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Vary your sentence starters

Vary your sentence starters. He walked to the door. He opened it and looked inside. He saw a large…. How could you make this passage more interesting by changing the sentence starters?? Once done- finish of the paragraph with two or three more sentences.

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Vary your sentence starters

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Vary your sentence starters • He walked to the door. He opened it and looked inside. He saw a large….. How could you make this passage more interesting by changing the sentence starters?? Once done- finish of the paragraph with two or three more sentences.

  2. Revision let us see how much you can remember. YOU HAVE 10 minutes. • I want you to write: • A simple sentence • A compound sentence • A complex sentence • You can use the sentence – The cat sat on the mat

  3. FEEDBACK Hands up! What is a simple sentence and an example? - A simple sentence only contains one piece of information – ‘The cat sat on the Mat.’ What is a compound sentence and an example? A compound sentence contains more than one piece of information. The words ‘and’, ‘but’ and ‘or’ are used to join two sentences together. E.g. ‘The cat sat on the mat and licked his paws.’ What is a complex sentence and an example? A complex sentence contains more than one piece of information. They are made up of several parts or clauses. At least one of these will be a main clause, which contains the main information of the text – ‘the cat, who was eyeing my goldfish hungrily, needed lots of food.

  4. Rewrite the following passage from a children’s story, taking care to use a variety of sentence types and to make the story more sophisticated for an adult audience Extract from The Haunted House The boy was very small. He looked up at the haunted house. It was big and scary. He wondered what was waiting inside. He opened the door. It was very dark. There was silence. He could feel himself shaking. A floorboard creaked. He jumped. He looked up the staircase. There was nothing there. He couldn’t shake the feeling he was being watched. He turned around…

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