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6 Highly Effective Web Design Tips Backed by Research

When it comes to website design, following a few key points can do wonders. The current presentation is all about the different website trends to follow.<br><br>To know more visit us :https://techievolve.com/services/web-design-los-angeles/<br>

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6 Highly Effective Web Design Tips Backed by Research

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  1. 6 Highly Effective Web Design Tips Backed by Research

  2. Make Site Speed an Absolute Priority No matter how good service you provide or how good products you have, unless the audience is seeing that, you don’t have any chance. For a quick online view, your website needs to be fast. The attention span of the audience is limited. A website that doesn’t load within 5seconds has a chance to lose traffic by 53%. To keep the visitors, enter your website, ensure that it opens within 4.23seconds.

  3. Leverage the Fold To keep the fold or not is a heated debate. Few say that fold is not a matter anymore. Till 2018, people spend 57% of their time on folds which have seen a sharp decline. 74% of people focus on the upper two folds. Hence, you can’t deny the importance of the folds either as web design Los Angeles company opined. Consequently, start with a descriptive headline along with a call to action. You can also include media.

  4. Take Advantage of Hick’s Law Hick’s law states that more options make people confused to take the decision. For example, when you offer your audience a multiple-choice, they may feel confused about what to do and what not. In the end, they will leave the website without taking any firm action. Hence, don’t add too many things to the menu. Moreover, focus on a single call to action.

  5. Keep it Simple Less is more is the golden words that imply the website design. Visual complexity makes the audience confused about taking the decision. More complex design, less the visitors will take it as beautiful. It is better to stick with the standard layouts. Less distraction will happen when the site is offering minimal yet useful things.

  6. Avoid Carousels, Sliders, Tabs and Accordions Website owners have a fascination for carousels. It is perhaps the most requested feature. However, researchers opined it as a pretty useless feature. A study by Notre Dame University showed that the first position gets 90% clicks, where the rest of the positions are ignored largely as web design Los Angeles company pointed. So, you can imagine, there is no need for ornamentations.

  7. Prioritize Scrolling Over Clicking Make the page longer, as it is easier to scroll the website compared to click it. Users prefer to scroll sitting relax at the chair instead of clicking. A recent study by Crazy Egg showed that a page having information in a longer format increases the conversion by 30 percent. The data shows clearly that users scroll more than clicking.

  8. THANK YOU To know more visit us :https://techievolve.com/services/web-design-los-angeles/

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