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Mosquitoes. A Blood Feeder. Mosquitoes. Dirty deeds. A disease carrier, the mosquito has earned the title of world's deadliest animal.
Mosquitoes A Blood Feeder
Mosquitoes • Dirty deeds. A disease carrier, the mosquito has earned the title of world's deadliest animal. • Chemical attraction. Scientists continue the complex work of sorting out mosquito magnet odors and compounds, but all agree the pests are attracted to their ``victims'' by carbon dioxide. Only females bite; males prefer nectar to blood. • Undesirable residents. Some sources report Texas has 55 mosquito species, others as many as 85, the most of any state. Hats off to any bug counter. • Sound and the fury. Mosquitoes fly about 1½ mph; they can flutter their wings up to 250 times per second, creating that irritating buzz. Houston Chronicle March 2008
When and where are mosquitoes found? • July through September are prime mosquito months in most areas. • Begin breeding as early as February or March in many areas to cause problems during the summer. • There are more than 3,000 species of mosquitoes found throughout the world, • Approximately 200 exist in North America. • Prime mosquito biting hours are between dusk and dawn. Orkin Fact Sheet
Life Cycle Residential Sales Sheet
How long each stage lasts depends on both temperature and species characteristics.(4 days to a month) Life Cycle Adult: Rests on surface of water to dry. Blood feeding and mating does not occur for a couple of days after emergence. Eggs: Laid singly or attached "rafts." Float on water Pupa: Resting, non-feeding stage. Mobile, (tumble) with a flip of their tails towards the bottom or protective areas. Larva: Lives in the water and comes to the surface to breathe. Shed (molt) skins four times. The American Mosquito Control Association
Representative Species • Yellow fever mosquito. • Asian tiger or forest day mosquito • Floodwater mosquito • Eastern saltmarsh or saltmarsh mosquito • Vexans or inland floodwater mosquito • Common malaria mosquito • Northern house mosquito • Southern house mosquito • Encephalitis mosquito NPCA Field Guide
Commonly separated into 3 groups based on where and how eggs laid • Singly on water, eggs with floats, usually hatch within a few days • In rafts on water, with up to 100+ eggs per raft, usually hatch within a few days (culex) • Singly and semi-dry places such as moist soil near water. Do not hatch until water has risen and inundated them, can lie dormant for 3 to 5 years! NPCA Field Guide
Vectors of numerous human diseases • Malaria • Yellow fever • Filariasis • Dengue • Encephalitis • Also dog heartworm is a common mosquito transmitted filarial parasite of dogs and is a serious problem from Minnesota to Illinois to Texas and eastward NPCA Field Guide
West Nile virus Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), • One of the primary diseases carried and transmitted by mosquitoes in the United States • First identified in US in New York in 1999 • At least 60 species have been identified to carry the disease • More than 16,000 illnesses and over 650 deaths have been reported. • Symptoms of disease can include high fever, headache, neck stiffness, muscle weakness, disorientation and paralysis. Orkin Web Site
Control • Elimination of mosquito producing areas via habitat modification • Control of mosquito larva via pesticides, insect growth regulators, biologicals and/or predatory fish. • Control of adults via ULV pesticide applications NPCA Field Guide
Control in and around homes • Adult mosquitoes like to rest on vegetation. Therefore weeds should not be allowed to grow uncontrolled near the home. Weeds in nearby lots should be kept well trimmed. • Space spraying with mist blowers, thermal fog generators or ULV generators is the most useful technique for adult control and should be done doing cool hours of night or early morning, timed to coincide with the period of greatest activity of the most abundant species to be controlled. Trumans Scientific Guide
Chemical Management Techniques Use of chemicals is, at best, a temporary expedient and should be limited to only those situations for which no other alternatives exist. • Larviciding – is the most efficient and effective and should be the backbone of any good chemical program. • Adulticiding – is less efficient, and should be used strictly for supplemental or emergency purposes Trumans Scientific Guide
