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The Health Risks of Alcohol Use. Ch. 21 Pg : 566 - 571. Interactive Study Guide. Open: iSwifter APP Open the bookmarks tab and choose: “ Glencoe chapter activities ” Drop Down: “ Chapter Activities ” Choose : “Chapter 21” Open: “ Interactive Study Guides” Open: “ Lesson #1”
The Health Risks of Alcohol Use Ch. 21 Pg: 566 - 571
Interactive Study Guide • Open: iSwifter APP • Open the bookmarks tab and choose: “Glencoe chapter activities” • Drop Down: “Chapter Activities” • Choose: “Chapter 21” • Open: “Interactive Study Guides” • Open: “Lesson #1” http://glencoe.com/sites/common_assets/health_fitness/glencoe_health_09/isg/GH_ch21.1_550x420.swf
Choosing to be alcohol free • Objective 1: Identify the factors that influence alcohol’s effects. • Objective 2: Identify the short-term effects of alcohol. • Objective 3: Identify the long-term effects of alcohol • Objective 4: Describe binge drinking and alcohol poisoning.
Questions?? • Do you feel that teenage drinking is a problem? Why?? • http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=4211602n&tag=mncol;lst;6 • Do you feel that adult drinking is a problem? Why?? • What can adults do to discourage drinking among teens? • What responsibility do you think teens have to discourage their friends from drinking?
Alcohol • Ethanol: the type of alcohol in alcoholic beverages. This is a powerful and addictive drug.
Alcohol • Alcohol is a depressant: A drug that slows the central nervous system. • Slows reaction time, impairs vision, and diminishes judgment. • Intoxication: the state in which the body is poisoned by alcohol or another substance, and the person’s physical and mental control is significantly reduced.
Factors that influence alcohol’s effects • Body Size • Gender: Females have less water than males. The enzyme that controls alcohol processing is 70% more effective in males than females. • Food: Slows the passage of alcohol into the blood stream. • Rate of intake: How fast they drink • Amount: How much they drink • Medicine: alcohol can interfere with the effects of meds and heighten the effects of alcohol.
Effects of alcohol activity • Students are to work in groups of 2 • Pass out the worksheet titled “Effects of alcohol” https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QEmCokxUL4rT3yzOoHszyMnjQkA2aqFAGzfzZEu6jK4/edit?usp=sharing
Bodies not designed to handle alcohol Run time 6:09
Long term effects of alcohol • Effects of alcohol video clip: • http://video.foxnews.com/v/2155575655001/startling-new-study-on-alcohol-use-in-america/ • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FeCOE4A9Xk
Binge Drinking • Drinking 5 or more alcoholic drinks at one sitting. • Problem among young people • Dangerous because it is possible to consume a fatal dose of alcohol
Alcohol Poisoning • A severe and potentially fatal physical reaction to an alcohol overdose. • Since alcohol is a depressant, it shuts down involuntary actions such as breathing and the gag reflex that prevents choking.
Effects of alcohol poisoning pg 570 • Mental confusion & stupor • Coma and an inability to be roused • Vomiting and seizures • Slow respiration • Irregular heartbeat • Hypothermia (pale or bluish skin color) • http://www.nbcchicago.com/video/#!/news/local/22-Warrants-Issued-After-NIU-Fraternity-Death/183884271
Interactive health tutor • Open: iSwifter APP • Open the bookmarks tab and choose: “Glencoe chapter activities” • Drop Down: “Chapter Activities” • Choose: “Chapter 21” • Open: “Interactive Health Tutor” • Open: “chapter 21a” • http://glencoe.com/olc_games/game_engine/content/gln_health/gln_health_09/conc_game/english/ch21a/index.html