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Sub-National Poverty Assessment

Sub-National Poverty Assessment. Introduction and Demonstration of Web-Based Poverty Assessment Tool By : The World Bank, Indonesia. Poverty reduction is slowing down, while inequality increased…. Koefisien Gini, 2000 - 2016.

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Sub-National Poverty Assessment

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Sub-National Poverty Assessment Introduction and Demonstration of Web-Based Poverty Assessment Tool By : The World Bank, Indonesia

  2. Poverty reduction is slowing down, while inequality increased… Koefisien Gini, 2000 - 2016 …to accelerate poverty and inequality reduction sub-national government play a key role

  3. Sub-national government play a key role 52% 68% 508 Districts have higher poverty rates than national level in 2015 Districts with different challenges and opportunities Districts have their poverty rate increased from 2014 to 2015

  4. Different challenges calls for more innovations Even among rural areas challenges will vary a lot Urban areas will face different challenges to rural areas Copying and topping up national program will not be effective

  5. There is no one-size-fits-all strategy A breakthrough is required to empower district government so they can diagnose themselves to innovate HOW?

  6. SNaPA, a “Do-It-Yourself” Poverty Assessment Data Driven Dynamic Guided

  7. Verifiable Analysis and Standardized Indicators Sub-National Government Public (Universities, NGO, Think Tank, etc) Promote the cooperation between sub-national government and public in development

  8. Most importantly, NO MORE HASSLE! 95% of the population have access to internet WEB-BASED

  9. Web-based Application Demonstration demo.snapa.id

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