Larval Control • Degree of control often depends on the amount of population and the type and amount of vegetation cover present. • Where cover is heavy, granular formulations frequently provide better control than emulsions or oil sprays. • Repeated treatments may be needed, especially after heavy rainfall. Generally 3 or 4 treatments each season. • Briquette, granular and pellet formulations are often preferred for use in catch basins and in containers not easily disposed of. Trumans Scientific Guide
Adult Control • Thermal fogs – provides a rapid temporary control of adults but has little residual effect. Effective only where there is little or no wind in the evening or night. • Mist sprays – produce an airstream across liquid spray droplets, breaking them up and blowing them into the treatment area. Has some residual control. Trumans Scientific Guide
Adult Control • Cold aerosols (ULV) – produce very tiny droplets of high concentrate insecticide, which results in a greater area coverage with less dosage designed to kill active adult mosquitoes. Provides little or no residual control. • Trumans Scientific Guide • ULV applications involve small quantities of pesticide active ingredient in relation to the size of the area treated, typically less than 3 ouncesper acre, which minimizes exposure and risks to people and the environment. • EPA.gov Trumans Scientific Guide
Do It YourselfMosquito Dunks • Target Pests: Mosquitoes, black fly larvae • Place Mosquito Dunks in ponds or standing water and it's active ingredient, Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies israaelenses called BTI kills mosquito and black fly larvae for 30 days or more. While floating they slowly release a long term biological mosquito larvacide killing the larvae before they hatch into adults. Will not effect fish, plants, people or wildlife. Alternative wetting and drying will not reduce it's effectiveness. Use one dunk per 100 sqft of water surface. • 6 Dunks per pack $8.2520 Dunks per pack $22.80100 Dunks per pack $114.00
Orkin Launches New Mosquito Program • Orkin is the only national pest control provider offering mosquito control service. • The treatment begins with an inspection of potential breeding sites. • Following the inspection, larvicides may be used in standing water, such as ponds or other water features in the landscape, to stunt the growth of mosquitoes’ offspring before they become biting adults. • The service also includes a thorough application of insecticides to the underside of leaves on shrubbery, ornamental plantings and other areas where adult mosquitoes tend to land and rest. • The treatments are customized for each customer, but service for an average-sized quarter-acre lot will cost approximately $75 per month and includes scheduling a six-month service agreement. • Service is available in: (TEXAS NOT LISTED) Orkin Press ReleaseApril 2004
SYSTEM OF TREATMENTS • INSPECTION • Orkin will perform a thorough inspection of your property to help identify conditions conducive to mosquito breeding. • ENVIRONMENT MODIFICATION • Orkin will educate your staff on how to eliminate or minimize potential mosquito breeding grounds such as cleaning gutters, emptying garbage cans frequently, and improving drainage to eliminate stagnant water. Commercial Sales Sheet
SYSTEM OF TREATMENTS • TREATMENT OF STAGNANT WATER • Orkin will treat stagnant water as necessary to address the early stages of the mosquito lifecycle, including egg rafts and larvae that may eventually develop into biting adults. • REDUCTION OF BITING ADULTS • Orkin will treat your property with an insecticide application to target adult mosquitoes. As necessary, additional applications will be made in and around vegetation, porches, decks and other exterior structures conducive to mosquito breeding. Commercial Sales Sheet
FAQ’s • How fast can mosquitoes fly? • How far can mosquitoes fly? • Why do mosquitoes feed on blood? • How long do mosquitoes live? • What attracts mosquitoes to me? • Are backyard misting systems effective? • Do Bug-Zappers Work? • Do Ultrasonic devices work? • Do mosquito traps work? • Do Purple Martins help reduce mosquitoes? • Do mosquito sprays affect animals other than mosquitoes? Answers found at: http://www.mosquito.org The American Mosquito Control Association
Service and Pricing in Houston • Formula? • (acres/sg ft) X ______ = Cost • Service frequency? • 6 month service agreement? • Use mist spray or ULV? • Service only inside property boundary lines? What if breeding site in just across the fence? • Guarantee?
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