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Language Arts and Reading: Study Topics. Vicki Sterling. Understanding Literature Narratives Elements of a story (story grammar). Plot elements -Rising action progressive, episodic, flashbacks - Internal and external conflict - Complication, problem - Suspense, cliffhanger
Language Arts and Reading: Study Topics Vicki Sterling
Understanding Literature NarrativesElements of a story (story grammar) Plot elements -Rising action progressive, episodic, flashbacks - Internal and external conflict - Complication, problem - Suspense, cliffhanger - Crisis - Climax or turning point - Resolution
Understanding Literature Narratives • Characterization (through a character’s words, thoughts, actions, appearance, etc.) • Setting established through description of scenes, colors, smells, etc.) • Tone(manner of expression in speech or writing) • tongue in cheek, edgy, soft • Theme • Point of view (first person, third-person objective, third –person omniscient) • Perspective (attitude of the narrator of the story)
Understanding Literature Narratives Literary devices and style elements • Foreshadowing • Figurative language (e.g., metaphor, simile, hyperbole, personification) • Symbol • Imagery Glossary of Terms
Understanding Literature Narratives Literary devices and style elements • Word choice • Mechanics (e.g., punctuation, sentence structure) • Use of dialect or slang
Fiction genres Novel Short story Science fiction Fable Myth Legend Folk tale Fairy tale Play (comedy, tragedy) Mystery Historical fiction Adventure story Fantasy Understanding Literature Narratives • In class we use • Fiction • Realistic • Fantasy • Traditional • Non-fiction • Biography • Informational • Poetry Genres in Children’s Literature
Nonfiction Comprehension of nonfiction • Identify the author’s point of view or perspective • Identify the main idea, primary hypothesis, or primary purpose (e.g., to persuade, to inform, to analyze, or to evaluate) • Evaluate the clarity of the information • Make valid inferences or conclusions based on the selection
Nonfiction • Identify, where appropriate, an author’s appeal to reason, appeal to emotion, or appeal to authority • Evaluate the relationship between stated generalizations and actual evidence given • Evaluate organization of a selection • For informational texts, evaluate the effectiveness of their organizational and graphic aids
Trade Book Biography Autobiography Essay News article Editorial Professional journal articles Book review Political speech Technical manual Primary source material Lewis and Clark Nonfiction genres
Poetry Construction of meaning in poetry • Main idea or theme • Symbolism • Tone, emotion
Poetic elements Verse, stanza Meter Line length Punctuation Roses are red, Violets are blue, Sugar is sweet And, so are you. If you love me As I love you, No knife can cut Our love in two. Tell me not in mournful numbers My love for you Will never fail As long as pussy Has a tail. Poetry
Rhyme and Sound Patterns Rhyme scheme Onomatopoeia - words such as buzz or murmur that imitate the sounds associated with the objects or actions they refer to Repetition of words Alliteration - same kinds of sounds at the beginning of words Assonance - repetition of identical or similar vowel sounds A goblin lives in our house, in our house, in our house, A goblin lives in our house all the year round. He bumps And he jumps And he thumps (thump thump) And he stumps (stump stump.) He knocks (knock knock) And he rocks And he rattles at the locks. A goblin lives in our house, in our house, in our house, A goblin lives in our house all the year round. - Rose Fyleman Poetry
Poetry Imagery and figures of speech • Personification - Flowers danced about the lawn • Metaphor - All the world's a stage • Simile - How like the winter hath my absence been or So are you to my thoughts as food to life • Hyperbole - I could sleep for a year or This book weighs a ton.
Poetic types and forms Lyrical Concrete Free verse Narrative Couplet Elegy Sonnet Limerick Haiku Poetry This is the BEST review site: English Poetry http://www.leavingcert.net/skoool/junior.asp?id=1477
Resource and research material Reference works • Dictionary • Encyclopedia • Thesaurus • Atlas • Almanac
Resource and research material Internet • Keyword search • Databases • Bulletin boards
Resource and research material Other sources • Books • Newspapers and magazines • Professional journals • Reader’s Guide to Periodical Literature • Primary sources, including reproductions of original documents
Resource and research material Using resources and reference material • Appropriateness of various sources to the project • Quotations and paraphrases of experts • Footnotes • Bibliography
Text Structures and Organization in Reading and Writing Organizational patterns in text
Patterns of expository writing • Compare and contrast • Chronological sequence • Spatial sequence • Cause and effect • Problem and solution
Structural elements in text Thesis statement Conclusion statement Transition words and phrases Supporting the thesis with the use of • Examples • Quotations • Paraphrases of excerpts’ statements • Summaries of information found in research sources • Analogies
The only real innovation during the Renaissance period in terms of transport was seen in the Americans. By the fifteenth century, the Incas had constructed a network of fine roads for couriers. Rivers were crossed by monkey bridges of cable of plaited agave fibre, or floating bridges, or pontoons of reeds. In addition, the Incas used caravans of llamas, bred as beasts of burden even though they could only carry a hundredweight, and could only travel fifteen miles a day. These were the only important domestic animals of the Americas before 1492, and they were quite inadequate. Structural elements in text?
