in the IIMC system, monitor his/her progress, and keep him/her informed of the educational opportunities that IIMC Institutes might offer.
How Do I Start The Process • Before taking a class, other than a Florida Association of City Clerks Academy, check with IIMC/or Amy Brewer with IOG, to see if that class would receive points. IIMC has noted on their website that they do not accept vendor courses, as they do not meet our Education requirements (i.e. Fred Pryor, SkillPath, Career- Path, Lorman, and the like.) • As you receive your transcripts and certificates of attendance, keep track of them and send a copy to IIMC for their records.
Academy Information • ITA’s • You will receive an Ideas to Action form for each session you attend. The answers to these questions will determine eligibility for points. Answer them completely. If the topic does not pertain to your office answer as if it did. Be sure to turn them in at the end of the Academy and be sure to get scanned after each session. • ITA’s will be reviewed for completeness and the points for the session will be applied.
PEC Contact Information Patricia J. Burke, MMC, Chair Town of Palm Shores townhall@townofpalmshores.org Virginia Walton, MMC Village of Palm Springs vwalton@villageofpalmsprings.org Tammy Vock, MMC City of Vero Beach tvock@tovb.org Sherri Philo, CMC City of Vero Beach SPhilo@covb.org ChevelleNubin, MMC City of Delray Beach nubin@mydelraybeach.com Joan Miller, MMC Town of St. Leo townclerk@townofstleo-fl.gov Susan Owens, MMC Town of Palm Beach sowen@townofpalmbeach.com Janice Peters, CMC City of Brooksville jpeters@cityofbrooksville.us Julie Hennessey, MMC City of DeLand hennessy@deland.org Sara Mirus, MMC City of Longwood smirus@longwoodfl.org Audrey Sikes, MMC (Ex-officio member) City of Lake City sikesa@lcfla.com
Additional Contact Information Lori McWilliams, MMC (FACC President) Village of Tequesta lmcwilliams@tequesta.org Amy Brewer Florida Institute of Government abrewer@iog.fsu.edu Jeff Hendry Florida Institute of Government jhendry@iog.fsu.edu
In Closing On behalf of the Professional Education Committee, we wish you the best in your endeavor. If we can provide ANY assistance in the completion of you CMC please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to assist you.