Approaching one’s topic with the purpose of • Criticizing • Analyzing • Evaluating pros and cons
Language in WritingGrammar and Usage Parts of speech • Noun: proper, common, collective • Pronoun • Verb • Adjective • Adverb • Preposition Definitions and quizzes: http://webster.commnet.edu/grammar/definitions.htm
Language in WritingGrammar and Usage • Conjunction • Phrase • Participial phrase • Prepositional phrase • Appositive phrase • Clause • Independent clause • Dependent clause http://grammar.uoregon.edu/toc.html
Language in WritingGrammar and Usage Syntactical Systems • Subject-verb agreement • Verb tenses: present, past, present perfect, past perfect, future, and future perfect • Voice of verb: active or passive • Pronoun-antecedent agreement and weak reference • Correct use of infinitive and participle
Sentence types and sentence structure Sentence types • Declarative • Interrogative • Exclamatory • Imperative
Sentence types and sentence structure Sentence Structure • Simple • Compound • Complex • Compound-complex • Sentence fragment http://www.english.uiuc.edu/cws/wworkshop/grammar/sentence_types.htm
Orthography and MorphologySpelling & Study of Word Formation • Affixes: prefix, suffix • Roots • Inflectional endings -indicate tense, number, possession or comparison Most words-walks, walked, walking Words ending in e-come, coming Words ending in y-carry carried carrying Words ending in a single vowel & a consonant-hop, hopping, hopped • Clusters (combining clusters to make compound words)
Semantics • Homonyms • Antonyms • Synonyms • Multiple-meaning words • Words used figuratively or idiomatically (e.g., he “wolfed” down his food) • Meaning-shifts due to alternative word order or punctuation
Literacy Acquisition and Reading Instruction Theories and concepts concerning reading development Major elements of the emergent literacy theory and major conclusions of recent research
Major elements of the emergent literacy theory and major conclusions of recent research • Acting like a reader is part of becoming a reader • Reading & writing are closely related process-not taught in isolation • Social process • Preschoolers know a great deal about printed language • Becoming literate is a continuous, developmental process • Need to read authentic & natural texts • Need to write for personal reasons
Literacy Acquisition and Reading Instruction Factors influencing the development of emergent reading • Concepts about print • Sight vocabulary • Phonemic awareness • Alphabetic principle • Social interaction (support by adults and peers)
Literacy Acquisition and Reading Instruction • Frequent experiences with print • Prior knowledge (schema) • Motivation • Fluency
Literacy Acquisition and Reading Instruction Experiences that support emergent readers • Direct instruction • Social interaction • Shared reading • Repeated readings • Reader response • Word walls • Text innovation (rewrites) • Shared writing
Concepts to Think About What are some of the major relationships between and among reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing, and why are these relationships important for teacher of emergent readers to understand?
Children’s literature Selection of materials • Who selects and in what situations? • Quality of material • Appropriate content • Needs and interests of children • School curriculum • Balance in the collection
Traditional criteria for evaluating fiction Plot Character Theme Specialized criteria for these types of literature Picture books Poetry Informational books Biography Children’s literature Newbery and Caldecott Awards
Children’s literature Additional criteria for these genres of fiction • Realistic story • Mystery • Historical fiction • Modern fantasy
Strategies for Word study/solving Cues and how students use them • Semantic (refers to the meaning of language-the words and parts of words that convey meaning as well as the way sentences, paragraphs, & whole texts are interpreted by listeners and readers.) • Syntactic systems (refers to the patterns of rules by which words are put together in meaningful phrases & sentences) “Mary ran of to see her friends.”
Strategies for Word study/solving • Phonological system (the way listeners construct meaning from streams of sounds) • Visual information (what you see when you read) -Relationship to print -Recognizing whole words -Word patterns -Syllables -Letters in sequence
Samuel and his cousin John Adams felt the indenture same way about American’s independence. operationsracing Yet they had different opinions about riding agreed horses like other men did. Samuel argued cannon that walking or riding in a carriage suited him better.
Children's Literature Strategies for Comprehension Use of prior knowledge Retelling Guided reading Fluency Reader response
Children's Literature Strategies for comprehension • Solving words • Adjusting reading according to purpose and context • Metacognition • Maintaining fluency • Making connections (personal, world, text)
A class is reading a book that has chapter numbers but no chapter titles. The teacher asks the students to think of an appropriate title for each chapter. What is the main purpose in choosing this activity? Why is it a useful activity? Concepts to Think About
Children's Literature Study skills and tools • SQ3R • KWL • Note taking • Marking and coding • Graphic organizers • Finding information in charts, tables, graphs
What are some effective ways to use graphic organizers if students understand most of the details in a unit, but not the central idea of the unit? What are some effective ways of guiding students to understand articles that feature text and variety of graphics? Concepts to Think About
Communication SkillsStages of writing development Phase • Picture writing • Scribble writing • Random letter • Invented spelling • Conventional writing Concurrent development with reading